Three Days: Episode 13

I was expecting the two-week break between episodes to make my memory hazy on the details of this show, but as it turns out, when your plot is this simple there’s no misremembering things. Some people want the president dead, and other people want to protect him. Clear enough, but what do you do when the president no longer wants to be protected?


Kim Bo-kyung – “가슴이 소리치는 말” (The Words My Heart Screams) for the Three Days OST [ Download ]

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The president meets with our resident evildoer Chairman Kim, who snarls and challenges President Lee to guess the person who dies next, all because of him. Sigh, megalomaniacs are so showy sometimes.

As they talk, someone from up in the stands aims his sniper rifle right at Tae-kyung. Then the scope moves over to the president and locks on its target. But Tae-kyung is thankfully facing in that direction, and the rifle’s scope reflects light as it moves.

The flash of light snaps Tae-kyung to attention and he screams, “Gun, eleven o’ clock!” All the agents spring into motion, and in one fluid movement, the president is surrounded and led out from the stadium.

Tae-kyung stays behind and sticks his gun in Chairman Kim’s face, which then leads all of the bodyguards and agents remaining to raise their guns in a confusing jumble of men in black. I’m sure they know which side they’re playing for, so that’s all that’s important.

Tae-kyung says that it’s perfectly within his job description to fire his weapon at anyone who attempts to endanger the president, but Chairman Kim just smirks coolly that he has no idea what he’s talking about.

The Blue House agents race to the other side of the stadium to try and locate the sniper, but he’s vanished. With no real evidence of foul play, Tae-kyung knows he has nothing to hold him with, and lowers his weapon. Chairman Kim then goads him and asks where Cha-young and Bo-won are…

They’re in Cha-young’s hospital room, of course, with the shady assistant prosecutor smiling at them like a creep. He and Bo-won recognize each other, and the air turns to ice.

Suddenly Bo-won’s phone rings, and when she reaches to answer it, the prosecutor makes his move. The cops he planted in the hall come running in, and they attack both women.

When Tae-kyung can’t get a hold of Bo-won, he calls his buddy who was supposed to stay by her side. But he says they parted at the hospital. Worst bodyguard ever. Up in the hospital room, Bo-won gets knocked out with a blow to the head, and Cha-young gets strangled until she passes out.

The president realizes that other people are in danger and refuses to go back to the Blue House until he checks on Cha-young. They turn the cars around on his command.

Tae-kyung’s friend finds the room empty, and downstairs we see three (fake? Dirty?) cops wheeling someone out on a stretcher. They reach the hospital parking garage, but just before they can get away, they’re blockaded by a row of cars. Yay, it’s the president, here with his army of guards.

The agents move to examine the person on the stretcher, so the cops pull out their guns and try to fight. It’s pretty hilarious how quickly the agents disarm them and turn the tables. Once the baddies are pinned down, President Lee goes over to the stretcher and braces himself before lifting the sheet. His eyes widen… Please don’t be dead.

Tae-kyung arrives and runs over to the stretcher. He sighs in relief and calls out Bo-won’s name, and she opens her eyes. Phew. She asks for Cha-young and looks around, but she’s long gone.

After getting her head wound bandaged, Bo-won tells Tae-kyung that it was the assistant prosecutor who took her, and they go through the hospital’s security feed. They find him wheeling an unconscious Cha-young away in a wheelchair at the same time the others were taking Bo-won in the other direction.

The president wants to go back and confront Chairman Kim about this, but his head of security won’t allow him to just walk into a death trap. Tae-kyung steps up and says he’ll go talk to Chairman Kim himself.

President Lee leaves with a long face as Tae-kyung bows, no doubt troubled again by how little it is he can do to protect his people.

Once they’re gone, Tae-kyung just puts his arm around Bo-won and leads her away without a word. Awww.

The president calls a meeting with the Falcon representative, who confirms what he already knew—they’re after money. He offers to let the president find creative solutions, like buying up Falcon weapons, or resuming the partnership they once had. Otherwise, people keep dying.

Tae-kyung takes Bo-won back to his apartment and re-checks all the locks. She asks him to let her help in the search because she feels responsible for letting them take Cha-young on her watch, but he’s firm about not letting her take one step outside.

He redresses the wound on her forehead, and says he knows it’s frustrating but she needs to stay put. He promises to find Cha-young and pretends like he’s not worried at all about finding her.

Prosecutor Choi apologizes to the president for the mole in his department. So far they have no leads, and are still struggling to find something to pin on Chairman Kim that’ll hold up in court.

Tae-kyung goes to see Chairman Kim as promised, and I love how surly he is now as he enters, with no pretense of trying to be civil anymore. Chairman Kim relishes the moment as he opens up his tablet and shows a live feed to a room where Cha-young is tied up and gagged, struggling against her restraints.

He goes into this patronizing spiel about how the president’s bodyguards are SO impressive that an attack during an official public function is near impossible. But he notes with a gleam in his eye that a personal outing—now that would be different.

Tae-kyung narrows his eyes as Chairman Kim suggests that all he has to do is invite the president out for a friendly dinner or a movie. Because you think the president might enjoy a movie bro-date while terrorists are running around threatening to bomb random citizens on buses?

Chairman Kim points out that Tae-kyung is the one agent that President Lee trusts more than anyone, so if anyone can do this, it’s him. Tae-kyung realizes now that the sniper in the stadium was just a test—they were flexing to test the Blue House agents, and when they found out it would work, they moved on to Plan B and kidnapped Cha-young as leverage.

Tae-kyung growls and asks if this is what he did to manipulate Team Leader Ham into doing his bidding. He refuses to cave to his ploy, and tells Chairman Kim not to underestimate the presidential security team as he turns to walk away.

Chairman Kim takes one last potshot: “I guess you’ll just live the rest of your life burdened by the guilt that you killed agent Lee Cha-young.” Tae-kyung turns around with anger blazing in his eyes: “If Cha-young dies, I will kill you.” Niiice. I’m not ashamed to admit that I do a little fist-pump every time Tae-kyung gets the last word in.

The Falcon rep comes by to warn Chairman Kim that he’s replaceable and that he’ll be financially responsible for all their losses if the presidential order to stop international withdrawals gets passed by the national assembly. He warns Chairman Kim not to go the way of his father.

On his way out, Tae-kyung recognizes a familiar car driven by one of Chairman Kim’s men. He peers inside and sees a parking sticker and stubs from a gas station, and it gives him the idea to check the surrounding neighborhood for a possible hideout. Well that’s a bit convenient.

Meanwhile, Chairman Kim comes by to see Cha-young himself, and stops to put on a pair of rubber gloves. Gack.

