Bulhandang premiere delayed

You’ll have to wait an extra week to catch the upcoming SBS drama Bulhandang (or also called Robbers; it’s still listed as the drama’s working title, so the title may change again) starring Jang Hyuk and Lee Da Hae. It’s been pushed back due to the postponement of the finale for the drama in its current timeslot, Lobbyist, and will now premiere on January 2.

(I’ve seen the series go by the title Robbers more commonly, but I’m not sure that he IS a robber, technically. I prefer the term “con man,” but when the series gets its official website and title up, I’ll revisit.)

Gasp. That means the Wednesday-Thursday series is in direct competition with Hong Gil Dong! Aish. (Actually, it’s no contest for me; fusion dramedy series Hong Gil Dong wins hands down, but I’ll still be keeping an eye on Bulhandang).

The series features Jang Hyuk as a scoundrel-y type who extorts money from women. Lee Da Hae is a widow living with her five-year-old daughter (so she had the kid when she was a minor, or are we supposed to believe she’s “mature” beyond her years?) and taking care of her mother-in-law. (If they make her angelic and self-sacrificing, I’m gonna puke.)

Other actors include Kim Jung Tae, Hong Kyung In, and Ma Dong Seok.

Via Newsen


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"angelic and self-sacrificing"...really LMAO. It is a bit hard to forget her cute image from My Girl though...


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The girl is very pretty, nice eyes


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I'm looking forward to that one because seeing everyone' praise on Thank You I started watching it. I've still got three episodes left to complete the serie and I have to say, this one is definitly the best for 2007, it was really touching, well acted everything was great. Felt a little ill at ease with Jang Hyuk's character in the first episodes. Bit peculiar I'd say, it's not everyday you see that kind of character portrayed but once I got used to it, ahhhh definitly something you should not have missed. Could you please add 9 End 2 Out in "Best serie of 2007"? It's been asked several times but I guess that it's a bit tough for you to read all the comments.

Anyway coming back to the topic, I'm not a Lee Da Hae fan, but I'll watch it just for Jang Hyuk, I'm a sucker for his type you know the "badly shaved type", "moustache type", he's got great muscles ( oh my, I was tempted to yell like a japanese "KYAAAAAAAAAA KYAAAAAAAA" in front of my screen when I saw his bare chest ^_^'), great actor. You know the manly look, something that (pardon me) I don't feel with Kang Ji Hwan. Moreover I never liked any drama he acted in, but I think Hong Gil Dong is gonna change my mind. Competition's gonna be tough but like you said if they turned Lee Da Hae into a "angelic and self-sacrificing" woman, they're definitly screwed. Everybody is tired of that type.


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the genre is called melodrama... so is Lee Da Hae gonna die in this? or her kid?

lmao at having a kid as a minor.


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I'm a bit bummed that the series is being pushed back 1 week. I know Robbers (so used to calling Robbers already) will face stiff competition with Hong Gil Dong...sighhh.. I just hope the drama turns out well.
I think Lee Da Hae's character is supposed to be in the late 20s so it's not a stretch at all to have a 5 year old kid. She can pull off playing someone in the late 20s (she's done it in Sweet 18).
I'm still unsure what the genre is. I don't think this will be a melodrama although maybe my definition of a melodrama is different than others'. It is probably more in the line of Thank You...a family drama as opposed to the trendy dramas (My Girl,Full House,etc). Is my assumption right?


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I have mixed feelings about this drama. On the one hand i am very much looking forward to it because I L O V E D Thank You. Jang Hyuk did such an excellent job that I am looking forward to see him in another drama. His character also seems interesting and i think he can pull it off very well....But Lee Da Hae as a widowed mother? hhmm...i hope she was not miscast...and like you said Javabeans, i REALLY hope they do not make her into an “angelic and self-sacrificing” woman because that will definitely blow. Which is funny because for some reason that "self-sacrificing" character worked extremely well in Thank You **scratches her head**


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It seems like some of you are unsure and doubtful of Da Hae being cast as the widow here..I personally think it's something refreshing for Da Hae (me being biased..as an avid Da Hae fan). And she's definitely done it before.. she played a 28 year old in Sweet 18.. and she managed to pull off that role so well. So her playing a mother doesn't come as something surprising to me...

As for the self-sacrificing part.. I'm alright with it. If her role requires it, why not? But I guess it's better not to anticipate so much from the drama..since it's sort of a melo drama? And not all melodramas can pull off the MISA/THANK YOU effect..

