I realized that I never fully understood just how severely Do-han’s long-period of evil masquerade ate away at his soul until I watched this scene. His maniacal cackling showed a man on the brink of his sanity breaking down, a man who has compromised much of his morality that he barely remember the person he used to be. Witnessing that, I’m glad his team members were too stubborn and impatient to wait for him to make a proper introduction. Yes, they might presented him with more hindrance to his master plan, but I believe that their presence and questions and protest were the exact thing Do-han needed to remind him of his better self. Besides, I think it’s a good thing that now he has 3 other people with whom he can interact as his true self.



    Yes yes yes!!!!
    It feels a bit self pluggish but when you finished I’d love to share the mile long thing I wrote on this show with you. It’s not my best write up if a drama and it’s a bit cheesy but I still agree with everything I wrote in it, especially his character breakdown. Anyway.
    Yes his laughing is spine chilling and how far gone he is is so important


      Ooh.. I would love to read that. I know he is a rare character, but he is even more fascinating that what I imagined. Usually antihero character in many other dramas turned into cartoonish villain by the end, or shoved into hasty redemption act. So far, it doesn’t seem to be happening here, so I’m excited to see what the writer has in mind for his character.


        Yay! I will link it to you when I’m finished.

        This writer is very good at character writing and KYK just propells Do Han Into another level ontop of the writing with his acting.
        I’ll say more when it’s finished but yeah.


        Definitely! You have hit the nail! I think you’ll enjoy the ending more than we did. The last recap with comments should be read as well—after you’re done, or course. Are you reading the recaps as you watch? They’re quite poignant as well. (And then there are live—who can’t keep gushing about KYK. 😂)


          *mine, not live


          I’ve read the recaps 3 years ago, so I know what was coming (even though the details are fuzzy). And I also re-read it after watching each eps. Teriyaki and Candidclown gave so much insight with their comments.
