Goodbye beast men, hello candy men?

Are choco abs a thing of the past? Probably not, but there does seem to be a new wave of heroes making a comeback, and sweeping the ‘Beast Men’ under the rug.

For a while now, the so-called Beast Men have cropped up and taken center stage, as a reaction against the ‘Flower Pretty Boy’ trend that piqued with dramas like Coffee Prince and made metrosexual pretty boys a pan-Asian phenomenon.

But it looks like the pretty boys are making a comeback, this time in the guise of ‘Candy Men,’ as in the cartoon, Candy. To be more specific, they’re being described as ‘Terius Men,’ named for Candy‘s leading male character, the ever-so-pretty boy of flowing locks and perfect complexion.

The poster boys for the return of Candy Men? Micky Yoochun, Song Joong-ki, and Kim Hyun-joong, of course. Headliners of soon-to-be cult classics Sungkyunkwan Scandal and Playful Kiss, these guys are leading the pack for the return of boys who are prettier than girls. Not that their heroines aren’t stunning. Maybe we’ll go with, “As pretty as.”

Micky Yoochun is being touted as the new Terius Man about town, but personally, I think Song Joong-ki blows both these guys out of the water. He’s got that perfect mix of angelic androgyny and boyish mischief that makes him the quintessential pretty boy. His bored, hedonistic playboy character in Sungkyunkwan is PERFECT for him. I certainly hope there’s a chance to see him in drag. He would kill it as a gisaeng.

Kim Hyun-joong got a head start in the Pretty Boy Pantheon, as the willowy white knight in Boys Over Flowers, and continues to tread that very fine line of pretty vs. girly in that trademark manner of his in Playful Kiss. So far, his main character traits consist of genius IQ, and very very pretty.

I don’t think that the Candy Men / Terius Men trend is new by any means, since pretty boys have already had their heyday. I do agree that I think Beast Men are on the way out, as I’m getting tired of seeing one cookie-cutter set of choco abs after another. (Not to mention that I hate the moniker, ‘beast.’) And if that means guys have to start shaving those pornstaches off, then I’ll be waving the flag and leading the march.

Via Osen

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Wait, where's my ultimate pretty boy Kim Jeong Hoon???
the 2nd prince in Goong!! seriously, where is he?
if they want pretty boy, then go for KJH. plus, boy can act.
There is just something BOTHERING abt him though. He DISTURBINGLY looks like Tegoshi Yuya of NEWS frm Japan.
They so look eeringly similar.




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you haven't seen Witch Yoo hee3 years ago?he's a man now beside the article is about NOw-this year,,,


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i watched Witch Yo Hee. I still fnd him really pretty.
I just realized he's in the army, thats why...
wish he'll do more dramas when he comes back.


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I always thought KJH looked more like a younger Korean version of Fujiki Naohito- like if Fujiki Naohito has a son with Song Hye-gyo, it would be Kim Jeong Hoon.


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I so agree! These three actors are so hot ;) I am currently watching Sungkyunkwan Scandal and will watch Palayful Kiss eps 1-2 later. Keep them coming! :)


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Okay, I hate the pornstahes but I love all my men-beast, pretty, candy/teirus. They all be delicious, girl.
But I agree about Song Joong Ki. He is so cute and also such a bad boy as well. I absolutley loved him since his first drama appearance and im so happy he gets so much screen time in sungkyukhwan scandal!


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I want Candy on the outside, Beast on the inside.
Or Beast on the outside, Candy on the inside.
Also both... together... as two sides of a K-drama love triangle. Starring me.


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I like balance as in Kim Hyun Joong, Kim Jae Joong. Unexplainable charismatic faces with buff shoulders & trim waist and good height. Fit but not beastly. Kim Bum & Lee Min Ho are next on the list but wish they workout just a bit more. I like some of Sol of 2PM's songs, but another must factor is height, nothing under 180cm. Also appreciate that they don't show alot all the time. If they are fit, it will show tone-ness even when wearing t-shirts...or in this case, school uniforms.