Bo-won spends her day cleaning Tae-kyung’s apartment, and smiles at the photos sitting on his desk. The doorbell rings, and she runs to get it. Wait, don’t answer that!

Chairman Kim picks up a small blade (An x-acto knife? Is it better or worse that he plans to make shallow cuts?) and brings it menacingly close to Cha-young’s face.

Tae-kyung circles around the neighborhood near the gas station until he finds other cars with the same parking sticker, and discovers two men in black suits coming out of a storefront. He runs inside.

Chairman Kim rips the duct tape off of Cha-young’s face and she tells him it’s useless to kidnap her. He doesn’t need much convincing on that matter since he’s already decided to manipulate some other agent, and tells her that he’ll get away with all his crimes like he always does, and all she needs to do is quietly die.

Tae-kyung runs up the stairs and finds a hallway lined with cameras and a room blocked off by a gate, and he just kicks the gate down. But it’s not the room where Cha-young is being held—it’s some sort of minion hideout, complete with a big board and evil plan roadmap.

Chairman Kim gets a call from someone else in the Blue House (just how many moles does this guy have?) and tells this mystery person that Tae-kyung running around on his own doesn’t matter—they just need to lean on the president.

President Lee doesn’t need to be leaned on much, since he’s already sitting in his office weighed down by the guilt of all the deaths in the past few days. He recalls each of them one by one (when we line them all up in a montage like that, the death toll does seem excessive).

He slams his hand on the desk and then picks up the phone. He calls Chairman Kim and offers to walk out of the Blue House on his own two feet. In exchange they have to return Cha-young and leave Tae-kyung and the other agents unharmed.

Chairman Kim agrees cheerily, saying he has no intention of harming the agents and will in fact help him ditch the guards for their meeting, since it only benefits him. They agree to meet in a movie theater that night.

Tae-kyung waits until Prosecutor Choi arrives at the hideout to take pictures and collect the evidence, and Tae-kyung mentions that one of the documents involves a theater that has yet to be linked with any of the attacks. He asks the prosecutor to look into it.

He calls the security team leader and leaves a message about the same movie theater, but the message goes suspiciously ignored. Great, is the new boss the other mole?

Tae-kyung comes back to the office but his team is back out in the field because the president had a personal meeting. He doesn’t have much time to mull that over (though really, it should be raising a red flag or twenty), because Bo-won is waiting at his desk.

He’s alarmed because he told her to wait at home, but she says that he had a visitor earlier that night. A flashback to the apartment reveals that it was President Lee who came by.

He looks around the place and smiles at the family pictures, and recalls that he first met Bo-won in the ambulance while Team Leader Ham and Tae-kyung were fighting outside, remembering both her name and rank.

He says he’s here to ask her for a favor: “Agent Han Tae-kyung is someone who only knows how to protect others, and doesn’t know how to protect himself. Sometimes he only runs while looking ahead and misses the truly important things. So I worry about him. Will you stay by his side and protect him? Can you do that?”

She gives a nod between stunned blinks, and he smiles warmly. President Lee takes out an envelope and asks her to give it to Tae-kyung, and she hands it to him now. He opens it to find a USB drive inside, and watches the video loaded onto it.

The president addresses the camera and bows, and we don’t hear the rest of the audio. All we get is Tae-kyung’s horrified reaction as he pulls his headphones off, and Bo-won asks what it is.

Tae-kyung: “I have to stop it. The president went to his death.”

Led by his security team, President Lee marches silently into the empty theater where a movie is already playing. He sits down with his guards surrounding him, just waiting…

Cha-young manages to get herself over to the desk where Chairman Kim so conveniently left his x-acto knife lying around, and cuts herself free. She calls Tae-kyung’s apartment, and Bo-won picks up. (Why is she back home? Can we get her back in the action, please?)

Thankfully Bo-won is smart and calls Prosecutor Choi directly to report that she found Cha-young, and that they can’t trust anyone else with the information.

Tae-kyung races to the theater, knowing that whatever goes down happens at 8:00 PM—he saw the notes in the hideout he found earlier. President Lee sits in his seat anxiously until just minutes before 8:00, and then gets up to go to the bathroom.

Most of the agents remain in the theater at the team leader’s orders, and he’s the only one standing just outside the restroom. President Lee stands there just waiting for the seconds to pass by, and a flicker of fear flashes across his face.

Tae-kyung races inside the building, when suddenly the fire alarm goes off, effectively turning the crowd of moviegoers into the perfect diversion. The agents race to the president’s last location, but he’s gone.

Two of them find the president heading towards one of the emergency exits, but he steps on the other side of a gate that closes behind him. As he watches the agents race toward him, we flash back to his demands for Chairman Kim.

He says that his security team trains daily to make their bodies do the opposite of what comes naturally—to throw themselves headlong toward bullets instead of running away. He refuses to let anyone else get hurt in the name of protecting him, and Chairman Kim says the only way to ensure that is to come alone.

He lets the gate close and marches ahead. Chairman Kim heads toward their rendezvous point.

Bo-won and Prosecutor Choi walk into Chairman Kim’s office, where Cha-young was being held all along. She warns them that she overheard a phone conversation, and she’s quite sure that Chairman Kim has another mole in the Blue House.

Tae-kyung scrambles to fill the other agents in and catch up to the president, since he’s seen the blueprints for the plan of attack, including a minute-by-minute outline.

Chairman Kim waits from his vantage point in a different tower where a sniper has his rifle aimed at the rooftop where the president is due to arrive. His minion calls to confirm that everything is going according to plan, and the security team leader suspiciously answers a call just a few seconds later.

While Tae-kyung races up to the roof, we go back to the video message that President Lee left for him. He calls himself a failed president and says that he can no longer let others be hurt in his place.

He announces that he will lay down the office of the president with the belief that the people can place their hopes for the future in someone new.

He declares his resignation and asks for understanding so that he can take his mistakes with him as he goes. He addresses Tae-kyung and asks him to understand the choice: “I started this, so it is right that I finish it.”

Tae-kyung thinks to himself, “No, I will protect you until the end!” And in flashback, Chairman Kim topples his chess pieces until only the king and one pawn remain. With one push they go down together: “Tonight, the president dies.”

The door opens, and President Lee walks out onto the rooftop alone, as promised. Chairman Kim breaks into a smile.

But then from the other end of the rooftop, a door swings open and Tae-kyung arrives.


Plotwise, this felt largely like a filler episode, given that as long as the president doesn’t die in the next few seconds (unlikely, since we’ve got three episodes left), nothing greatly changes over the course of the hour. It starts with the president in sniper scope and ends with the president in a sniper scope. Okay, so we have another mole in the Blue House, but at this point I’m surprised if someone isn’t a mole. People who are kidnapped or attacked are saved, the baddies still want the same thing they’ve always wanted, and the status quo remains.

