There is something about Lee Jae Wook that draws you towards him.
I don’t remember the last time an actor had such an impact on me. He goes from looking cute to charming to intense to vulnerable with such ease, it’s hard to ignore him.
I look forward to his future projects!
Is it just a coincidence that his name is a blend of two hotties – Kim Jae Wook and Lee Dong Wook!!


    Woo Do Hwan in Save Me. He ripped that drama away from the ML with his performance and screen presence.

    Also, this this guy was born in 1998?


      I didn’t watch Save Me, but Woo Do Hwan definitely has intensity (I saw half of that forgettable drama called Great Seducer).

      Until I see that little twinkle in his eyes I can’t tell his age. Is it bad am crushing on a kid that was born when I finished my graduate degree 🙂


    Definitely Park Hyung Shik for me!!! I wanted to check out Strong Woman Do Bong Soon for Ji Soo and Park Bo Young. Was so bummed that Ji Soo was the second lead, then ep 2 later I was swoooning hard for Park Hyung Shik lol. He was a better actor too, and Ji Soo just fell flat and was underperforming in that drama IMHO.

    It’s the same exact thing happening in this drama. Only that Jang Ki Yong is the main lead and underperforming,

    I hope I won’t have a severe second lead syndrome when his drama comes out with Kim Hye Yoon 💔
