Three Days: Episode 11

Augh, guys, this show is finally good. Or good again? I’m sure there’s actually a mathematical pattern to which episodes of this series are a cut above the rest, but that would require me to do math. Three Days is a drama written with such a focus on the mini-arcs that it has an interesting effect of delivering one stellar episode to the detriment of a handful of setup episodes each time we reset the timetable, but I suppose as long as I’m in the game, I might as well just be happy when I get one of the good ones.


The president goes off-book and takes the evidence—the original Confidential 98 that Cha-young nearly died trying to retrieve for him—to the enemy himself. He hands the file to Chairman Kim in exchange for calling off the impeachment, and says that to stave off more unnecessary sacrifice, he’ll be their dutiful dog once again.

Downstairs, Tae-kyung is raging mad that they’re not taking the file straight to the prosecutor’s office as promised, and the other agents have to pull a gun on him just to keep him from storming the meeting.

When the president returns, Tae-kyung demands an explanation. President Lee asks if Tae-kyung can’t just trust him on this, but Tae-kyung fires back that he can’t. Aw, I know why, but I hate it when you two fight.

Tae-kyung can’t fathom why he’d hand over something so crucial, and looks at him with crushing disappointment on his face. The president just tells him to stay by Cha-young’s side: “She was hurt because of me.”

Chairman Kim delays the impeachment proceedings for now, and Tae-kyung walks into the prosecutor’s office empty-handed and head hanging. Prosecutor Choi is actually the one to ask whether the president might’ve made that choice to hand over the evidence in order to stop whatever Yangjinri Redux might turn out to be.

Tae-kyung doesn’t understand why, because if they used that file to indict Chairman Kim, they could put a stop to it by throwing him in jail. Should I be worried that you think it’ll be that easy, or find it idealistic and cute?

Prosecutor Choi, on the other hand, knows that it won’t be so cut and dried—whatever attack Chairman Kim has planned next can’t be stopped if he finds a way to slip through the cracks. He suggests that the president knows this and made a deal to stay in office to find out what Jaesin’s next move is, and stop it.

Tae-kyung isn’t so quick to believe in the president’s noble intentions, and asks if the prosecutor has changed his mind about President Lee’s credibility.

Prosecutor Choi turns the question around on him: “You’re the one who’s protected him by his side all this time. Why can’t you trust the president?”

The question remains in his head as he sits by Cha-young’s hospital bed. Bo-won comes by and apologizes that it’s all her fault for being so suspicious. Tae-kyung counters that it’s his fault—he thought he knew Cha-young better than anyone else did, and that means he should’ve trusted her no matter what.

Agh, it’s a little heartbreaking to hear him talk about someone else so tenderly while Bo-won is beating herself up over being the one to blame. She blinks back tears and walks away with lingering glances over her shoulder.

She stops short when she gets to the hallway because she recognizes one of Jaesin’s assassins talking to a nurse. She warns Tae-kyung, and he realizes that while digging for Secretary Shin’s copy of Confidential 98, she must’ve seen something else that she shouldn’t have. He asks Bo-won to protect her while they wait for agents to arrive.

President Lee gets back to the Blue House and asks for all the files and economic reports that Tae-kyung’s father was working on before he died. At the same time, Chairman Kim assures his colleagues that the impeachment isn’t cancelled, just delayed.

A flashback to his meeting with the president reveals that President Lee had other demands in return for letting the Yangjinri incident go—namely that he halts the investigation framing Tae-kyung as a murderer. If he refuses the deal, the USB drive’s contents will be all over the evening news.

He’s actually got Chairman Kim in a corner, and it’s pretty great to watch him squirm. President Lee challenges him to turn down the deal and test his security team against the Blue House agents, and when Chairman Kim protests that there’s only ten minutes until the impeachment verdict is due, the president breezes that he’s a powerful man and he’ll find a way. He walks out with the USB drive in hand, having won this round.

In the present, Chairman Kim tells his evil cohorts that they’ve got the perfect weapon to use—Secretary Shin, the man who wants to kill the president more than he does right now.

Secretary Shin is busy fanning the flames of discontent with the prime minister, as he tries to convince him that it’s time they step up to challenge the president. He calls Chairman Kim on his way out to ask what happened to the impeachment, and promises to recover the USB drive he lost.

Tae-kyung is skulking around and overhears the crucial tidbit that the president still has the original file. He asks Secretary Shin about the papers that were in his car, and says that whatever they contained, someone is trying to kill Cha-young because of it.

He warns that that puts Secretary Shin in danger as well, and though he doesn’t answer Tae-kyung’s questions, it clearly rattles him.

Bo-won guards Cha-young in the hospital, and calls the prosecutor’s office to check on the police detail that was ordered. But it’s Shady Assistant Prosecutor who answers the phone and tells her the officers are on their way. Uh-oh.

Three officers arrive and she checks their badges, which seem legit. They tell her they were ordered to move her to a safer hospital, so she follows them down the hall as they load Cha-young onto the elevator.

She texts someone and then inside the elevator she gets an answer back: the officer’s name she asked about is indeed registered at that precinct… but he died in the line of duty last year.

She looks at the three men warily, and eyes the gun on the one nearest to her. Acting quickly, she reaches for the gun and pulls it out of the holster. I love it—she’s holding three men up at gunpoint. She tells them to stop the elevator on the first floor, and orders them to get out.

They try to overtake her and wrestle the gun away, but she’s quicker than they are and gets them to back out. But when she looks away for a split second to close the elevator doors, they drag her out into the lobby.

She beats some heads and fires a shot into the air, and manages to regain the upper hand. But just then, the elevator doors close… leaving the unconscious Cha-young alone inside. Crap. Bo-won runs down the stairwell to try and catch her in the basement.