Lastly, the only downside of having the drama postponed (I actually thought it's better to postpone it..allows more time for preparation), it has to battle with Hong Gil Dong, one of my most anticipated dramas of 2008! Arrhhhhhhhh... I love LDH and Jang Hyuk, but I also adore Kang Ji Hwan and the Hong Sisters to bits..How can we not love such a collab? Man..it's damn hard to chooose..


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lol at ripgal. i'm biased as well, cause i'm a Da Hae fan. :D having a 5 year old kid at her age would have been getting pregnant at 18. that's not really that young compared to other young women i know. hehehe. i'm excited to see what the "competition" is going to bring out in both dramas.


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I am definitely looking forward to seeing Jang Hyuk in a drama. Right now after Hello Miss which I hated I'm not looking forward to seeing the actress as much but I'll give it a try


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Yeah I guess we're a bit biased when it comes to Da Hae.
Hello Miss was indeed a big disappointment, this I have to admit. It was just a pure waste of talent..Da Hae could have done much more than just that of a performance in H!M if she'd been given a better script. Sometimes I wonder if My Girl was already the best of Da Hae..since she's played all possible roles available, from the serious and bitchy lawyer in Sweet 18, to the demure and soft lady in Green Rose, to the spunky and adorable Yoo Rin in MG. I really want her to try something different..but I'm afraid that the more I expect from her, the more I'll be disappointed. Just like how I tried to convince myself that H!M was just pure bad luck for Da Hae and instead not Da Hae not being able to make another breakthru...sighs..

I hope Bandits/Robbers can change some of your minds...
Da Hae can certainly do better..


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I guess we can say that the drama drought is over. Personally, i have no complaint and will watch both. Unbelievably gorgeous leads. It's great that the two dramas are different so fans can have their choice. I'd have to say that the edge goes to Hong Gil Dong for having the fun factor. Wait, isn't Iljimae coming out almost at the same time?
May the best hunk... oops, "character actor", win! Good luck, gentlemen.


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tealeaf...according to dramawiki, Iljimae will air on March of 2008...i didn't know lee jun ki was going to be in that drama.....lee jun ki as the korean robin hood?...that should be interesting....

now that i think about it..there are so many interesting dramas coming up! Gourmet, I Love You, Cain and Abel, Bandits, Hong Gil Dong ....yay! the kdrama drought will be over soon ^__^
i hope they don't disappoint...


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Am looking forward to Hong Gil Dong because of KJH. I did'nt really like Capital Scandal but watching him kept me going. He has that undefinable thing about him that keeps you riveted to the screen when he's on. "drool". I guess watching Capital Scandal right after Coffee Prince was not a good idea.......


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i agree with tealeaf's thoughts about the drought. we all need several great dramas (both production- and ratings-wise) or more this coming year. i wish "bandits"/"robbers" and "hong gil dong" will be successful because i'm rooting for my favorite people. but in the case of da hae, i think i will be forever biased. whatever thing she's in, i i feel like i'm watching a childhood friend or a sister. yep, even her much-maligned singing in her latest musical foray. hehe. ripgal, let's not raise expectations for our beloved da hae; let's just enjoy come what may.

(i sound like such a fangirl, which i am. so please excuse.)


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Wow...sounds like Thank You all over again. Ha, I'm going to die of laughter. Oh, man. >_<


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Hmm...I'm looking forward to it, but somehow I think this will take that angelic/too-good-to-be-true type storyline. Hopefully I'm wrong.

On a sidenote, I can't believe you put that Girl Friends song up. Interesting! XD


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godzilla, you're right! lol the family dynamics and such are reminscient of Thank You. But it'll be ok, since Jang Hyuk's character isn't going to be so much of an in-your-face-ass, but maybe the charming, manipulative type. And unless they give Lee Da Hae the "ahjumma" haircut and perm, I don't at all buy her as mother to a five year old. lol I sound so negative, but I do look forward to seeing this drama. But unlike Coffee Prince and others, I'll wait for the reviews from people like javabeans before jumping right into it as soon as the subs are released. btw, I feel like.. of course LDH's character will be the self-sacrificing angel. How boring. Maybe they'll surprise us and instead of Jang Hyuk's character initially extorting money from her... his character will be introduced because she hired him to get her money to keep her household running. lol I don't know!


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Ah, Robber/Bandit will be competing with Hong Gil done then... I'm still looking forward to Bandit because I loved Lee Da Hae in "My Girl" and Jang Hyuk in "Thank You" (he was awesome) but I must say that the story itself doesn't sound too interesting... especially after having watched "Thank You" it kinda feels like a rip-off minus the AIDS thing (which provided an interesting twist to the story). Hopefully the writers will be taking the current story to a new level and surprise us in a refresh way... Korean writers usually seem to have a knack for that sort of thing ^^ And yeah I sure hope they won't portray LDH as angelic and self-sacrificing... that would be like "Thank You" all over.

