Life update:
Applications Done. 💃🎶😊 Now to wait and hope to receive interview invites.

I’ve applied to 5 schools, so total no. of interview-invite outcomes: 2^5 = 32

That means there’s a 31/32 chance that at least one school will interview me?

That feels…pretty okay? Note that applying to more schools would have probably adversely affected my chances since the quality of each application would have dropped. So a probability of 31/32 is optimal, really the best I could ask. Only a 3.125% chance of no interviews at all, but a 96.875% chance of at least one – though of course, I want the 3.125% chance of all five.

*fingers crossed*

In the meantime, BTS released an awesome song by Yoongi. A nice reward for the applications / Stage 2 of applications that consumed an entire 2 months of my life.