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I dun think the choco abs are out, its just that they are coming in later in the form of Runaway and Athena!


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I have to say that Micky Yoochun is not...that pretty, especially compared to fellow band member Hero Jaejoong.
That's a really pretty boy!

Half of Kpop idol band's members are pretty boys, at least they got one in the band.
Even in a 'beast' boyband like 2PM, they have resident angel, Nichkhun ( how I really envy his glowing skin! ). Nichkhun has pretty angelic face but a beast body, that's a killer combination that I like. ( no I'm not his fan, but this is just an example )

But, please don't go too soon beast men, I haven't get through my phase admiring some fresh choco abs! :P

Song Joongki, he's cute..but not that pretty, IMO. I agree that he looks like a mischievous boy, but pretty? I don't think so. Lee Jun ki is pretty. hell, half of the Super Junior's members are pretty.

And I think it's the special charm of Asian men? haha.


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Really really enjoying the comments here. Me? I like them all types but I think Kang Dong Won the best eye candy. How about him looking through the school gates at "Da-Hyong" in 1% of Anything.

I live in Scandinavia and I'm just tired of blond men.


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I pick Kang Dong Won too!


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I don't know, I think it's just more of a mix now - I mean, KHJ is pretty but from some pics he also looks pretty built. A pretty face alone won't just cut it either.

But yeah, I definitely agree that willowy guys are being touted as more of an ideal as of late over body builders.


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i totally agree!! that's what i like about kim hyun joong too, he has a great combi imo: a buff bod with a face that can be manly yet pretty.
he's stealing my heart now, i tried to resist but i can't!!


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I never really saw Kim Hyun Joong as a pretty boy before, when he was in SS501. I think the pretty boy image came when he acted in Boys Over Flowers and it just stuck.

As for Micky Yoochun, I think Hero Jaejoong is prettier and definitely more muscular. I'm the first to admit I like pretty boys, but I also prefer them to be a bit built - not too built like a body builder but not thin as a stick either.

Song Joong Ki, I don't know if he's pretty or if he just looks that way because of his character in SungKyunKwan Scandal. I have this feeling he's the kind of actor that actually blends into his roles, and because his Yong Ha is considered pretty, he becomes pretty as well. I think he can handle a manly look too if the role had required it of him.


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Song Joong Ki is the forever pretty boy while Kim Hyun Joong melts a girl's heart.

Tbh, Yoochun (in my opinion) isn't that pretty really. I find that other guy/look-a-like (Moon Junyoung from ZE:A) better looking.


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Blechh pretty boys. I'm all for the beastly men and their choco abs. I don't think that will ever get old...


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"but personally, I think Song Joong-ki blows both these guys out of the water. He’s got that perfect mix of angelic androgyny and boyish mischief that makes him the quintessential pretty boy".I agree with you GF!!somehow I find Song Jong Ki is more charming than the other two..he's the reason why I keep watching SK..


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Yes, Micky is not a pretty boy coz he's Mr. Suave! XD



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yeah love Mr Suave ... i think he is really handsome but .... i'd love him even if he was ugly ... he is sooooooooooooooooooo much more than only his looks <3


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First thing I noticed was that Song Joong-ki doesn't have bags.


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God ! Is this boy oops man 25 years old ? He looks as if he is 17...


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Some people here have either forgotten or don't understand what a flower boy is. A flower boy by definition is a male who looks pretty [looks feminine]. A flawless porcelain skin, beautiful smile, etc. They generally look like their mother.

Come on, Lee JunKi? Seriously. If Lee JunKi's mother looked like him... no comment.


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"They generally look like their mother."

haha reminds me of yoochun <3


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I think that the lead from Cinderella's sister... his name escapes my mind... is definitely a flower boy with his small baby face and adorable smile.


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He's Chun Jung Myung.