As Cha-young lies there vulnerable to attack, we flash back to the moment she read the file from Secretary Shin’s car. It’s an incident report detailing the theft of sixteen pieces of gelatin dynamite. Well that can’t be good.

Bo-won races down the stairs, while Cha-young arrives on the last floor. The elevator doors open, and then they close again. Suddenly a hand reaches out at the last second to stop the door and wheel her out. Ack, it’s the assassin.

He’s just about to get away with Cha-young, when Tae-kyung arrives to save the day. Fight! Despite being unarmed, Tae-kyung gains the upper hand and knocks the assassin around so that he never has the chance to use his gun.

But then when he flips the guy over to land a few feet away, it’s just far enough for him to pull his gun before Tae-kyung can reach him. The assassin swings his gun away from Tae-kyung and points it at Cha-young…

It only takes a split second for Tae-kyung to react, and he lunges himself into the bullet’s path. A shot rings out.

The assassin goes down, and behind him, Bo-won shudders with her gun still raised. Thank goodness for you.

Her knees give out and she slumps down to the floor, and Tae-kyung looks over at her in surprise.

Behind him, Cha-young stirs awake and the first thing out of her mouth is, “Explosives.” She stops Tae-kyung from running for the doctor and tells him about the stolen dynamite.

A little later Prosecutor Choi has arrived, and he says that he never even received the request to protect a witness in the hospital. Tae-kyung concludes that Jaesin has a mole in the prosecutor’s office, and tells him there’s something even more urgent to deal with.

Meanwhile, Secretary Shin visits the president to say goodbye, and President Lee tells him the story of his first meeting with Chairman Kim. Kim was young and eager then, just having inherited his father’s company, which he simply saw as a shiny new toy.

Kim asks Lee Dong-hwi, then just a consultant his father once trusted, about how a person could make more money than anyone could ever imagine was possible. Lee Dong-hwi tells him it’s simple—he just needs to cause a second IMF crisis.

Kim laughs that that’s not something you can just poof into existence, but Lee says it’s possible in a divided nation like Korea. He says that if the North and South were to join hands in raising the threat of war, say an attack on the president or a terror attack in the middle of Seoul…

Oh no. This whole terrible thing is President Lee’s brainchild? No wonder he feels so guilty. Also, how ironic that he hatched his own future assassination plot.

Back at the hospital, Cha-young tells Prosecutor Choi about the dynamite, and it’s actually worse—there were multiple pages in those files, each reporting another stash of stolen explosives from various regions spread out over the country.

Bo-won deduces that small thefts from different provinces ensures that each incident will be investigated separately by regional precincts, and no one will notice that the total amount is cause for alarm. Cha-young isn’t sure, but from her very quick scan of the documents, the thefts totaled over forty kilograms in dynamite.

In flashback, Lee Dong-hwi concludes his theoretical blueprint for inciting a second economic crisis by laughing that you’d have to be a completely insane bastard to actually enact such a plan—a crazy enough bastard who didn’t care about selling his country for profit, and a crazy bastard who could gather a group of other crazy bastards from positions of power to ensure that nobody would then go to jail for trading citizens’ lives to become gazillionaires.

Chairman Kim cocks an interested eyebrow, practically drooling at the possibilities.

In the present, President Lee asks Secretary Shin if he really thinks it’ll be different this time. Did Chairman Kim promise him the Blue House with assurances that no lives would be lost? What a familiar tale.

The president admits to being afraid of what Chairman Kim is planning next, because he’s a man who took what he thought was a joke over drinks, and turned it into reality. Secretary Shin denies having investigated dynamite thefts because he shares the same worry, but President Lee already knows he’s suspicious enough to have done some digging.

The president says he’s the one who created the devil, so he has to be the one to finish it. He pleads with Secretary Shin to return to his side and not be manipulated by Jaesin anymore, but Shin balks at the request, fixating on the fact that he’s being asked to be the powerless bridesmaid again and totally missing the bigger picture about the terrorist and the dynamite. Augh.

Secretary Shin holds his head up high and says that it’ll be different this time—he’ll make a better Korea and he’ll do it right. Such good intentions, such a lack of perspective.

President Lee sighs and passes the USB drive to him and tells him to take it to Chairman Kim as he was ordered. He says he’s curious too, whether Secretary Shin is truly different, and whether he can make a better Korea than he could.

He adds that Secretary Shin was never the second-class shadow; he was always his biggest support. He extends the offer to change his mind and return, whenever he’d like.

Later that night, Tae-kyung finds the hospital hallway lined with Blue House agents, and the president waiting inside Cha-young’s room. He asks Tae-kyung to testify tomorrow about the dynamite thefts that Cha-young discovered, and Tae-kyung gets even more upset that the president knew about them.

He demands for an explanation, or even an excuse, asking why he didn’t protect Cha-young and why he didn’t go to the prosecutor’s office. But the president just solemnly repeats his request for Tae-kyung to show up tomorrow, unable to give him any excuses.

Tae-kyung sits by Cha-young’s bedside silently, and she wakes up to tell him that she’s relieved he’s okay. She says she simply did what was needed of her, and asks him to go do what’s needed of him now.

March 11. 13 hours until the motion to impeach is automatically repealed.

The president gets ready for his cabinet meeting to testify to what he knows, and Tae-kyung shows up as requested after all. Prosecutor Choi is happy to see him there, and they walk in together.

But when they get inside, the room is totally empty save for the president, sitting at the head of the conference table with the saddest look on his face. Man alive, are there only three good guys in the whole entire country? Seriously, nobody came?

The look on President Lee’s face is crushing. He holds back tears and finally speaks to answer Tae-kyung’s request for an excuse. He says that he traded the Yangjinri cover-up to gain just one more day in office, because he needed to stop the next attack but without the title of president, has no way to do anything to stop it.