That doesn’t mean that the individual scenes weren’t interesting, but they hold less weight because our story is pretty much at a standstill until the final showdown. This has always been the pattern in this drama, but the gap between the buildup episodes and the payoff episodes seems wider in the final act, when it feels like we’re just waiting for the big face-off.

That said, the episode wasn’t without crucial character development, namely for President Lee. We’ve already been through this philosophical quandary with Tae-kyung so it isn’t new, but it’s important that the president struggles with the same question in his own way: Is the president’s life worth more than someone else’s, and why is it one person’s job to die for the other? The guilt of all these agents’ deaths has clearly been mounting for him, but it’s interesting that Cha-young becomes that line in the sand—this is a death he can prevent, so he’ll sacrifice everything to do it.

In a practical sense, there’s nothing more frustrating to a bodyguard than having the person you have to protect throwing himself headlong into danger—it goes against the natural order of things and part of the time I’m frustrated at President Lee because he’s just making Tae-kyung’s day harder. But as a leader, it’s important that he’s a person who doesn’t actually believe that he’s better than his bodyguards, that his life is somehow more valuable. And the fact that he’s actually willing to walk into certain death to protect them speaks volumes about his character.

Of course I would argue that the only way you actually know they’re safe is to stay alive and make it so, but the symbolic sacrifice isn’t lost on me, as long as it remains symbolic. And the fact that he recognizes Tae-kyung’s blinding need to protect and asks Bo-won to protect him? It’s so sweet. Now if we could just get you guys to stop trying to die for each other, maybe we could turn our attention to the bad guy running all over town trying to kill the president. Repeatedly. In public places. With roadmaps left behind detailing his every move. I mean, come on.


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Thank you for the recap! This show might not be perfect, however I am loving it. This ep. was intense for me, and I was there, with TK and Pres. LDH. I am hoping this ep. had the last attempt on kidnapping (or trying to kidnap) LCY, because otherwise it will get old. I am glad that she is safe, and now I would like for her to able (if she can) in the last 3 ep.

And the Director is a mole, and on KDJ’s team? Please say it ain’t so! Some had mentioned earlier in the show that they didn’t trust him, and I wanted to think it was a good guy. I was hoping we were being trolled, and that another person would be the bad guy, but now, with him not calling TK back, and stopping the agents from accompanying the Pres at least to the bathroom door, I am thinking, “yep, it must be him.” If it is, I am hoping that he gets his comeuppance as well (and a good one). I know that this is just a drama, and that in real life, very often in politics and in areas where people have power, the bad guys win often (they actually win a lot of the time, it seems like). I want the good guys to win in this drama. I don’t want reality. Give us some suspense till the end (and please some romance, even if a little bit between TK and BW), but please, let the good guys win.

I slightly disagree with averagerobot about KDJ absolutely wanting to kill TK, based on this ep. If this assassination attempt succeeds, I am not sure that KDJ would want to kill TK, though he might have to, because TK will not let him get away with that. KDJ does enjoy toying with TK though, otherwise he would not have mentioned BW and LCY to him. So he does see TK as a worthy opponent, and as someone he still wants around, at least for a little while. I am looking forward to tomorrow’s ep., I am curious as to what will happen. I really want to see the Pres. being in power when the prosecution is done with Yangjinri, and the attempted bombings in Seoul.

Speaking of prosecution, another mole with the investigators? KDJ really does have people everywhere, like Pres. LDH told him to. He might not be good at coming up with a way of becoming more powerful, however he sure is good at implementing a plan given to him. I thought KDJ’s line, “is it a crime to want to make money in a capitalistic society?” or something along those lines, was the crux of who he is. And now, I am curious about his father did, that made Falcon angry, it seems.

I loved it when TK held BW while they were walking in the garage. I know they have big issues to deal with, however, I will take some skinship between the two any time it happens. And TK’s “even if you don’t want to, just move because I am pretty pissed off right now” (or something along those lines, was just hot and awesome. I think PYC should play a bad guy at some point, because he has that bad guy look in his eyes at times.


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did you? just summarize the recap with more words daebakida hahaha


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Hello birdbrain,

I have reread my comment (a few times), and based on your question, I get the feeling that you either did not read my comment, or you did not pay attention to what I wrote. My comment is not a summary of the recap, but merely a response to this ep. If you were to read my comment carefully, you would realize that I did not touch on every single point that was mentioned in the recap. As I reread my comment, I really felt that it was my reaction to what I saw happening in this ep., and it was also my reaction to what I experienced while watching this ep. (well, some of my reactions, since I didn't write about all of them).

So, to answer your question: No, I did not just summarize the recap with more words. Also, in my 3rd paragraph (for example), I made a reference to a comment/thought averagerobot made in her analysis of ep. 12. That was not done in this recap, and GF did not mention averagerobot in her recap or in her analysis. That example tells me that I don't just read the recaps and try to summarize them. Every time I post my comments, it is my reaction to the ep. I watched, and some of those episodes happen to be recapped here as well.
I will concede that my comments can be long, yet I would also say that I am within the number of characters/words allowed for a comment. I am also not the only one (nor have I ever been the only one) who writes long comments on this blog. I have been reading this blog for four years now, so I have noticed (more than) a few things. And by the way, my comments are not always long, they depend on what I am writing about, or what I am responding to.

I don't think it is a crime to let oneself be engaged, and experience various feelings when watching Kdramas, or any TV series or movies. I appreciate the space we are given here to express our thoughts and feelings, and like Jen so well said below "...I do enjoy reading provocative and constructive comments that stimulate me to think, and think, and again re-think...[and I am going to] continue to express my thoughts/views on this drama, together with some who love the drama and who wants to chat constructively about this here!" I am assuming you are here for the same reason?


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You really are so good at this Ivoire. Thumbs up!

Why don't you apply as one of JB and GF's minions in recapping? hihihi

What I look forward for the next ep is KDJ being disappointed again for his failed plan because of TK. LOL..

Anyways, good day! :)


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Hello aceprincess,

And awwwww, thank you so much for your compliment! I truly appreciate it. How have you been? I have been looking for you in last week's recaps, and I don't think I saw your comments. I hope all is well with you :-) It is good to read from you again.

You know, when a drama (meaning its episodes) leave me with many feelings and things that I have noticed, I come here and pour them out. I also read what the other commenters have to share, so I can see the drama (and its episodes) through their eyes. It's about having a shared experience, isn't it? I personally think so. Here, we can delve deeper into the drama, and rant or rave about it, as well as share the questions we might have.