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LOL to your last comment girlfriday. I'm always up for looking at some pretty boys but I would rather take beastly men with a nice face and choco-abs ANY DAY (although I may make an exception for song joong gi). BUT I'm totally with you on the weird pornstaches. those have got to go.


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Yoochun is very good looking.
But his looks are not appreciated well enough.
I guess his looks belongs one of those that requires time and observance before you really realise how gorgeous he is.
And after that, you'll fall head over heels for his charms and looks.


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i agree. plus i've noticed fans in the states don't take too well to yoochun's looks, but the asian fans in asian countries seem to eat it all up wonderfully. haha yoochun's been called a pretty boy/kotminam many times before in korea, with pictures and videos as proof. but, hey. everyone has their own tastes i suppose. i prefer my men with nice, sexy collarbones, pouty lips, chubby cheeks, and quintessential eye-smiles. to all his own.


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"asian fans in asian countries seem to eat it all up wonderfully"
Not really... I'm Asian but my friends around me don't find him good looking at all. I feel like smacking them for their inability to see all the time.

I really do blame the hair. And his inadequate lifestyle - smoking, constant air travel and lack of sleep, which is making him look aged.

He really has a perfect face. I can't stop marveling each time I look at his pictures... <3

"i prefer my men with nice, sexy collarbones, pouty lips, chubby cheeks, and quintessential eye-smiles."
My man happen to fit your description, looks like we've got the same good taste in men. xD

But of course, it's his character that makes me so smitten. *.*


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lol i was speaking in general because yoochun has always seem to make it on the romantic, flower boys list and he's high up too. they always talk about his milky skin and lips. haha

i don't really care what other people say about his styling since the reason i love him is because he's so eccentric and willing to try new things. aging-wise, lol, maybe i'm just blinded, but i'm fine where he's headed.

haha, looks like we do.

of course. ;D


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Well I learned that micky with the right hairstyle can look very handsome or pretty...but normally yeah i dont find him THAT pretty


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I agree on the contrary I can't seem to see how people find Jaejoong somewhat "pretty" or "handsome" talk about "gorgeous. This man face is SO weird ! I like Micky better especially his smile.


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i really got interested with micky because of the drama but when i looked DBSK up, jaejoong was actually the first one i noticed. to each her own i guess but he really looked beautiful to me. and he was like the whitest among them so he stood out, and he was showing his abs. lol. i then searched a video and found out he was the main vocalist of the top vocal band of korea. he then earned extra points from me. voice plus talent plus a hot body. i'm smitten. lol.


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oops! in the end, i meant face not voice.

and i also forgot to sign my name...



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mmm weird? ... LOL that´s weird to hear ... XD
Jaejoong is really really beautiful <3
but he is much more than only his beautiful looks ... he is awesome!


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yep, I agree..he is a 'sleeper'! but I do think he is a cutie...


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My vote goes to both Song Joongki and No Minwoo. No Minwoo is sooo hot I have to stop myself from stalking him :P


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War of *nipple tattoo* comments? LOL.


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Um, I don't think that abs make a "beast" man XDDD What the heck is a beast man anyway? O_O Someone like Wolverine? Don't think I've seen any like that in Kdramas XD


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Thanks for this article, girlfriday!
Pretty boys? Jang Geun Suk for the win!
Looking forward to Mary.
But gotta love Song Joong Ki much in SKKS.


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I guess you are right Javabean. Nowadays I suprise myself by drooling over guys like Kim Hyung Soo, Song Jong Ki, No Min Woo even noona killer -not legal- Yoo Seung Ho- I admit this boy has some skills in acting and I guess I am not the only noona drooling over him since Seo Woo who is 8 years older than him agreed to play his WIFE in their upcomming drama WOOO !


