It is amazing to see just how many discussions digging deep into the kpop industry Her Private Life has triggered. Seems to me like this show could have gone much darker & the insight would have been much appreciated.

I am also glad to see that I am not the only one who was uncomfortable with HPL’s premise, what with their word play on “sasaeng” in their title. The word has a very negative connotation attached to it (idols themselves have routinely said how much they dislike them & that they are not considered to be fans by them), so I was surprised to see a show use that in such a light-hearted fun manner. Surprised & uncomfortable.


    I wanted to highlight some of the think they sad in the pres con. Just to understand what they wanted to tell in the drama.

    PD Hong Jong Chan began the press conference by explaining the drama. He said, “This is a story about a person who fangirls over idols, and two men who fanboy over the fangirl. I myself wasn’t very familiar with the concept of a fangirl, and I used to think that such a concept was far from the real world that we live in. However, while preparing for the drama, I realized that this could be a story about all of us. It’s about people who live passionately by loving and cheering passionately for someone else.”

    The actress said, “There’s a character named Cindy that appears in the drama. She is very charming and she will definitely show growth throughout the drama, but she makes mistakes in the beginning. By doing so, she addresses some misconceptions and common mistakes of real-life home masters. Sung Duk Mi is a character that portrays the correct example of a home master who puts the safety of celebrities first.”

    I think did they want to show a positive light on being fan, but also show how to do it right as Min young explained.


      I appreciate their sentiment, but there are so many things not healthy about fangirling, I fear they picked the wrong way to tell this story. If this is what they wanted to tell, maybe don’t do it in a way where it also seemingly excuses the toxicity of fandom.


    I’m not watching the show, but from all the reviews and Beanies’ posts about the show thus far is only pushing me further and further away from watching it, and a large part of it is because of the lighter tone of the show in general, and how the show seems to be making light of problems and issues that I— and many of the idols and artists themselves who experience these things daily— think and feel are serious and just don’t find it appealing and can’t bring myself to appreciate it all being made light of
