Lee Jun-ki goes to Hollywood with Resident Evil

This is unexpected, but Lee Jun-ki is heading to Hollywood in the sixth and last installment of the sci-fi action-horror franchise Resident Evil, titled Resident Evil: The Final Chapter. Details of his role have not been released, but he did travel recently to South Africa for filming after he wrapped on his MBC vampire-romance drama Scholar Who Walks the Night, and lead star Milla Jovovich uploaded a selfie today of the two together on her Instagram account (below).

The film series, based on the video game series of the same name, released its first film in 2002, starring Jovovich as the lead character. At the center of the plot is the evil company Umbrella Corporation, which conducts dangerous genetic research and develops bioweapons, and is responsible for spreading a deadly virus that causes people to mutate into zombies.

I have mixed feelings about the news, because while I love Lee Jun-ki’s acting and always find him intense and charismatic, even when his projects aren’t great (ahem, Scholar), I’d have loved for his Hollywood debut to have been in something more worthy of him. I can’t speak to the quality of the Resident Evil films from firsthand experience but they do get regularly panned, though I suppose they do make money. But I can see how Lee Jun-ki would be a good fit: He’s fantastic at doing his own stunts, he’s great in action-thrillers and genre projects, and, well, he’s super-beautiful to look at. I hope his English holds muster!

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter began shooting in September in Capetown, South Africa, and is slated for a January 2017 North American release.

Via E Daily


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I don't know how I feel about this either. I wish they would try non action roles. But he is an amazing action star, and yes he does do his own stunts so I guess he can go make the $$$$ and go back to korea richer


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Guys I think of it as a foot in the door to the west. I'll take him however I can get him! He is a great actor and can make Hollywood sit-up and take notice. I believe that better movie parts can come along due to this exposure.


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It's only a foot in the door to being type cast lol


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He's just spending his rest time usefully for a new experience after his domestic work this year. Who knows why he picked this popular franchise.
If he stars in a more famous franchise with many native well-known actors, the probability to shine in the movie may be much lesser for his debut role in hollywood. See what happened to Feng Bing Bing in Iron man 3 and X-men sequel. So, this role seems quite good for him to get the better exposure.
RE has its own fanbase and many countries outside the States are also interested in it, and this is the finale! It's possible to be epic.. let's not underestimate. Do wait what he could show the audience or just ignore rather than bashing the hard-working actors.


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Let's just be happy and support him in this endeavor, we can't do anything about it if he accepted the role already. so, eventhough I find hollywood films boring to watch since I got hooked on Korean Dramas (like 3 and a half years ago), let's just cheer him on and if we do find time, let's try to watch the movie. Can't keep him to ourselves for this long, the world has to see his pretty face, too.

That brings us to my other concern - the language barrier. Why can't the korean showbiz industry not have english lessons for their talents, especially for those who are quite popular. How hard is it to speak english when they can be taught in school from a young age. I know they have english classes but I guess it's only basics. anyway, these actors and actresses need to have english lessons asap! so when oppurtunities like this one comes up, they are ready and not be relegated to just do stunts and be mute for the duration of the movie.


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Asians are always only cast in action roles. Like honestly, they wouldn't cast an Asian for a romance role or something lol... nor do I think they'd get much attention for roles like that. So I'm happy with them taking on stuff like that.


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I also don't know how I feel about this ....


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I'm actually kinda excited. I'll take him in any role, rather it's a panned franchise or not, lol.


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I'm kinda excited as well.
I didn't play the game but I'm a fan of the movie franchise. so....
YAY for Junki x Resident Evil ^^


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I ADORE Milla Jovovich and I kind of like him in this a lot. Her selfie on IG was sweet, too.

Yes, the Resident Evil movies are money makers and thin on plot, but they are still a franchise a lot of people (and myself) look forward to.

Now as for his English, with a January 2017 release date, I'm hoping when he does voice overs, it'll sound convincing and not faked.

I guess we will have to wait and see.


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I'm also a fan of Resident Evil. It always had bad-ass action. And earns lots of money outside the US. I just hope Jun-ki is not an antagonist, coz he is hero material. And he might not have a speaking line either due to language barrier. I'm ok with it as long as he will not cover his face, ninja like =). Why cover that beautiful face, right?


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I'm happy for him. It's every K actor's dream to go Hollywood. Whether the film(s) they participate in are worthy of them seem(s) to be irrelevant in their scheme of things on the business end. So if he comes back commanding more respect and higher pay, it's all good for him and those who love him.

Good luck on his foray into Hollywood. Hope this would be the first of many such projects.


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This franchise is one of the worst. This is a low for Lee Junki. He should do korean movies instead of this crappy hollywood B grade.