When it comes to recapping, because this blog is widely read, I find it better to let people who read, understand and maybe speak Korean be the ones having such a privilege, if they so choose. I am also thinking that there are people reading this blog who are better versed in Korean (and Asian) cultures than I am. Again, I do think such people should have the honor to recap dramas and write other news worthy articles for this blog, if they are so inclined.

About this you said, "What I look forward for the next ep is KDJ being disappointed again for his failed plan because of TK. LOL..."
I agree with you, a lot in this drama is about HTK working hard to foil KDJ's plans every time, especially since said plans mean killing the Pres. Let's see how things unfold in the next ep. :-) Will we have another "in your face!" moment? One thing I am looking forward to, is the ending of the drama. I am curious about how the writer will resolve things for the remaining characters in this drama.

You know, as I was rereading my comment, I realize that I made some mistakes while I was typing, I will just explain what I meant to say: 1--In the 1st #, "This ep. was intense for me, and I was there [emotionally], with TK and Pres. LDH." 2--In the 1st #, "I would like for her to able (if she can) [to help HTK and Pres. LDH achieve their goals] in the last 3 ep." 3--In the 2nd #,"I wanted to think [he] was a good guy." 4--In the 4th #, "I am curious about [what] his father did" 5--In the last #, I meant to put a [)] after "awesome."
I hope my corrections made sense, aceprincess :-)

aceprincess, I loved it when the Pres. changed his mind, and decided to go check on LCY. I loved that he knows KDJ (though I agree with the comments which question the judgement of the Pres. about trusting KDJ and walking into a death trap), and that he wanted to see if LCY was still safe. It was so cool when, as the fake policemen were getting ready to leave, the Pres. showed up with the PSS. The look the Pres. had on his face scared me at first though, I would admit (when he checked to see if the body under the sheet was still alive). And then TK came, and at least BW was rescued and safe.

Have a wonderful day and a wonderful weekend,...


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i'm always first


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Good for you (I think?)!


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Haha glad that makes your day


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I don't think this is the real Ivoire but instead, a sarcastic remark.

Despite its obvious flaws and simplicity, I'm thoroughly enjoying Three Days. I'd probably attribute that to the likable cast and its characters. Nonetheless, I hope this drama ends well, ahem.


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Hello Nancy,

And thank you for your comment! You are right, I was not the one who posted the 2nd comment. I have never, and I would never impersonate someone on a blog/forum to express an opinion (or make a joke), and certainly not someone who has an identity on a blog, given that s/he uses the same screen name when posting comments.
I find that to be sad, low and cowardly. Why hide behind someone else's screen name to make a comment?

On a different note, I am with you about enjoying Three Days, despite its flaws. I am also with you about finding the cast and the characters likable. I have enjoyed every single one of them, the good ones and the bad ones. I am also enjoying everyone's performance in this drama. They are giving it their all, and it shows. I think they are also enjoying themselves in the process, at least that is the feeling I am getting. I have read some interviews done by the cast, I have watched some behind the scenes interviews, interactions, and press conferences, and many of them do enjoy each others' company and the project they are working on (this drama). I have appreciated seeing that side as well, and to be honest, it makes me more interested in the drama.

Another thing I love is the Original Soundtrack of this drama, and that contributes to having me hooked as well. I especially love the instrumental pieces.
It is so nice to be around a few people who are enjoying the drama. I have mentioned it in my comment: like you, I do hope this drama ends well, which for me means that that the good guys win, and the bad guys get their (due) comeuppance.


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And I press the Like button on my own comments!


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Once again this is not me, and no, I do not press the Like button on my own comments. I am actually usually surprised by how many "likes" I see after my comments. I do not always get that many "likes" by the way. Would you please stop impersonating me?


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Good for you (I think?)!


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Hello Sand Witch,
If this comment is addressed to me, I did not write the comment # 2.


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We all know that president isn't dying right now because there was that seem where KDJ and president were standing on a tiny bridge as TaeKyung was running towards them wearing a long coat.
Right now I'm curious about KDJ's day issues.
Also badass TaeKyung is badass! :-)


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Also, I'm worried about the main prosecutor, since he's the only good guy with power left in this show.
And I still don't think the pss director is the new mile. He's just following orders.


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I have loved Pros. Choi in this drama, I find him to be badass as well in his own way. In rewatching a few ep. of PYC's former dramas, I found out that Pros. Choi (Lee Jae-Yong) was in the drama Sungkyunkwan Scandal with PYC. He played the role of the dad's female who PYC's character was supposed to marry.

I was a little surprised that when that bad investigator shook his head at the minion, indicating to him that he should not answer, Pros. Choi and the other people in that back room did not see the investigator (or police person) give that order (with his head).

I have been worried about Pros. Choi as well. Like you said, he is the only good guy with power in the show. And he keeps going anywhere he needs to, with no bodyguards, and I can't help but wonder how come KDJ has not done anything harmful to him yet. I really like how he has been a man of integrity since the beginning of the show, loyal (once he realized the Pres. wanted to do right, he believed in him, and he challenged TK to believe in him as well. I LOVED that), smart, and upright. I am hoping that he will be around until the end of the show. I would really like for him to be able to bring KDJ down in the final showdown, when KDJ is finally prosecuted.


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You know what blegh? (I just wanted to add this, but I forgot), I agree with you! I have rewatched ep. 13, and it is strongly possible that the PSS Director is not the new mole. So, it is very possible that we were being trolled. It was misleading though, because the Director didn't call TK when TK expressly asked him to call him back, and towards the end of the ep., he seemed to be acting weird, like he was trying to isolate the Pres. (and make him an easier target) and that was what made me suspicious. I guess we will find out in ep. 14, right?

Now I am thinking that maybe the reason why the PSS Director wanted to let the Pres. go to the bathroom alone, with only him as a guard, was so that there would not be too much attention on the bathroom door. Too many PSS agents would have attracted attention. At 1st though, I wasn't sure why the PSS Director asked the other PSS agents to stay in the movie theater. It could also be that the Pres. asked not to have any PSS agents with him, hence as you said, the PSS Director was just following orders. Especially since in this ep. (I think), we saw the Pres. say that he didn't want to put any more PSS agents' lives at risk. The Pres. knew that he was going to meet KDJ (in the end), but the PSS agents didn't know that. Now I am thinking that the end of the ep. was done on purpose (Pres.' orders).


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Hello blegh!,

You are right! We still have that scene of March 14 when Pres. Lee and KDJ are facing each other, and TK is running towards them. Also, I was curious: what did you mean by "KDJ’s day issues?"