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i never really liked flower boys (except for some occasional whiff of lee min-ho and lee jun-ki) but i'm definitely seeing some flower boy action in jang hyuk (the famed choco abs of lee dae gil's got flowers to boot too) and kim nam-gil (in his bidam guyliner)

i'm perfectly fine with flower boys but i still prefer the men. but yeah, if it's a little overdone (like taking a shirt off in every other scene. in autumn.) then that's just cathartic.


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That's why Kang Dong Won is my fav pretty boy. I have never seen him taking off his clothe or half nude (maybe because his body is not all that) but I like this image.


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were you going to finish it off?


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KHJ has no facial expressions. That sort of turns me off. I'm not a big fan, but I saw him once in a variety show. It was like he had no soul. All of the other SS501 members appealed to me more. Micky is not pretty in my opinion. But Joong-ki is adorable ! I find beastly men more attractive. I mean perfect abs never hurt anyone.


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It's a sure sign of cultural collapse when men start acting like women and vice versa.


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Micky Yoochun as pretty??? I've never thought that about him at all... I guess most would say that Hero Jaejoong is pretty but he kind of creeps my out... I've always thought that Changmin (DBSK) was pretty (I like him way better than the rest of them), except that he's soooo tall, I didn't notice it as much when he stood next to the other DBSK members but when he stood next to my ultimate fave Suju's Kim Heechul (pretty boy extraordinaire) ... I was like... dang that boy's tall.

As for the whole Beast men vs. Candy men... I've never gone much for the beast men... one of the reasons why I'm sort of put out with Suju, since they went for the beast look... I loved them best when they were just adorkable pretty boys without so much muscle... though I still love them anyways... but I want them to stop working out so much (I'm glad Heechul never went to the dark side...hehehe)... T___T

I've also never been a fan of 2PM the beast masters... they were all about the body and I hardly ever look at the body first, I look at faces... that's also one of my reasons for liking manga vs. American comics... the muscles in the american comics kind of gross me out and the faces are never that pretty they are always so square and "masculine" eew... It's something that bothers me in "real" life also, I even made my boyfriend stop going to the gym when he began getting too bulgy... I like guys toned but not overly so.

I guess that preference also translates over even to Hollywood, it's not only in my k-drama, k-pop addiction that I like pretty guys... I'll watch all of Dicaprio's movies because it's him, and now it's proven that he's an awesome actor, but back in the day it was all for the eyecandy...I mean Romeo and Juliet modern times adaptation was like the worst movie ever made in the history of rotten movies, but I watched it 3 times when it came out because of him... I love almost any movie that Orlando Bloom (he's pretty ^^) is in also. On the other hand, I won't watch a Schwarzenneger, The Rock, or Vin Diesel movie... ever... just all that muscle turns me off... I don't care if it's the best movie out there... I won't watch it. period.

I LOVE all things pretty and I am proud of it! (On a side note: in candy candy my fave wasn't Terry it was AAANTHONY!!!!! )


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got to agree..Song Joong-ki was the cutest..i wont call him pretty since for my eyes..he's not the kind of guy that i can call as pretty..but jokwon~ he is pretty for me with the flawless skin. heheh


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These terms crack me up, but really, most of the so-called "beasts" and "candy men" in K-pop aren't really that manly or pretty (as in "prettyboy").

Just b/c one has abs or some muscle doesn't make on "manly" - c'mon, Jo Kwon has abs and some muscle tone and he's probably the antithesis of "manly."

Being "manly" has to do w/ having a masculine facial features (square jaw, etc.), as well as a good physique (more bulk/body mass than the typical K-pop star).

Manly korean stars would be those like Kim Sung soo, Oh Ji ho, Song Seung heon, Han Jung soo, Jo Han sun, Jang Hyuk, Kwon Sang woo, Won Bin, etc. (out of the K-pop, guys like Siwon, Taecyon, some members of Shinwha and G.O.D.).

Now, while these guys are manly - they could also be regarded as "metro" or "prettyboys" as Brad Pitt or George Clooney are sometimes referred to in the States.

