This is Part 1 of AvenueX’s sharing on the cdrama/show-making industry. Saddening, upsetting … I’m thinking it might be the same in several other parts of Asia.


    Very interesting and so sad it happened because he was basically pushed past his limit for the shows pleasure 😥 like she said, it was a senseless death.

    My only issue with the video is “actors should act. Singers should sing. Why does this type of program have to exist?” I don’t agree with this statement and seems ignorant. Programs like this exist because it gets viewers which in turn makes money. Same with shows like dancing with the stars. Many singers branch into acting and actors have branched into singing. Doing a show like this are these stars and contestants choices and another form of them branching out. Nothing wrong with that. These stars can branch out from just being actors and singers and there is also nothing wrong with shows like this existing. The issue is how this show is ran which needs fixing, not the existence of this type of show.

    Still very good video.


      While discussing this sad state of affairs, I was reminded that in other cases of young people collapsing (while doing things like running marathons), it was possible that there were hidden weaknesses/heart trouble that no one knew, that the ‘victim’ could have stopped earlier but didn’t or that other stress factors had been in place before the tragedies. There were many parties … the victim, the friend who invited, the company, the witnesses, the crew, the paramedics. It’s not easy to know to what extent blame can be laid and upon whom.

      However now once again the spotlight, at least for a while, is turned towards the way business is carried out in entertainment/production houses. It will not be the last sad tragedy that takes place but hopefully contributes to building more awareness and towards starting some way to make a change for the future.


      Exactly, in the oversaturated entertainment market it’s almost impossible to just stay in one’s lane and made living, not to mention that many entertainers are contractually obligated to take part in such programs for promotional measures, they have new shows, movie or music coming on. The real problem is lack of labor safety regulation in Asian entertainment, because let’s not pretend that it’s only China problem, Korea is similar with long filming hours and disregard for performers safety, Running Man, that inspired many of this shows is one of the glaring examples.


      The show pays its contestants well. There is a market.

      And that contract is really not that bad if one views it as a stern warning when one considers joining the show. Looking through one of my banks customer/user agreement, it’s pretty much unless you can prove it’s our fault, you are screwed.
