Extraordinary You: The Musical – Introduction

This is a result of myself obsessing over this show, mixed with the fact that there was just a looooot of Taylor Swift playing on the radio this weekend. I’m not a huge T-Swift fan, but it felt like every song I heard spoke to some EY character plight and I couldn’t resist reimagining the show as a musical written by Taylor Swift. I concede that some songs may be a bit of a stretch, but fan service knows no bounds!

Side note: I know some of the story beats may be slightly truncated or vaguely out of order, but I tried my best without being able to rewatch episodes.

So… without further ado… Tiny’s Fan Wall presents – Extraordinary You: The Musical! (Told in several parts because character limits…)


    This is great!


    Tiny! This is a new beanie wall feature! Musical adaptations of currently airing dramas! I love it! Did you see you were featured on the fan page? (I screenshot it on my wall.) I haven’t listened to TS’s new album yet, so this will be fun! I did see her Reputation tour though!


      Thanks! I didn’t see the feature – how coooool! Thanks for the heads up.

      Now that I’m caught up – I won’t need to spam the Fan feed. Haha!