I thought it was interesting that the representative from Falcon did not bow to the Pres. when he walked in, or when he was actually in the Pres.' office, as a way to greet to him, like everyone else does. Maybe that was his way of showing his arrogance, and his way of saying that Falcon does not need to bow to the Pres. of the Republic of Korea.

I LOVED the way LDH (SHJ) said "what do you want?" to the Falcon guy (especially the 2nd time around). There was just something about the way he said it. That anger, coming from LDH was kind of neat to see, and his pronunciation was good. I am hoping that the Pres. will not link arms with Falcon again, that would be a step back. I think I enjoyed seeing Pres. Lee angry and voicing it, because I have seen SHJ at the Press Conference (for this drama), and he is so soft spoken. He looked like a sunbae who would be your dad or older brother. In that sense, he reminded me of PYC, because he came across as gentle as well, and he complimented PYC A LOT. He really thinks highly of him. That was nice and interesting to see.

I also agree with you about this, "badass TaeKyung is badass!" I have already mentioned that my favorite line by him in this ep. was when he spoke to KDJ's minion. My 2nd favorite line by TK was "if LCY dies, I will be the one to kill you.” I LOVED the way he said that. He didn't bother to look directly at KDJ, he just issued his warning/threat over his shoulder, as if to say, "I won't bother to look at you in the face, when issuing my threat. However, you should take me seriously!" (That was how I read it). That was sooooo cool! I don't think TK was like that (or capable of being like that) at the beginning of the drama. It is nice to see how much he has changed and grown, over the course of the drama.


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KEH really took a downturn in this drama.Comparing with her previous ones this is a bit lame.I mean okay you have to protect the president.And if he himself wants to die why not let him do that and trap KDJ for doing that or something.Maybe I am losing it,but the drama itself is doing the same.


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I, too, was wondering if I'd be able to recall my memory of what's happened so far. Heck, I wasn't even sure if I'd be able to connect the names to their faces. The editors were either really smug or closet mind readers for not giving us a recap because as it turns out, I remembered everything?


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Maybe it is because I only read recaps and so I missed some suspense, but man the plot feels so lazy to me. Like how TK get his information, the drama didn't do it in a way that make me think "oh thats smart", but rather "err, reaally..?". This is the thing that keep me from watching in the first place, because if I watch it myself I think I would rolled my eyes nonstop. And prez, rather than simply offer yourself as sacrificial lamb, why don't you use this chance to lure him, setting trap to get hard evidence? Using secret photographer, secret recorder or whatever plan that make me believe you have functional brain. Or dammit, just shoot that freaky in the face next time you meet. There's no rule that say only bad guy can have his hand on a gun.


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Hello Dafuqwhat,

I had some of the same thoughts when watching certain scenes in this ep. I felt that some scenes or some of the things that happened were a little too convenient, like when TK walked into that room and found the plan to kill the Pres. and the previous plans, with the previous targets who had been killed, including TK's dad. That gate he knocked down was not even hard to knock down. We are getting closer to the end of the drama, and so I am assuming that the writer is trying to tie some of the loose ends, and unfortunately, some of it feels clumsily done.

Regarding your comment about the Pres. shooting KDJ in the face, 1--he is the Pres. of the country, and it would not be good for him to kill someone, especially if there is no self defense scenario to justify it (or something along those lines). 2--In a previous ep., HTK had asked the Pres. why he wasn't doing anything, to stop KDJ, implying that the Pres. could be using some shady tactics as well. The Pres. said that he was sworn to uphold the law (I think that was what he said, or something like that), and so he could not, or did not want to scoop down to KDJ's level, using shady tactics. I am crossing my fingers, that there will be a way to catch KDJ, keep him in jail and prosecute him. KDJ could also die (though I would prefer for him to live and suffer, but he doesn't know remorse), and I am curious as to how that could happen.


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Thanks for the quick recap GF!

Firstly, WOW! i thought I was watching the FINALE or something! I seriously thought the President walking into his own death will be followed by the killing of our Chairman Kim by TK or Falcon, and that signals the end of the drama! Totally forget that we still have 3 more episodes (so few? sob sob)! I don't understand why some still goes on and on about this drama being SLOW.... HUH? We are DEFINITELY not watching the same drama! Coz every week I'll be on the edge of my chair waiting to see who dies next or who is the next traitor!

However, I do agree that Cha Young's "kidnap" (or rather being locked up) has been done before and to do this again makes the story seems a little stale. The part where Chairman Kim puts on his rubber gloves looked like the story is leading us to somewhere SURPRISING again (finally he is doing the killing HIMSELF!!??), which can be exciting. But merely threatening Cha Young without actual actoin is a little disappointing.....

On the other hand, the strong message (again!) of a President's bodyguard (or anyone's, for that matter) is to act the OPPOSITE from everyone else in the face of danger/death, really gets to me.

WHO's life is more important? WHO is to say that a civilian's (or bodyguard's) life is NOT as important as that of a President's? WHY must a President, who knows FULL WELL that his staff/surbordinates are in danger with many already dead, let them die on his behalf just because his JOB is more "important"? Or just because they are TRAINED to die for him? Is that the whole MEANING of a bodyguard's life? That their life is not their own?

A life is a life!! My heart aches when I think about this message, and I DON'T think the President is doing the noble idiocy here at all! This is not being noble nor idiotic! This is a person with morals and righteousness, who doesn't deem life as "just another life" but a real precious thing! Listen to what he tells Bo Won? That Tae Kyung is someone who only knows (or is trained) to look ahead and take action to protect someone. That Tae Kyung doesn't know that he himself is someone that he himself should protect. That Tae Kyung forgets to look at himself and only knows to look outward, to protect someone else and not himself. So the President HAD to ask Bo Won to be Tae Kyung's protector, since NO ONE is protecting Tae Kyung while he charges right and left, looking to die for the President!


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Forgot to say this:

What I love about this rotation recap style is that we get to read stuff with very different but professional styles, and we get almost nearly each episode's recap with very different comments/thoughts on the drama.

This is really living proof of how different everyone is and how everybody expresses opinions thinking that ours is the right one (not in a selfish or high-and-mighty way but really just as a matter-of-fact, like how we act out every move we make every day).

While I don't care for baseless comments and really one-sided and subjective thoughts with no grounds (prejudice, I'm looking at you!), I do enjoy reading provocative and constructive comments that stimulate me to think, and think, and again re-think. So I'm going to ignore meaningless bashing, and continue to express my thoughts/views on this drama, together with some who love the drama and who wants to chat constructively about this here!

3 more episodes.

Three Days, fighting!