As for the "candymen", "flowerboys", "prettyboys" in the sense described by the Korean media - most of them really aren't good looking and are referred to being as such more for their androgynous style and physique.

As for KHJ, both Lee Min ho and Kim Bum have better facial features.


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Joongki in drag would most definitely be a sight to behold.

Although Yoochun fits into the pretty boy type, I don't think he naturally fits the mold. It's the investment of a lot of effort (who takes care of his skin?!). He is actually a pretty normal looking guy, but I think a lot of pains are taken to present him as pretty.


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I never saw Micky Yoochun before and just know recently that Song Joong-ki was that brother in Will It Snow for Chrsitmas and Kim Hyun-joong, saw him in BBF. I think of all the three I think Song Joong-Ki is the only candy men for me. When I first saw him in WISFC I was already attracted and then saw him again in SS and the fangirl in me screamed again then when I googled him that is the only time I knew he was in WISFC. I saw Kim Hyun-joong in BBF but I do not like his acting there and is the one I'm for is Lee Min ho so maybe that is why I do not see him as a candy man. Well I just finished episode 2 of SS and I love Song Joong-ki's acting. I think in SS Micky Yoochun would give a wonderful performance and the writers would continue to give him a wonderful character I can be a fan but not treat him as a candy man...Just an opinion.


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micky yuchun fighting!!!!!!! i love u so much!!!!!!!


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Arrrggh! I scanned through all these comments for folks' take on Terry/Terius (squeeeeeee!) but only a handful!! Drats! Anthony was perfect for young Candy. Pure of heart, perfect rendering of sweet innocence.

But it also makes sense that he/innocence/youth had to die and make way for a more conflicted and troubled Terry/Terius because that's how adult life goes.

Loved Anthony. Loved Terry/Terius. And unfortunately, I still haven't found my Terius.

Thanks, JB, for a very fond jog down memory lane.


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Since U brought up the "Candy Candy" factor into this...now I can wish that my ever-fave cartoon to be made into a series--Korean series. I know it's kinda a long journey since there's copyright issue. But, when the time comes...I'm sure it will rock the world.

I've been mentally handpick the appropriate actors for the cast--for quite some time..hahaha. I can only think of Kim Hyun-joong is a very much appropriate actor to play role of Anthony (remember how he looked so prince-like in BOF). Jang Geun-suk as Terry (he has that perfect bad-boy aura). & maybe Jeong Il-woo as one of the pretty brothers. However, I cannot think who'd be the most suitable actor to play Albert, though...Ah so confused...hahahaha..

But it's simply a dream. Imagine if it is really happened, it will bring the new craze-wave as in BOF & You're Beautiful before. Imagine: The group of Candy Men...& especially if it's scripted well by the Hong's sisters, HA..that's the series I'd LOVE to see!


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After reading the above, I sighed, seriously, one of the prettiest of the guys was Rain, to see his pictures after his stint in Hollywood is to understand that he was the definite "Fantasy Candy". I don't know how many ladies had his picture on their walls but I am certain that he was one of the favorite pin-up for the gay community. I had no problem sharing him with the world, because in my dreams, he was all mine.
He let the body slid, but I guess after his stay in the army he will be back to Mercy, he is hottttttttt for a little while.
Then I will be back to remembering the good ole days when Rain was burning hot. I will stop now.


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really nice review, although I m late leaving comments; thats fine for me, ha ha..

It is answer my question why on earth Asian like having 'Candy Man' tsunami. Androgene character? Yes, its satisfied both of gender and or sexes. Recently homosexual is started to be accepted step by step internationally.

I think another idea when I read your blog, Girlfriday. It is a success story of Japan manga to create ideal image for those who read the comic in their adolescence time. It means its a more than 10 years impact I think.

Bravo anthony and the genk :) and who ever create it off course. Idea plantation is always sparkling afterwhile


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I want to see Song Joongki as a gisaeng, with a sageuk Yoo Ah In unknowingly falling in love with him. Hihihihi. <3


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