President Lee: “You were right. If I’m the president, I should have protected the president’s people.” He says he’s the one who pushed Cha-young to the brink of death because he thought that by remaining in office, he could do anything it took to stop it.

“But I can do nothing alone.” Tears pool as he addresses Tae-kyung, Prosecutor Choi, Cha-young, and all those who worked so hard for this moment, and he hangs his head in apology.

Tae-kyung: “The president I know is an honorable man. He didn’t waver. Even when people were dying, he said he would never give up. You asked me to protect you. I will. I’ll help you; I’ll do everything in my power to help. So lift your head. You are the president of the Republic of Korea.”

Proper goosebumps. The president’s bottom lip quivers as Tae-kyung speaks, and when he’s done, President Lee raises his head and meets Tae-kyung’s eyes. It’s a lovely unspoken moment between them.

Now that Tae-kyung is officially working with the president, he and Bo-won set out to investigate the dynamite thefts. There’s over 100 kilograms of explosives stolen from around the country, and they track the assassin’s cell phone (that he dropped in the fight) to try and see where they were taken.

The president meets with the prime minister and warns him that there are dangerous signs of a bank run on the horizon—someone is spreading the international rumor that Korea’s economy is unstable, and the threat of war would tip the scales to full-fledged panic.

He explains how a bank run would destabilize the economy and launch a second IMF crisis, and requests his support in trying to assuage the economic panic before it grows. But the prime minister digs his heels in like a blind rat and refuses to help.

Secretary Shin hands over the USB drive and asks Chairman Kim if he’s planning another attack. He denies it, and the second Shin leaves his office and is no longer useful to them, he orders him killed.

He gets stabbed in the gut before he even makes it to his car. Chairman Kim calls the impeachment hearing back on, and sits back to watch the fireworks.

The president is still busy trying to convince the prime minister that there could be a terrorist attack, when Tae-kyung calls to say they found out that the explosives were being taken to one of the last places Major Rhee visited—a power plant. Chairman Kim is after a thermal power generator.

Things seem to be going according to plan (the evil plan, that is), until Chairman Kim pops the USB card into his computer to check it and finds the drive empty. Nice.

Prosecutor Choi gets bombarded by the press asking what he thinks about the president’s imminent impeachment, when suddenly a car swerves into the crowd of reporters. Someone staggers out trailing an alarming amount of blood behind him.

It’s Secretary Shin, who stumbles over covered in his own blood to hand Prosecutor Choi the real Confidential 98. He falls to the ground and holds the bloody papers out to him, and thinks to himself as he shuts his eyes: I said I was different from you. He dies right there on the pavement as camera flashes go off in rapid succession.

The prime minister gets word that the tide has shifted, and he so very quickly joins the president’s side and signs his motion to put a restriction on foreign investors that would essentially stop a bank run from happening.

The president is shocked to hear that Secretary Shin died to get Confidential 98 into Prosecutor Choi’s hands. It’s now been released to the public, and the news reaches the members of the assembly seconds before the final impeachment vote gets underway. Meanwhile the police are dispatched to the power plant, but the explosives don’t turn up. Uh-oh.

Chairman Kim comes to the Blue House to congratulate the president on winning this round fair and square—if he had taken Confidential 98 to the prosecutor himself, he would’ve lost the presidency and failed to stop Chairman Kim. This way, he’s successfully blocked him financially while holding onto the president’s office.

He admits that his plan has failed, but then adds ominously, “I realized there is one thing I have left in my hand.”

Tae-kyung and Bo-won go back to tracking the phone to figure out where it went after the power plant. The tech guy tells them that the assassin strangely took the train when leaving the area, which seems odd.

Bo-won remembers that there was a search in that area for an AWOL soldier that night, and military posts along every road checking vehicles. If they didn’t want the truck full of explosives discovered, the simplest way would be to divide it into small bags and take it on the train.

The million-dollar question: Where are the explosives now?

Chairman Kim sits right up in the president’s face and reminds him of Yangjinri’s death toll. “How many will die this time?” He recites President Lee’s own words at that dinner years ago that the way to do it would be to attack the president, or incite a terrorist attack in the middle of Seoul.

Chairman Kim: “When? Where? How… will people die? Aren’t you curious?”

Tae-kyung runs to Seoul Station and stands in the street looking around him at the entire city spread out before him, with citizens going about their day.

As the clock ticks down, Chairman Kim’s questions hover as Tae-kyung’s panic grows.


Finally, there’s a reason to count down with the clock! Of course the show would stop telling us what time it is when it actually starts to matter, but I’ve gotten used to this drama doing everything backwards. I’m just excited that this final arc brings something suspenseful, fast-paced, and moving, because it’s not every episode of Three Days that fires on all cylinders. I don’t think we’ve been at this level since Team Leader Ham made his glorious exit. Hm, maybe the correlation has to do with the deaths of major characters? Listen, if we have to off people to get good drama, I’m all for it. Spill the blood and let it rain.

I loved the revelation that President Lee was the brains behind this entire horrible series of events. Basically, Chairman Kim was just a bored evil chaebol who wanted to turn his money into bigger piles of money, but it was Lee Dong-hwi who was brilliant (in a terrible way, of course) and planted the possibilities in his mind. I don’t know why people need to be told that it’s always a fatal mistake to give the evil guy genius ideas, but I suppose no one could’ve known just how evil he really was. It’s satisfying to know that Kim wasn’t smart enough to come up with this diabolical plan on his own, but also worse to know that the president carries the burden of guilt for damn good reason.

