#HDL11 This episode was all over the place. Made me laugh, cringe, teary, and anxious… And, I really liked it.


    Chan Sung is really given god’s eyes because his dreams are about everyone and everything, even what Man Wol hadn’t seen. Honestly though, I’ve had enough flashbacks of the past. Cut it out already. Either bring him back now or never.

    I’m gonna die when Chan Sung wears that tiger (actually leopard) pattern suit. Please do it for Sanchez, lol.🤣

    Man Wol to Sanchez: I’ll treat you extra well when you come to our hotel in the future.🤣

    The whole telephone service gave me crazy feels — from laughing my butt off to choking on melodrama.

    The fact that Man Wol had a bubbly rice cake outfit and matching accessories ready cracked me up.🤣 Finally, a date that’s actually a date.❤️

    Wow, a living ex-manager returns — the smart one that made Man Wol rich.

    I know lunar eclipses always bring out the crazies, but this hotel sells the craziest honeymoon suite.

    Death is cute.

    Our poor Sanchez, you don’t deserve this😫.

    Our poor Chan Sung😫, you absolutely know the pain waiting ahead but you’re not a noble idiot — you’re a true Harvard con artist.

    See! I knew Mago wasn’t truly compassionate. It’s all about getting Man Wol soundly out of her jurisdiction and onto the next phase. She’s waited too long and now will try anything. Even hurting Chan Sung to push Man Wol into a vengeful state.😠


      So, prophecy t8me – will some of our main characters be making use of the phone service? Or the “special” feature of room 404?

      Find8ng it Hard to believe all that was just filler…


        The phone will be hard to write in, unless Chan Sung takes the pill, it’s not necessary.

        I’m just throwing it out there randomly without any proof… Man Wol’s next life just got conceived in 404😈


          Lol…I was thinking more along the lines of a CS MW child… but I like your idea better. After 1300 or more years of penance, MW reincarnates as a chaebol heiress…

          The pill is still in MW’s possession… so it is possible that CS will end up taking it some how. Perhaps a sad good by scene…