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Oh come on, it's not like he hasn't done any B grade movies or dramas in Korea. It's ok, it's his choice. Even the top actors in Hollywood and Chungmuro had their fair share of crappy movies.


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Yeah RE...I mean, it looks like a exciting new experience, he'll get some exposure abd meet new people. If he has somewhat long term aspirations in Hollywood, well, he's got to start somewhere and at least he'll get paid$$$ if it doesn't work out. Milla has been getting her bills paid for years thanks to RE. If they didn't make money, they wouldn't keep getting released in theaters. Boggles the mind though....


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Wow, I mentioned a few Hollywood roles he would be good at a few weeks ago at OT and now it's happening for real?

Not this one please... I played the video game and watched 4 out of the 6 movies and it's not that good. But..... on the other hand Milla Jovovich and oppa would be one heck of a kickass duo if he is given the opportunity.

...what to do?


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Oh wow. Regrettably I've missed the last few OTs. Which # was it?


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I think it was last month and I was talking about roles in past movies that would fit him well..

I thought he would make a perfect Legolas in LOtR, he could play Neo in the Matrix instead of Keanu Reeves and he could do Disney animation. I thought he resembles Aladin more than Scott Weinger and he has the perfect voice to go with it.


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Yeah, I remember you responded to my post on this exact topic, lol. Talk about el coincidence!

On the other hand....eeeeeugh, Resident Evil. If he was going for action movies maybe he could've gone for one of those superhero movies Hollywood's been churning out or even. Ever since Joseon Gunman I think he would've made a much better choice as Hawkeye hah!


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Oh it was you :). I love Renner as Hawkeye but I can see oppa as Hawkeye too. Funny thing is, Hawkeye is supposed to be 6.3 tall but both Renner and Jun-ki are 5.10.
My fav description of Hawkeye that makes me think of Jun-ki - charismatic team leader - sometimes reckless lol.


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Dang! He is actually prettier than Milla!


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There are 2 K actors who are always prettier than the actress they are pictured with:

Lee Jun Ki and No Min Woo.


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Really? Milla is very pretty imo.


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Lee Jun-Ki, Oppa I adore you. Plenty of bankable & A-list actors started out in 'B' movies. In terms of LJK's 1st role in Hollywood and movie franchises, I'd like to see him in action film for example The Fast and the Furious. Just think back to the image of him in Two Weeks as Tae-San surviving the accident and fleeing on the motorcycle) and/or in the untitled fifth Bourne film with Matt Damon directed by Paul Greengrass.


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Wait...Matt Damon and Greengrass are back for more Bourne? That would be awesome if it's true.
Jeremy Renner is doing "Betrayal so I'm guessing Damon and Greengrass are going with"Deception?"

I love the Bourne series but it's really weird with 2 different casts.


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This is actually my first time commenting. I'm not a big fan of the Resident Evil movies, don't hate them either. Mostly I watch because my husband loves them. One thing I have to say is that it should really give Lee Jun-ki the chance to show off his great action chops!


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I swear, Korean actors attach themselves to the worst things just because it's from the west. But then again, Scholar Who Walks the Night is nothing for South Korea to brag about either.


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I think it's exciting for some actors to be doing what they love outside of their own country and especially at the movie-making capital of the world.


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Sure, but can't they pick better projects? Ken Watanabe and Rinko Kikuchi had good projects and were highly praised (even got Oscar noms).


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Unfortunately, most will have to start with minor roles (mostly action roles). Hate the typecast but it happens a lot.

I believe Ken is the go to guy for serious Asian roles. He has been in Hollywood for a long time so has a good solid relationship with some of Hollywood's top directors and writers like Clint Eastwood, Christopher Nolan etc). Nolan basically wrote Saito in"Inception" for him.
I think he can afford to be picky and he still get movie offers from his homeland.


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I don't mind that they have to start in minor roles, that's a given, what bother me is that those roles are so stereotypical and like you said only action roles.

Ken is now the go to guy because he gained respect. Which none of the Korean actors are going to get if they just keep picking these type of projects and let Hollywood use them like this.


It's unfortunate because it's a foreign market and Hollywood writers rarely write roles for Asian actors. It's just as rare for Korean writers to write roles for western actors in Korean movies.

Lee Man-hee recently wrote a script for Liam Neeson in the upcoming Korean produce movie "Operation Chromite." I think it's pretty awesome for a change. I hope to see more well known actors from Hollywood in Korean films.

I can't really blame these actors for taking these roles. It's a rare opportunity for most of them.

I think Asian directors like Ang Lee should at least try to do more Asian projects in Hollywood for Asian actors.