It makes it all the more poignant that President Lee has the brains to outsmart Chairman Kim move for move, but what he lacks is people who trust him. He discovers in this episode that he’s literally powerless, and even the highest political seat means nothing, if no one will give him the benefit of the doubt and stand at his side. It’s such a hollow, sobering moment for him, especially after driving away his most trusted confidante, putting Cha-young in harm’s way, and losing Tae-kyung’s confidence to boot.

But Tae-kyung saves the day, not with any superhero tricks or bullets taken in the president’s stead, but with a simple show of faith: I serve an honorable president, so be that guy. It’s simple, direct, and empowering. It’s equally poignant for Tae-kyung, who has lost all faith in his moral compass after losing his father. He’s gone from someone who trusted everyone and everything at face value to someone who doesn’t believe in anything anymore, so when he makes that declaration, it feels really earned. He’s making a choice to trust, and that saves him and gives him purpose as much as it saves the president from crumbling into a hole of despair. When the show can merge the characters’ arcs like this (Secretary Shin included, poor idealistic fool), there’s an emotional heft that really makes the rest of the plot-heavy proceedings land with impact. Here’s hoping that the rest of the series can go out with this momentum, given that we’ve got high stakes and a clock in place. Also, Badass Bo-won is awesome. Let’s let her keep that gun, shall we?


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I am continuing to love this drama, in great part because this writer continues to surprise me. So many surprises in this drama for me (and I thought I could predict by now some of what would happen). A few times, I had my hands in the air, screaming at the computer screen, telling the characters to act already (yes, Mr. PM, I am looking at you!) The twists and turns, they keep coming, and the Pres. and TK, and BW and Pros. Choi might succeed in the end (in stopping KDJ), however, as I said last week, the cost would have been high.

The ep. gave me something I had been wanting for a while now, and that was to see how the Pres. felt about his staff, and his countrymen. It was comforting to see that Pres. Lee does care about his people and about his staff. I had been wondering about that from the beginning of the drama, when he didn’t show any emotions when HKJ died. He always had this poker/cryptic face, which made it hard to read him. Pres. Lee regretting having involved TK in this whole fight against KDJ to reveal the truth (ep.9), and him (suddenly) offering to make a deal with KDJ (after having checked on LCY’s health status in ep.10), and other incidents such as his reaction when he found out that civilians actually died in the 1st Yangjinri incident (16 years earlier), have helped change my mind about Pres. Lee. I love that this Pres. is always thinking (and acting), even when it doesn’t look like it.

There were so many moments I simply loved in this ep.: 1-Pros. Choi asking TK why he doesn’t trust the Pres. yet? (Coming from him, that said a lot). 2-BW being quick on her feet and checking on the guys’ IDs, then fighting to keep LCY by herself, and THEN killing the younger bad guy (Yohan? One down). As soon as I saw BW talking to that mole on the phone, I was flailing my hands at the computer screen, screaming, “it’s not them.” 3-I didn’t expect the cabinet to not show up, I could feel the Pres.’s disappointment, his loneliness, and his pain, and so could TK and the Pros., and that also brought TK fully on board, I believe. 4-And TK giving that speech to the Pres. was awesome, especially after the scene they had had in Joint Chief of Staff Kwon. It reminded me of the pep talk ESK gave LJH in TK2Hs in that hallway/gallery. It also meant that TK was fully in now. 5-It also meant a lot that LCY was the one telling TK that she was OK and that he should continue to fight KDJ, and be OK with what had happened to her.6-When SKJ went to see KDJ and gave him the card, I kept hoping that he was giving him a fake one. I thought, “he could turn around at the last mn, especially since LDH and TK warned him.” To see him do just that, was delicious (aceprincess, another “in your face!!!!” moment :-) ). And SKJ redeemed himself, and I loved how the truth was revealed. The Pres. has a little more time now. And now we don’t know where the dynamite is. The stakes are getting higher. Bring it on, KDJ!


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Yeah! "in your face" moment was the best. :D
but i felt sad about what happened to SKJ.

And i agree on everything you said! ^_^

Anyways, this episode is really great! Fighting 3days!


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Thank you so much for the recap! I did not anticipate what we had in this episode. I really loved it. I am loving the twists and turns, and I am loving the LDH, HTK, BW and Pros. Choi team (with LCY as well). Even SKJ regained some of my esteem, because he saw reason, and he used his brain. I really thought he believed KDJ when he told him that SKJ would gain more power and would be the one in charge at the Blue House. SKJ didn’t flinch (showed no emotions), and so I thought he bought the lie KDJ was telling him. I have a friend who told me this weekend to look at the characters’ eyes, if I want to know how they feel and think. Thing is, sometimes it helps, and at other times, even their eyes do not tell us anything about their next move, or how they are feeling. I kind of like it, it keeps me on my toes, and it keeps me guessing.
I was thinking that this writer might be running out of plot points. As it turns out, she still has some arsenal in her purse/brain or wherever she pulls those ideas from.

Thank you also GF for putting that particular picture at the top of the recap. I love it, and that moment was one of my favorite moments in this ep. I could see Pres. Lee’s heart (finally), and the emoting by SHJ was excellent of course (I wouldn’t expect anything less of him. I did see ep.1 and 2 of the Chaser. His reaction at learning that his daughter had died, was just amazing). In keeping with who this Pres. has been, it was understated, and yet it felt so palpable. The Pres. was at his breaking point. That scene reminded me of the scene when TK cried at the bus stop. So organic, so moving. My heart was bursting during and after this ep.

For the past few days, I have been listening to one of the instrumental pieces for the drama. I thought I would post it here, as well as the text written on the FB page of Three Days. I personally appreciate seeing how some of the BTS of what goes into making a drama is done, including the music played and recorded in another country. This is quite interesting to me:

[VIDEO] Czech National Symphony Orchestra recording instrumental OST for ‘Three Days’

Note: the title is ‘이제 때는 왔다’. Czech National Symphony Orchestra has previously recorded instrumental OST for Korean drama, e.g. All About My Romance.