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Hello Jen,

I just wanted to thank you for this comment you wrote, and let you know that I wholeheartedly agree with you. I actually borrowed some of your words and used them in one of my responses, and though I did not ask for your permission before doing so, I hope that it was OK for me to do that. The thing is, what you said, you said it so well. I made sure to give you credit for your words :-)

I will slightly disagree with your 2nd #, in that when I write my comments, I do not believe them to be the only opinion on a drama or on an ep. I just see them as my POV. That is one of the reasons why I look forward to reading what the recapper, and the other commenters write. They expand my mind and my understanding of the drama, you guys bring a perspective I might not have had, and I love that. For me, it's like reading a good book (or even a bad a book), and having some people to discuss it with, and dissect it with. Except here, we do it about Kdramas, right? :-) And in the process, I learn more about a different culture and a different way of thinking. I end up going to bed less ignorant :-)

Thank you for reminding me to ignore meaningless bashing. I usually try to do that, though I feel that at times, some things need to be clarified or addressed.

I also wanted to let you know that I always enjoy reading your comments, so much so that, I look for them when the recaps are posted. I LOVE your enthusiasm for this drama, which I can feel, and I love reading your analysis of the themes and situations presented in each ep. I have not always responded to your comments or agreed with you, however I wanted you to know that :-)

Thank you also for the way you opened my eyes to PYC's gentleness. As I read your comment that day, I realized that you were actually right, and that you were pointing out something that was there, and yet I had not put my finger on it (yet). I think I find out about PYC around 2010, when he did SKKS. I was new to Kdramas (that drama was among one of my 1st five or six dramas to watch), so I did not know who he was (singer, DBSK, JYJ, etc...). The next drama with PYC I watched was RTP, and tbh, that drama (though funny at times), his character, and PYC's portrayal of it did not impress me a lot. I thought it (and PYC)were OK. I so LOVE him in this drama, I feel that everything is just coming together for him, and that he is hitting every note, acting wise.

After reading your comment, I have gone back and rewatched a few ep. of SKKS, and of RTP. I have also watched some variety shows with PYC in them, as well as BTS clips with his co-stars, etc... And you know what, you are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!!! That GENTLENESS is there, not only in how he interacts with his co-stars, but as you said, in his voice as well. There is also a tenderness in his eyes he can have, when looking at a woman (while acting), and it is really heartwarming to see, tbh.


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Hello Jen again :-) (Part 2 of my comment),

So as I was saying, yes, you are right, PYC does have that gentleness, which serves TK well, as (at least) you and I can see. I feel that it gives TK some layers, and in so doing, he (TK) is not one or two dimensional (emotionally and otherwise). He is more than a PSS agent trying to protect his Pres. (and that is good). I find that PYC is portraying TK really well, and I don't know if you have noticed this, however TK very often (OK, more like a lot of the times) has a lingering gaze when he is looking at BW, whether she is walking away from him (as in leaving him, to go somewhere) or whether she is facing him. I love that lingering gaze of his, it says a lot, without him actually having to say anything (for the audience), and for BW as well. We, the viewers, know what he is feeling (and maybe thinking).

In all his awkwardness with BW, when they are not busy trying to solve some crisis, TK has some great qualities (which again, I just love). He is extremely loyal, once he believes in someone (the Pres., LCY, BW, even his former boss, until things went sour). He is very caring, he is very protective (of both men and women), he is dedicated, accomplished, hard working, and resourceful (and he needs to be resourceful, considering the dangers he encounters). I will stop here, about TK's qualities. And I have the feeling that you might agree.

So, I said all those things because I have the feeling that some of TK's attributes are also PYC's attributes. I don't know him personally, however watching him at the press conferences and in other clips I have seen him in, and seeing how his co-stars (young and older) treat him, respond to him, and speak of him, I get the sense that yes, he is gentle and considerate towards others. It is not all about him. I am hoping to post some clips I have come across (later), maybe you have seen them :-)

KHJ (the singer) said recently that PYC is warm and sensitive (apparently, they know each other well), and that he had been watching the drama, and appreciating how well PYC had been emoting in Three Days. I thought it was interesting that KHJ would say such a thing.

Jen, I am also rereading your comment on ep. 11, and I am smiling, because I did feel that PYC was flower-boy-ish in the past, or at least he could look the part. Have you seen him with his long hair in RTP? He kept reminding me of Flower Boys with that hair, but it could just be me. That being said, I really loved what you said about PYC in your comment in ep. 11, you opened my eyes to something I don't think I had noticed or paid attention too, until now. Now, I seem to see it everywhere, when I see him (I am exxagerating a bit, but I think you know what I mean :-) )

Now I am rereading you 1st comment here, and I agree with your 1st #. I also agree with your 2nd #. About your 3rd # and about this, "Is that the whole MEANING of a bodyguard’s life? That their life is not their own?"...


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Hello Ivoire,
I am amaze with your comment and thought^^ and after read your comment about yoochun, I suggest you to search about fansupport he received too, both kfans and ifans. Relationship between him and his fans is adorable, touched me. Kkkkk just suggest.. I dunno if other actor or idol have fans like yoochun but give it a try~ to getting know abt it. Thanks~^^


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Hello Iana,

Thank you for reading my long post. I think I got carried away :-) Regarding the fansupport, do you think you could post some videos or website links for me to look into? I did look at some videos on YouTube, however if you know of some links you could recommend, that would be great.

You know, it seems to me that many Korean actors (and actresses) are really liked, even loved by their fans, both in Korea and abroad. You have Lee Min-ho, kim Soo-hyun, Lee Seung-gi, Kim Woo-bin, etc... So I think Park Yoo-chun is not the only one :-)

Thank you for your suggestion though :-)


Jen, Part 3 and final (for now) (and sorry, my comment was cut off)

Now I am reading you 1st comment here, and I agree with your 1st #. I also agree with your 2nd #. About your 3rd # and about this, "Is that the whole MEANING of a bodyguard’s life? That their life is not their own?" based on what we know of their training (and what they are being told and taught), isn't it what it is though?

OK, about your 5th #, I would like to say this: remember when TK looked at the back of the picture in ep. 12, and read that text? There was something about each graduate/PSS agent giving his/her life for that "other person." I am assuming "that person" could be the Pres. or one of their colleagues. So, TK is not necessarily thinking wrongly (though I do want him to live). I do think that it is part of their job to be willing and ready to die for someone else. AND at the same time, it is the Pres.' responsibility to constantly think of ways to keep his staff, and countrymen (and women :-) ) safe and alive. The issue we have with the Pres. in this ep. is the method he chose, because most of us don't believe KDJ when he says you won't die (unless you escape, like BW). We know KDJ is ruthless.

