Lovers in the Afternoon
Does anyone know the original? I like the show but Jian is a bit strange. Why does she feel she has to stay with the husband? Does she think that’s what she deserves? Will this story be some morality lesson?


    I don’t know the original but Ji-eun asked for a divorce? If you meant why she stayed with him despite his neglect, well – that’s culture.


      I should have said I’m still on ep 10 and she stayed with him even after the affair. She just felt guilty and had no plans of divorce so I felt she was a little strange even for their culture.


        🤦 my bad. Sorry for the spolier lixie. But about the culture thing, my country thinks similarly about divorce and people stay together despite abuse, cheating and more. I think it fits with the culture that she wouldn’t think of divorce deposited the cheating.


          It’s ok don’t worry someone else had already talked about this. This culture thing is what surprises me when people are so quick to judge anyone about affairs, like anyone can get a divorce so easily and people don’t have any right to put themselves first.