Credit: romance my
Shared by: JYJ3



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Oh!! Thanks for the Youtube link! I was looking for that song everywhere with no luck... Now I have it. Thank you thank you Ivoire. ^_^


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As for the OST... does someone know name of ending song (the one with rap) and who is the singer? I am trying to find that song since watching episode 1 but I think it wasnt released as an official soundtrek. I only found YT extract from episode but its not a full version. I am dying to get that song.


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Hello lutien,

You are asking the same question I asked during the 1st few episodes recaps of this drama. I have been looking for that song weekly (no lie) here: http://kpopseven.net/tag/ost/
and on YT, and week after week, like you, I am disappointed that it has not been posted yet.

I am thinking that the song must not be complete, if it has not been posted (as of yet). The same thing happened with one of the songs (by Lena Park, I think her name is) from the OST for The Heirs. There was only about 2mns of that song that was available for a long time, until her song was fully done. I am thinking that it must be the same here. Otherwise, why wouldn't the song be released and posted yet? The people who post those OST songs and instrumental pieces are pretty fast at posting them, once they are released.

Could you please give us the YT link that you found (of that rap song)? I couldn't even find that. Thanks!


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Hi, Ivoire!
Thanks for ur answer.
Here is the link:
Lets hope that the song will be released soon.


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Thank you so much lutien, for the link. This will definitely tide me over until the full song comes out. I love this song. It makes me want to go out and work out, LOL. But it really does. I am always dancing or moving to the beat (if I am sitting down), whenever I hear it.


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Bo-won just made my day with her barass moment
Give her more show.


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Yeah!!! Give us more BW badass moments. Preferable when she is badass together with TK :)


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I'm loving..I'm loving this episode sooooooo much!

Chief Shin last deed = GOOSEBUMPS!
Mr.President & HTK at conference room = auw..TOUCHED!

What an intense episode!!! Thank you show^^


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Yoochun x Son Hyun Joo is one hell of a tandem!!! i think i would miss their pairing the most in this drama :(

The cabinet meetng scene made me cry i wanna hug them both :(


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These are times when I'm glad I stick to watching this drama when it gets tedious and boring. Loved this episode; I wish they'd pull more amazing ones like it in the second (third?) half of the show. Also - Bo-won as badass is so awesome!


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When they mentioned dynamite, I was waiting for something to blow up at the end of the episode.. I was hoping we would go out with a bang. Looks like we'll get our explosion in the next episode, though.

Bring. It. On.

I'm so happy the pace is finally picking up, and I can hardly believe we've only get 5 episodes left, right?!

We need more Bo-Won. She doesn't get nearly enough screen time- but when she does, WOW. I love her.

I was watching the BTS for Three Days today.. I was surprised that Yoochun is doing most of the action scenes himself, no stunt double. He's really talented.

And darn, I never realized how much goes into making a drama... Three Days team, fighting!!

Can't wait for tomorrows episode! Thanks for the recap girlfriday!


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Thanks for this wonderful recap.. i havent watch the subs yet but when i do.. I'll view it with this perspective plus my own.. it adds to the awesomeness of the ride ..


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Thank you for the recap GF!! I am so glad you like this episode!

Such a roller-coaster ride, people! Today we have so much development both in terms of storyline (moving forward in heaps!) and character revelation.

I commented in the previous episode that I was happy to be proven wrong about Cha Young. I thought she was a baddie but was proven wrong. I also commented then that it would be great if I'm proven wrong about my suspicion on the President. Here I am proven wrong too! YEAH!!

Now I get the very first scene in episode 1. President telling Kim "don't do it" = don't use his idea (said lightly and jokingly many years ago to Kim) to create political and economic crisis/chaos for your own benefit (monetary). So this was how it all started. This was why the President felt guilty and why he wants to put a stop to it NOW. I've always wonder WHY NOW?Why dig up the past and reveal it NOW? So the President did plant an even more horrible idea many years ago into Kim's mind - to create a political and economic crisis. It's his idea and he felt responsible. He must stop Kim!

With just 3 people believing and helping him, how will the President out-smart Kim from now? VERY exciting! More twists please!

Happy to see that Chief Secretary has redeemed himself at the last moment although sad that he has to die. I've only watched Yoon Je Moon as baddies so far, so its really great to see him here as the idealistic but politically clueless assistant to the President.

And what else can I say about Bo Won!!!??? The gal ROCKS! She is smart (texting to check if the security police are for real), she is kickass quick when it matters (I'm sure as a small town police, she has never shoot a gun in her life but yet she did it, trembling from fear), and she has a good heart (blaming herself for Cha Yong's state and totally feeling Tae Kyung's pain). Park Ha Sun totally nail this role coz she just LOOKS the part (plain but sweet, upright and atheletic)! I've seen a bit of Dong Yi and know that she appeared there as Queen In Hyeon (?) but didn't take interest in her at all then. Didn't find her appealing as an actress there. Here, she definitely fits the role!! I totally can believe that she is indeed a small town police woman who is loved by her people in that town especially the grandpas and grandmas. ^^

So SHOW! Don't you dare get her killed or worst, as the actual BIG BAD of the drama!

Lastly, Tae Kyung.
My impression of Yuchun, and what I like about him actually, is his aura of "gentleness" especially his voice. He definitely ain't the hard core MACHO type, nor is he the so-called "ikemen" type (flower boy) so popular nowadays in Korea entertainment industry (who wears too much make-up if you ask me!). Yuchun's appeal and charisma on-screen, is this aura of gentleness yet "manliness" (yes yes its not a proper word but you know what I mean!). He can be assertive yet you will feel that it comes packaged in...