About TK only thinking of others, that is what he knows, and that was his training. Remember all those flashbacks with team leader HBS? Giving your life for the Pres. (and protecting him) kept being reinforced, it was drilled in the PSS agents. The issue for us viewers is how that affects TK, the Pres, and a few other main characters, and how they will deal with it (solve/work around that issue). I don't agree with TK dying, however I understand the reasoning behind it, and why that might happen. And, this makes it one of the conflicts we have in this drama, I might add. And we do need some conflicts, right? :-)

About this, "I DON’T think the President is doing the noble idiocy here at all! This is not being noble nor idiotic! This is a person with morals and righteousness..." I would say that yes, the Pres. is all those things now, but he was not always that way, as we know. And that is one of the reasons why I personally love the Pres. (as a character). He has an arc: he started somewhere morally 16+ years ago (not a good guy), and he has been growing and learning from his mistakes (and their repercussions), and though he can't change certain things, he wants to correct or avoid future mistakes that will impact (negatively) many lives.
We saw the same thing with Sec. Shin: he started somewhat good, then went bad and then amended what he had done wrong, before dying. Something similar could be said about HBS, and some of the ones who have tried to kill the Pres. They started good, but then went bad, they had (somewhat of) an arc. Things like that (among other things), are what make this drama interesting for me.

I hope we will continue our discussion. Happy reading :-) (I think I wrote you a journal).


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Hi Ivoire!!

OMG didn't realize you wrote such a long note to me! Many apologies for this as I wasn't aware at all! I usually come back and re-visit the comment columns for new comments (hungry to read) but maybe this time I didn't come back here that much.

The drama is over and I doubt if you'll read my comment here to you. But if you do, please don't think that I ignored you or something! Far from it I do enjoy reading your comments too, although we may not agree with each other.

Hope to see you around again here, when I finally get off my Three Days daze (not on purpose) and start another kdrama. For now, I haven't started any new drama yet (and its already 22 May here!) coz I miss Tae Kyung!!


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It is so unrealistic that the chaebol's bodyguards could point guns at the presidential bodyguards with impunity. There have been many, many witnesses to so much foul play that directly implicates our bad guy. In no real universe would he be able to so brazenly continue his threats and dastardly deeds.


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Totally off topic - but what is that goblet like thing on crevil President Kim's desk that smokes?


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The Goblet Of Fire. :)


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LOL - Thanks! I'm off to Diagon Alley to get one. ;)


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Hello PlumWine,

That is a very good question. I have been wondering the same thing, ever since I saw that container at the beginning of the show. I am assuming that since villains are often eccentric and have their weird quirks in movies and dramas (I remember Yoon Je-Moon "John Mayer/Kim Bong-Goo". Man, was he eccentric), having that goblet is KDJ's weird and eccentric thing. I have wondered what he/they put in there: incense, or...?

A thought just occurred to me: maybe whatever is being burned in that goblet, or whatever smoke is coming out of it, is what is making KDJ continue to have those delusions of grandeur and making him greedy. I am kidding, of course. KDJ (as we know), is just crazy on his own, he does not need any additional substances to be a "crazy B$$tard" (pardon my language), as the President calls him.


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It's an incense burner.


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Oh thanks! That actually makes sense. Now I am wondering why he feels the need to constantly burn incense. It's not like his penthouse smells bad, I think. I know, KDJ has his quirks.


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Don't understand how a person, in front of so many witnesses, can just threat a countries president's life as well as ask who he shoupd have killed first and not be arrested. I mean doesn't everyone including the kitchen cook know he is evil and a terrorist? And doesn't anyone think it might be a good idea to record their conversations with him? How is that guy allowed to just walk around willy-nilly!?


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Hello themugen,

I don't think that KDJ has actually threaten the Pres. in front of any witnesses. The only times he has met with the Pres., it has been him, the Pres. and the PSS agents and KDJ's minions. And I don't think KDJ is that loud when he talks. I think that he is loud enough for us (the viewers) to hear him, but not for the PSS agents to hear him, as they usually stand a little further.

And LOL at this " I mean doesn’t everyone including the kitchen cook know he is evil and a terrorist?" I don't think the kitchen cook knows that KDJ is a terrorist (but I know what you mean). KDJ, Pros. Choi and the Pres. have also said something important: it is not enough to know he is a bad guy and a terrorist, they need to have substantial and corroborating evidence, otherwise KDJ walks, and KDJ knows it, full well. We saw an instance when they had to release him, and that proved that point. I am thinking that the writer is just escalating things, so we can have a final showdown. At least, seeing how this drama and plot are going, that is what I am hoping.

And I agree with you, recording their conversations would be a good idea, but I still think that they would also need hard evidence to back up their claims, because maybe KDJ could say that he was kidding. I am thinking that Pros. Choi is working on it, so we will see what happens. What I am taking from what we have seen so far, is that it is not that easy to prosecute and charge someone who is as powerful and wealthy as KDJ. It doesn't help that he has people infiltrated in almost every faction of South Korea. Money talks, money can buy a lot of people off, and yeah, he is that crazy and that greedy, as the Pres. told him. So KDJ does what he has to do, and so far, it has been working for him.


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Thanks! for recaps.

>>>Once they’re gone, Tae-kyung just puts his arm around Bo-won and leads her away without a word. Awww

Lol, LOVE the 'minimalist' budding romance here. They managed to make the tentative turning pt and gesture happen so effectively, encapsulating in mere seconds what normal dramas take at least 8-10 episodes to do. Or worse agonizingly longer sometimes - 15 episodes (when we collectively sigh - FINALLY!)

With constant back and forth she loves, she loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not ... noble idiocy, interfering parents and irritating 3rd 4th parties etc etc etc


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Hello jusash,

I really loved what you said in your post, and I agree with it. Some of the things I love about this budding romance:

1-it finally happened (or we saw signs of it) when some of us had given up any hope of it happening (though I kept thinking that it would happen, because of the OTP songs they would play. Those songs worry me, because they seem sad, especially "Shin Yong Jae - Love You, Erase You, Cry Again." I can't help but wonder, "HTK, you can love her, but why the need to erase her, and cry again? Will our OTP have a happy ending?")

2-Their budding romance has been organic and it doesn't feel forced. It makes sense that it would happen between them.

3-I love how it is done: that awkwardness both characters display and feel with each other, when there are no crisis to solve. That awareness they have of liking each other, yet not knowing how to go about making something happen, those lingering gazes, the subtle (and at times gentle) skinship, etc...

