Rain as a Hollywoodified ninja

Well, this is an interesting new look for Rain… I mean, I think he looks pretty. But is now really the time to be feminizing his look further?

Okay, the details of his Wednesday afternoon press conference:

Rain, newly of the William Morris Agency, has been cast as the lead in a film to be produced by Joel Silver and the Wachowski brothers, titled Ninja Assassin. Regarding the possibility that both his first and second Hollywood roles seem to be Japanese characters (he plays a Japanese racecar driver in Speed Racer, also directed by the Wachowskis), Rain explains: “I haven’t received the script for Ninja Assassin so I’m not positive, but it’s my understanding that the character is not Japanese.”

Way to give a vague non-answer, but I can see how it could be problematic for both his Hollywood roles to be Japanese. Sure, he’s done some crossover promotion in Japan (with average, or perhaps slightly disappointing, results), but I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that the Korea-Japan relationship is still very much love-hate. (Love? Japanese dramas, pop music, anime. Hate? Well, just say “Dokdo” and prepare yourself for lengthy ethnocentric tirades — on both sides of the aisle.)

He continues: “I’ve been learning English and taking dance lessons and doing lots of preparations in the States. Although more than anything my music and recording work is most important to me, because I’ve been cast in Ninja Assasssin in my first leading Hollywood role, I’ll be debuting first as an actor.”

He hasn’t read the script. (CAN he read the script? Will he have it translated for him, and then translate it back?) He’s playing a ninja. He’s participating on the OST for an animated film, Kung Fu Panda. He’s got his Beijing Olympics single. He wants to produce a “worldwide album” this year. And debut two new artists who are trainees with his own label. RAIN! There is only one of you! Pick a side and stick to it until it’s complete! So many reservations about all this.

Via Hankyung, Sports Seoul, Mk.co.kr


Rain – “Move On” (Japanese version). There’s a Korean version of this song too, but it came out first on his Japanese album so this is the version I’m more used to. [ zShare download ]

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About the dokdo issue everytime I mention that she'll scream "IT BELONGS TO US! TO US!" and I'll just be like "no mom it doesn't" just to make her scream more, she'll usually smack me in the head and say "you traitor leave my house become an expat." xDDDD


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