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Ooops got truncated..... Continue....

He can be assertive yet you will feel that it comes packaged in pastels..... Imagine Yuchun kicking ass dressed in baby pink, baby blue, baby whatever! With Yuchun in this role, our hearts break when Tae Kyung tears, when he misses his dad, when he's hurt by Cha Yong's "betrayal", when he loses trust in the President. This is one protagonist/drama hero whom we want to root for! We want him to WIN over the baddies!! I read that the writer wrote this script with Yuchun in mind, and I must say she's got Yuchun's charisma correctly.

My fav scene in this episode has got to be the one where Tae Kyung sits beside Cha Yong's sick bed, and Bo Won looking on from his back. This scene just speaks volume about Tae Kyung and Cha Yong's friendship/trust. It also showed us how sweet Bo Won is and her moral fibre. Watching this scene raised a question.

Will there be a love line between our 2 leads after all?

I'm happy if there is none. Not that I don't want it, but more like all these happen within 3 (ok 9) days and with so much action going on, where is the TIME/MOMENT to fall in love?

It would be great if the 2 leads become great friends. Who know? After saving each other's life numerous times, there is no saying that they won't fall for each other later!!

Can't wait for tonight!


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Hi Jen..

Your question..
"Will there be a love line between our 2 leads after all?"

I would like to recall about yesterday's new stills and news...
"Three Days”s Park Yoochun and Park Ha Sun, Captured their late-night bus date?

Haha..such a troll rite..And we can see some get hyped to watch their romance/lovey dovey scene last night but end up none!And suddenly one tweet popped-up after the show ended..

"Clock is really ticking now. Dating my ass. HTK doesn't even have time to pee"

HA! That was funny fact..So i'm with you, I actually OK if there is none..Of course I want to see them happy but it's enough for me to see their great chemistry and how awesome is it to see HTK's [I mean Yoochun] chemistry with everyone in this show..Even with Pros.Choi, they look good..of course I know they've met before this in SKKS but still salute!


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BW and TK relashinshiop reminds me of Speed with Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves. They also met under extreme circumstances with terrorist attack to deal with. and they became romantic in the end.


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Hi @bluesky!!

Our question was answered (sort of) in last night's episode 12 right!??

Hahaha true that there is really no time to date, for sure!! But harboring new romantic feelings can still happen! How cute was last night's episode? I repeated that few minutes so many times in the middle of the night here.....

I also love the subtle acting here by Park Ha Sun. Her reactions to Tae Kyung's questions and requests (trying not to post spoilers here ^^) was cute and shy.

4 more episodes..... I'm sure going to miss this SHOW coz this is just so amazingly intense and shocking at times that I bawled/screamed/starred etc. The SHOW also put so many ????? in my head at times that I have headaches just trying to figure out who did what and why.

Enjoy the rest of the SHOW!!
Thanks for your comment here!


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I know..I know..I'm holding my excitement now!
*okay..okay..no spoilers for sure! but squeallllll!!!


Episode 12 was adorable. I couldn't stop smiling, haha! :)

I hope there's more time for cuteness in our last 4 episodes.. ^_^

I can't wait for the next recap so we can discuss..

Because the ending was so intense! I've been so absorbed in this show that my heart was racing the whole time.


Really? Because for me (and i have read a lot of comments saying the same thing) that Park Ha Sun was one of the stand out in that drama. The Queen and Jang Hee Bin was actually the most note worthy in Dong Yi!! Their acting was amazing!!


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Hi @Krystal.Anne:

Agree! I absolutely didn't follow the entire Dong Yi drama because I couldn't get past Han Hyo Joo's bad acting inside... or bland acting. I do like the acting part of Park Ha Sun except I wasn't sold about her being The Queen in a saguek.... Hard to explain but to me she doesn't have the olden look.... Does it make sense? ^^

Anyway I love Park Ha Sun here!!! And Episode 12!! OMG!!!!!

Thanks for your note here!!


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Still trying to fathom the fact that although the drama is titled Three Days - the timeframe of events are not set or limited to 3 days/36 hours. Instead, the timeclock resets at least a minimum of three (3) times during the course of this drama.

High marks to Yoon Bo-Won - a worthy opponent to be respected till the end. Her action skills were quick, instinctive, and her defensive blows landed on the intended target time and time again during the elevator showdown.


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I know right? Bowon's talent and brain exceeded the ones at the Blue House and the President's security service!! And to think that she was just a small town police officer!! She's awesome!!


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Hi Girlfriday - thanks very much for this wonderful recap.
Wow this is my favorite episode because everything is finally out in the open (or is it ?). Indeed we are living in a "fragile" world where economy and security which we take for granted may be compromised by unknown people or cartel.

So far this story is brilliant bcoz it is not run-of-the-mill. The actors and actresses are delivering better performances in this drama than those I have watched them in before. In my opinion, Yoochun is a better actor than a singer and I am glad that he has been picking varied types of drama and growing his range. Very smart.

Counting down the last 5 episodes..


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Thank you so much for the recap GF..

I loved this episode. I'm so glad that Secretary Shin still at Mr. Prez side. But why...why....the writer killed off another good actor.


Son hyun joo is AWESOME!


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Thanks much GF for this recap. 100% agree with you - this show has upped its level of goodness through this episode. :-) I too am guessing the title "Three Days" represents 3 days with major events - 1) assassination attempt; 2) revelation of the contents of the Confidential 98 document; and 3) to be shown in later episodes :-)

Surprised to see Chief Secretary bite the dust this early. But the timing must be right, since I have not found his character having much impact on the plot until this episode.