I also love that there is no room for some noble idiocy in this drama, no irritating parents and 2nd, 3rd and 4th parties. The actors also have a wonderful chemistry together.


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OK, I am going to squee one more time: this is a tiny detail however, I also loved that when TK put his arm around BW, though she felt awkward (and shy), she let him do it, and they walked together. I do love their awkward and shy glances.


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The President trusting Chairman Kim to keep his words really frustrates me. The man betrayed him and broke his promise in the Yanjiri incident which started this whole mess in the first place and yet there he is again giving chairman Kim another chance to do the same and possibly create another much bigger mess. Tsk! Tsk! But I do get Pres. DH's reasons for doing it though. That said, I just love the caring and badass "Get out of my way I'm not in the mood" TK!


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Oh I didn't know this incomplete comments was posted, sorry about that.


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Pres. DH trusting Chairman Kim to keep his words really frustrates me. The man betrayed him in the Yanjiri incident which started this mess in the first place, or did he forget that already? and and yet there he is again giving the Chairman another chance to betray him and create a much bigger mess. Tsk! Tsk! ~ That said, I love the caring and badass " Don't get in my way I am not in the mood" TK! And he and BW are more comfortable now with each other that a physical contact doesn't make them awkward anymore. ^^ With all the episode's flaws, I like it all the same.
Thank you so much for the recap GF. :)


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Hello Giegie,

I had not thought of that, however you do make a very good point: why would Pres. LDH trust KDJ this time around, when he knows what he has gone through with him?

Maybe because he is so desperate to protect his staff and countrymen, at this point he (Pres. LDH) is willing to do anything (or almost anything)? Or maybe Pres. LDH felt that he didn't have any other options? I wonder what would make the Pres. so desperate that of all things, he would trust KDJ, and walk into a certain death trap. We all know that if KDJ's plans succeed, more people will die, and there will be more suffering. Maybe, as GF put it, the writer wanted to insert a symbolic sacrifice (except Pres. LDH really went for it). Well, I am sure glad TK saved his life.

I too, love the caring and badass HTK :-)


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I'm never clear on what the budget for these shows is, but isn't there enough money on the table to fly in a real American actor to play the evil American capitalist minion?

This tourist they picked out for the role hasn't got a strong enough voice to play a convincing dentist. In fact, my dentist could have done a better job of delivering those sinister lines.

I swear, this guy probably only went to Korea because someone told him learning an Asian language would help him correct his lisp.


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I tend to agree with some of the frustration comments here. Given all the bizarre acts of self-sacrifice I've seen in kdramas over the last few years, wouldn't it be logical for Our Hero to just put a bullet in this maniac's head and turn himself in for trial?


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I wonder if, if TK did that, Falcon would not look for someone else to have as their "dog." I now wonder how Pres. LDH and KDJ happen to meet, and what brought that initial meeting on. Probably Falcon looking for a dog (besides Pres. LDH), and someone to do their bidding in Korea.


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I know it's my own peculiar taste, but, when Chairman Kim put on his surgical gloves--showing a knowledge of medical hygiene lacking in shows like 'Emergency Couple', among others--and then picked up an exacto knife, my first thought was "Go for the MOLE! She's helpless without it!"


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LOL Quiet Thought, that was a good one.


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Also, I was wondering, where is her mole, is it the one on her nose? (I think she has a tiny one there).


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Wow, this episode was so exciting! Can't wait to see the further episodes!
Call me crazy but I love KDJ!!! I know he is psychopath at the top but everytime he appears my heart races like hell!
And that scene when Tae Kyung went to KDJ and stands in front of him..I felt I die! When I see them both - the cute, baby-faced Tae Kyung and the sexy beast KDJ - I can't help but to get stressed and going crazy...
I always have to see twice every episode because I lost my focus.

I don't know...are there anyone else besides me who feels the same? Maybe these two man are too much for me. They just kill me...


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Crazy! :) Just kidding. I feel the same. Do you remember his passionate kiss in Heirs? I suggest to see him in the movie, Cheaters. Gosh! He's really so sexy!


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Another traitor? aishhh... This show will never run out of traitors. You have to be careful who to trust. Tsk tsk...

I just hope the security team leader must have a reasonable reason so that i can forgive him. Or else.. haha.. I'm just bitter. :D keke
But is it really him? His suspicious! haha

And the President? WTH president? You still trust KDJ? I can't believe you! tsk tsk...

Atleast there's BW and TK's scene that is AWWWW (TK putting his arms aroung BW shoulders). Well that makes up for everything that stresses me in this drama. <3

Anyways, thanks for the recap GF! :)


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This show is so dynamic in the way that I just ignore its many flaws, try not to understand many non-sense and non-logical things happen here and there. In the extremely stress atmosphere, I think a little romance there is actually awkward, I prefer something like in Vampire or Ghost, the feeling may be there but doesn't go anywhere.


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I'm actually starting to lose interest in the drama. In the beginning, it was very exciting but now the plot is getting repetitive with KDJ hurting everyone BUT the president and Tae Kyung, the revelation of moles ONE by ONE. The main characters get saved all in the nick of time. Hmmm...


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Ah~ twist~ I think he is the traitor but I was wrong haha is it only me or anyone didn't feel enough to watch it just for once? Kkk I replay this episode when its ended.

And actually I really didn't think the writer will continue grow up the loveline.. haha I think it is such bonus on ep 12 and on the next episodes we will back to full action without loveline. But I looove what she did. Taekyung and Bowon so cute together! Now is time for taekyung who cheer up bowon. Yay!
Thank you for the nice recap, GF! Cool~


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This moment: (Dinner Scene) Aigoo, i smile for a while in this scene.

Tae Kyung: By the way, how were you going to go home so late? Your car blew up. The bus hours ended.
Were you going to take a cab there?

Bo Won: Just…when there’s a will, there’s a way

Tae Kyung:(Just stay at my place tonight.I will be at the office anyway.

Why, is it uncomfortable?

Bo Won: No, Then…. When will you be back?

Tae Kyung: Are you trying to found out the VIP’s schedule? It’s classified.

Bo Won: No, I didn’t

Tae Kyung: Also, Secret service agents never say that they will be back because they make not make it back.

Bo Won: (Silent)

Tae Kyung: But I’d like to see you again. If I have a chance again soon. <3

Bo Won; Yeah, soon (Smiling/blushing)

HAHA. Writer-nim did add this scene though it was just for a while, and HTK here smiles a bit, i hope he can smile fully next time just like how he smile during the flashback scene with Chief Ham during the Bodyguard Training. HAHA


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you should had put "spoiler"~
hehehe.. seem like TK tease BW ask when he will be back.. They look cute~ aww..


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