Either way, between "Bandit" and "Hong Gil Dong", at present date I'd pick the latter :P I just watched "Capital Scandal" and boy was Kang Ji Hwan good! ^^ Since I have him fresh in my mind I'm really anticipating his next drama! The coming drama season is going to be so interesting~ Besides those two, "Cosmetic Surgery" is going to air in January as well XD


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Am I the only one who did not - L O V E - Thank You? **ducks to avoid angry fans** Don't hate me, but I had mixed feelings about Thank You. I started out really liking it (mostly because I love Jang Hyuk - La Plume, I'm right there with you on the badly shaved, gruff exterior/soft-on-the-inside rebel type) & of course, I loved little Bom. But as the story progressed, I started getting really annoyed with Gong Hyo Jin's character. Perhaps, it was because I had just finished watching Hello My Teacher, where she played exactly the same doormat! After being in love for eight years with Shin Sung Rok (I can't believe he's so young in real life), I just didn't buy that she fell for Jang Hyuk that quickly. And in the end, I ended up liking Shin Sung Rok's character, despite his faults. Which, btw, reminds me to ask javabeans what her overall rating for Hyena is. I've been wanting to watch it, but am waiting for the subs. Is it worth getting the DVD's (poor subs are okay with me)?

Back to Bandits/Robbers, Lee Da Hae as “angelic and self-sacrificing," right after her attempt at Rocker Chic, right after campy Aegissi, would be a laugh. I'm still looking forward to Hong Gil Dong but will probably end up watching both, eventually.


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#19 hjk
"And in the end, I ended up liking Shin Sung Rok’s character, despite his faults."

ME TOO!! His character got a lot more complex and interesting as the drama progressed whereas Jang Hyuk's went flat and south. *runs from indignant fans*


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Yes! Love for Jang Hyuk aside, he seemed to have no chemistry with his ex-girlfriend (poor casting choice, I guess), so I didn't buy that he was sooo in love with her, and then I didn't buy that he fell in love with Bom's mom. Oh, well.

One more thing about Thank You - though I did shed many tears throughout the series for various reasons, the grandfather who started out being cute and endearing ended up, for me at least, being somewhat irritating. As I was watching towards the end, I kept thinking, "if I hear him say Babo, DDonggae one more time...just shoot me and get it over with"
*still hiding from indignant fans*


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^ you guys, i agree. the father of the child... I started to really feel for him near the end of the drama even though I disliked him so much in the beginning. and yeah, Thank You was OK in my opinion. I wasn't in love with it like others. I really wanted to, but it left me unsatisfied.

So about Bandits... at first I was excited about it... but the more I read, the more boring it seems. I hope Lee Da Hae's character becomes a "bandit" lol


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i love lee da hae...
shes such a GREAT actress... :D


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It looks interesting, but I can't just picture her in a action kind type of drama,, lol. Koreans are so into action this past year,,, They barely do anything funny anymore. It's either sad dramas or action dramas...
Thanks a lot!
I like the casting!


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It does indeed sound like "Thank You" with the whole widow-daughter-taking care of elderly thing. Plus Jang Hyuk again! Looking forward to it though.


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This song makes me smile, haha... Yuri sang it to Yunho from tvxq on Xman and it was h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s! :)


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likely give this one a miss no matter how pretty the female lead is, I just do not like sad dramas, may catch up with it on a slow month next year.


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Lol. It's true that the drama drought IS over. I've actually had a phase where I wasn't watching kdramas because there didn't seem to be any good ones. I never thought that I would be at a loss for kdramas. However, seeing that great (-I hope!) new dramas are appearing, I would say I'm glad the new year started this way.

As for Robbers/Bandit, I'm sticking to it only because Jang Hyuk's in it and I somewhat liked him in "Thank you" and for Lee Da Hae because "My Girl" was one of my favorites (although I hated Hello Miss). However, I CAN wait until the subtitles come out for this.

For Hong Gil Dong, on the other hand..., I CAN'T WAIT! Kang Ji Hwan is so WONDERFUL... he is superb at acting and goodlooking :D. As for Sung Yuri, she's not that bad and I like her as a female lead. I know this drama won't disappoint me just because KJH is in it lol. I'm actually liking the historical “sageuk” dramas. Like you, javabeans, I thought sageuk dramas were boring at first but after I watched Legend of Hyang Dan, I changed my mind lol.

Good Luck to both dramas!


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your so cute


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