Last but not the least, I say "Brava!" to Bo-Won. She's alert and smart in checking the identity of one the fake police, courageously fighting them in the elevator, and saving Cha-Yong from being kidnapped. But I worry for her safety. Tae-Kyung, hurry! Catch the bad guys STAT!


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Ahhhhhh the elevator!!! Loved the scene. Bo-Won fighting!


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THIS !! “The president I know is an honorable man. He didn’t waver. Even when people were dying, he said he would never give up. You asked me to protect you. I will. I’ll help you; I’ll do everything in my power to help. So lift your head. You are the president of the Republic of Korea.”

Yoon JeMoon redeemed himself? No, because I think he was trying to save the country in his own way, but he kept his a little part of him to believe that the President is still somehow a good man.

Park HaSun is upping on my list of actresses with that lift scene.

And then, I somehow now know why Yoochun was chosen for this role, like @Jen said, he is not your typical pretty boy that is all the hype with Korean Watchers right now, he is somewhat 'real', one can relate to him like just about anyone you know. His aura is quite something. I was rewatching SKKS with a friend, and I thought to myself, he really possesses this quiet dignity that is hard to find in actors.

Son Hyun Joo, no words can describe.

The drama has to end, 5 episodes more, but I'm one happy trooper.


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This episode kick out to be one of the best episodes so far. It shows intertwining fate between those who go on the side of the Pres and for those who are blind by the power of Kim do jin.

This episode is really daebak from Yoon Bo Won elevator scene, HTK and Pres. Dong Whi scene and also the dying scene of Chief Shin. Omo, 3 best scenes/story are shown, topping the story above all.

Hoping for HTK to save YBW, please dont leave Bo Won behind Tae Kyung-ah, so must save her from that big explosive. Hwaiting for ep.12 tonight!


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One of an amazing episodes! I still feel goosebumps seeing the walking dead of Chief Shin..What a great scene and acting!
And finally yeah, some kickass from our heroine! You go girl! Awesome kickass, even my legs and my hands are busy kicking too :lol:
Indeed HTK & BW is the best badass couple!

That Uhm Ki Joon's look alike, yes you Pros.Choi's assistant..I hope he will back off to be a new dog to KDJ, don't you see that how tragic was Chief Shin's death? *goosebumps....


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OMG! This episode was AMAZING!
I am still holding my breath. So much happened.
So sad that secretary Shin died but his exist was executed amazingly.
Badass BoWon - when she texted to check policemen, I was like "Finally, a smart female character!". pathethic men, three of them couldnt defeat one girl.
My favorite moment in the episode is when Tae Kyung and Bo Won are fighting to save Cha Young. I love how TY was fast to shield CY from shooting and when BW appeared and saved them. Replayed whole scene several times.
I was surprised so many times this episode. especially when we learn that LDH was the one who put ideas in KDJ mind.
How much more intelligent the plot of this drama could be? You can see that the writer did a lot of research to create the plot. My mind is working non-stop to grasp whats going on screen.
Hope today's episode is as good as yesterday's.


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Oops, i doubled my msg. How can I delete one?


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Thanks for recap, Girlfriday!))
OMG! This episode was AMAZING!
I am still holding my breath. So much happened.
So sad that secretary Shin died but his exist was executed amazingly.
Badass BoWon - when she texted to check policemen, I was like "Finally, a smart female character!". pathethic men, three of them couldnt defeat one girl.
My favorite moment in the episode is when Tae Kyung and Bo Won are fighting to save Cha Young. I love how TY was fast to shield CY from shooting and when BW appeared and saved them. Replayed whole scene several times.
I was surprised so many times this episode. especially when we learn that LDH was the one who put ideas in KDJ mind.
How much more intelligent the plot of this drama could be? You can see that the writer did a lot of research to create the plot. My mind is working non-stop to grasp whats going on screen.
Hope today's episode is as good as yesterday's.


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I didn't like the first two episodes because it felt slow, and I guess coz the president wasn't present much! But this episode does make it clearer why he is so bent on getting crazy Kim Do Jin.....sigh....he needs to go back to being the cute father in the Heirs :-P


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Hello Lillian,

About this, "he needs to go back to being the cute father in the Heirs :-)" Really :-)?
But I LOVE seeing this side of Choi Won-Young, I think that he is rocking his role here, and he is well utilized in this drama (unlike in Heirs :-) )


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Thanks for the recap. Sadly, I gave up on watching a few episodes back...the only drama in my drama-watching life that I stopped. The actors were great, but I just couldn't get into it somehow. *sigh*


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I love the fact that CY and BW are the people that give a push for TK to do what he must do, or everytime he wavers. Like CY said, she did what she did because she had to and BW is doing everything because she wants the truth to come to light even if doing so will put their lives in danger. And oh badass BW, how awesome was the elevator scene, I can't help but compare TK's elevator scene, she had 3 opponents while TK had 1. And while she had CY to protect, just awesome. ^^
Thanks for the recap GF.


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I was heartbroken when no one came to the cabinet meeting and how the Prez has so much power but no one has faith in him-even his own party is going against him..it just shows how dog eat dog world it is in politics.

BoWon was AWESOME! omg she was incredibly nimble and street-smart that I'm so happy that she's not a weak and fragile cop who can do nothing right..Two thumbs up for Yoon Bo Won~!

TaeKyung speech saves the Prez. He holds him there with his words because the Prez can't turn back now-there's only one way forward and I'm so glad the trio plus BoWon is back on track together to achieve the same goal!


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I was so gratified on what happened to Sec. Shin in the parking lot. Really, I was. I was like "good for you, you won't listen, that's what you got on being greedy!" Is it only me who felt like this? Lol.

