I was wondering what made WN so willing to help….. [continued in comments]


    Aside from the fact that WWX saved his life and this only once, he also saved WWX’s life when he was locked up in the cellar… normally that should’ve been enough to return his debt but WN is so willing to help even at the risk of his own life… maybe he didn’t feel that the Wen Sect would be willing to kill him off but still… there is still the risk of getting punished or getting his sister in trouble. Perhaps, he felt that it was worth it? He’d risk his own life to save the life of another… but this “another”….. I don’t see any appreciation from him at all…… Conclusion. WN is a little Angel!!!!!!


      I love WN. He is one of my favorites. I especially love his relationship with WWX.

      I think WWX kindness is what ultimately made Wen Ning want to help. He didn’t do it out of you saved me once so I’ll save you once. He did it because he was always looked down on and bullied but someone finally treated him kindly and with respect. It was something that stuck with him deeply, to the point of going against his own sect to help WWX.


        normally in kdramas and maybe other dramas, when someone is looked down upon and bullied, they become bullies themselves. But our WN is the opposite. He doesnt become a bully but rather he helps others! 🥰🥰