But then later on when he handed the real copy of the confidential '98 and he was bleeding then he said "i told you. I was different." Then he died. Ooh! I felt bad for him. Poor Sec. Shin. If only he... tsk tsk.. Well it's too late. But I'm really thankful he did not die on the spot because it has given him a chance to redeem his self by giving the real copy and saving the president from impeachment. At least..

I felt bad for the president too during the cabinets meeting. It kind of remind me of the Prime Minister and I drama. No one came too. At least HTK and prosecutor Choi came. But still... That scene is full of emotion. The president regretting and HTK now being understanding. It really brought me to tears. T.T

Bo won was really great here. She is smart and badass(fighting 3 men alone). That's daebak! And she even saved TK right on time. :D

Anyways, KDJ being fooled just made my night(I have a good sleep). LOL. Ha! In your face KDJ, in your face! That was soooo gratifying! :D

Hope the next ep. will be so good. I'm looking forward!
Thanks for the recap GF!


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Hello aceprincess :-) (Part one of my response)

I really enjoyed reading your thoughts! I thought what you said in your 1st paragraph was interesting, because though I am not sure that I felt gratified when Chief Sec. Shin was stabbed, I will have to say that I did see it coming. I remember thinking, after TK talked to him in the parking garage, and warned him that his life was in danger, and after the Pres. himself talked to him (again), warning him that KDJ was a dangerous man (and let's remember that the Pres. had been warning him about KDJ for a while now), that things might not end well for Sec. Shin. This was what I actually wrote in my notes, "SKJ has been warned. Things will not end well for him, and he is not listening. He is messing with someone [KDJ] he doesn’t know."

I actually do agree with you that SKJ became greedy after a while, and I think he also lost his perspective on why the Pres. and him had fought to get to the Blue House. It is supposed to be about the people, about the citizens you serve. I think Pres. Lee, though not always a clean and upright man in the past, remembered that, and that was one of the reasons why he wanted to amend the past and those who had died. The Pres. also knows KDJ and as he said in this ep. KDJ is crazy, crazy enough to be so greedy as to sell out his country and his people for more money and more power. So Pres. Lee has a goal, and he wants to see it come to pass (stopping KDJ and his evil plans), and Sec. Shin on the other hand became greedy, and justified his greed with believing that KDJ would not harm any civilians, and with the notion that he was protecting the Blue House, and we know that none of those things were true.

I was not happy that Sec. Shin was stabbed, but I did think (as I said earlier) that he would get into trouble. Like you said in your 2nd paragraph, I too was relieved when he (at least) had enough time to drive to Pros. Choi and give him the original and real copy of the Confidential document '98. That also told me that Sec. Shin had had some sense. 1--He HAD been listening to the Pres. 's warnings and to TK's, AND he HAD been doubtful of KDJ, which was why he had been doing some research about the dynamite being stolen around the country. 2--He CAME BACK to CARING about his country, about doing the right thing, and about the Blue House, and that was why, after KDJ lied to him (again), he gave him the fake card, and he gave Pros Choi the copy he had with him (he must have made a 2nd copy, since KDJ had taken the 1st one from LCY, when she was hurt by the car).


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aceprincess, Part 2 of my response :-)

So, I was comforted to see that Sec. Shin had been a gray character: he had started good, went to the bad side, and came back to the good side, and he died while trying to salvage the mess he had contributed to. I really loved it, when Pres. Lee told Sec. Shin that he had never considered him a 2nd class worker at the Blue House, but always his equal partner in politics and at the Blue House. Though I see what Pres. Lee meant by saying that, I am not sure that it is entirely true: Pres. Lee did conceal some of what he was doing to Sec. Shin, such as the work that HKJ was doing about Confidential ’98 and all the economic data HKJ was gathering to figure out what KDJ was up to. If Pres. Lee fully (and always) trusted Sec. Shin, he would not have felt the need to hide some things from him. As the Pres. told in an earlier ep. to Sec. Shin, he (the Pres.) knew that Sec. Shin would not have approved of some of it, so he did not involve him. The Pres. meant well, but I don’t think he was entirely truthful there.

As I mentioned in my comment, I was a little surprised as well when no one showed up for the cabinet meeting. Like you said though, the same thing happened in the PM and I, I remember that scene, so I guess that can happen. It was a very poignant and emotional scene (the dialogue, the acting, the mood, everything), and I LOVED it. I saw Pres. Lee and TK connect in a way that I felt they had not connected before, not to that level anyway. They knew about each other a little better by now, and in 30mns (episode time), TK went from telling the Pres. "I can't trust you" (at the beginning of the ep.), to mid-ep. TK encouraging the Pres. and telling him that he will protect him, and that the Pres. he knew was not someone who was afraid, and someone who gave up. I really loved GF's analysis of that moment, and I also loved what you had to say about it in your 3rd paragraph.

And I agree with your last 3 short paragraphs. I thought you were right about everything you said there :-)


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The scene of Bo Won fighting the bad guys in the lift was just oh-so-cool.

This drama is just amazing. It's like a long movie with so much suspense and every episode has several twists it made me sit on the edge of my seat.

Hands down best drama of the year. Only a few more episodes to go.


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Nothing else to add except ...

Badass Bowon FTW!

Honestly, I was a little hesitant to watch this show at the start because I thought it might be an idol-action-Heirs type fiasco but it has been a pleasure thus far, even if it is produced by Those Who Cannot Count Past Three. I just hope it does not derail towards the end with episode extensions & the like.

And again, Bowon Badass needs more screen time!


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Thank you very much for the nice recap! ^^

Wow. I can't believe it's only 4 eps to go!! Awesome drama!! Eps 11 is the best eps so far til I watched eps 12. Oh oh what should I say? Really like it! Action, suspense, twist, emotion blended nicely. 3 days is seriously good~^^


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