I wouldn't call Godzilla a "good project." lol ;)


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He has done a fair amount of very good to Oscar worthy projects like "Inception", "Unforgiven", "Letters from Iwo Jima", "Memoirs of a Geisha","Batman Begins","The Last Samurai" etc.
"Godzilla" maybe not be one of his best projects but at least his role there was written for him by Goyer before he turned over the rest of the writing to Borenstein.


What's wrong with Resident Evil? It's a popular franchise that many people enjoy, and maybe as an actor they like to experience a different filmmaking culture sometimes?

and Korean actors can star in good films too. Snowpiercer has a korean director but it was a Hollywood film, is it also trash?


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I just think it doesn't set a good example that they attach themselves to terrible franchises like Resident Evil, GI Joe, and Terminator or something stereotypical like Ninja Assassin.

Snowpiercers was great, it's the exception that proves the rule. And even though it didn't make a dent in America, didn't even get a wide release, I'd rather Korean actors do these type of projects instead.


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Ι see where you're coming from but Snowpiercer was mostly a European production based on a French book and directed by a Korean and, in my opinion, one of the best "action" films ever. There are not many projects that are rather focused on something other than action and yet they've lured their viewers into the action package only as a bait. I'm sure Mr. Song Kang-ho broke the stereotypical rule of Korean actors and the pay cheques from foreign productions. LBH insists on earning his luxury living as an action hero in Hollywood. I don't have particular feelings against it as long as the talented ones are able to do the films they want back home. Besides Hollywood is infamous for typecasting and blending all Asians as one big family (Ken Watanabe was Jackie Chan's long lost brother which made my eyes rolled long before I knew anything about dramas or Hawaii 5-0 and the Pacific mixture that make me laugh every single time).


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"I don’t have particular feelings against it as long as the talented ones are able to do the films they want back home."

I get your point too but here's my biggest qualm with this part. The actors probably don't realize this because after they're done they go back to their homeland and not feel subjected to everyday stereotypes and mockery, but them continually agreeing to these stereotypical roles hurts Asian-Americans. It keeps the stereotypes in America alive.


Hollywood has been casting foreign actors since its birth (Charlie Chaplin, for one, was British). I think it's always better for the actors to have something to fall back in their homelands. British, Australian and other European actors usually get projects way beneath their skills and academic backgrounds, however, they gladly receive their pay cheques and fly back to their countries, if they ever feel stuffy in the US.
Typecasting Asian-Americans in American mainstream cinema is a whole different issue though. I believe I've read an article on it and seemed to be a controversial matter based on commercialism. But I can't fully comprehend the connection between casting foreigners (despite their race) and typecasting. Italians used to be stereotyped as "Mafia's Bosses" or "poor immigrants" in Hollywood productions just because Italian-Americans actors were given the same roles time and again,- so, it was the complete opposite issue with them.



The big asian stars have their homeland to fall back on and that's why they have no problem with being stereotypes in Hollywood movies, they didn't grow up with the constant mockery that Asian-Americans see and this is basically just for bragging rights that they did something in Hollywood (it's not like they're starving actors in need of jobs right away and it's not like they're trying to be taken seriously in Hollywood either otherwise they wouldn't pick franchises).

What they don't see is they're helping to keep the stereotype alive in America, about how Americans view people overseas and also Asian-Americans (it makes no sense but that's how it is, Asian-Americans get mocked for it too). For acting, tons of Asian-American actors reject or don't audition for these stereotypical roles, and tons of overseas actors choose not to do it either, it would be so easy to cave in and make an easy buck or get exposure but a lot don't fall for it because they know, and they work hard to break the stereotypes for the future. But if big asian stars come from overseas to just accept these stereotypical roles, they (unknowingly?) undo a lot of the hardwork that other asian actors are trying to prove in Hollywood.

I really get your point too, it's a complicated subject.


@soapbox, I finally see what you are getting at, but the thing is, Lee Junki and other overseas Asian actors who act in Hollywood productions don't owe anyone a duty to break the stereotypes of Asian Americans.

And to really break the stereotypes and ensure Asian Americans get better roles, more needs to be done than just have Asian American actors turn down roles and forego paychecks. It's well known that Hollywood is a white man's system, but they at least pay attention to who are paying to watch movies. And frankly, I find it hard to believe that Americans still buy into these nowadays, unless they have never had to interact with an Asian in all their lives.



Clearly. There's lots of things happening behind the scenes too. There's diversity organizations that are trying their best to increase the visibility of Asians in Hollywood productions (TV seeing a faster difference). It's a long work in progress and we're obviously not going to reach a big goal anytime soon, but everyone is trying their best to do their part to ensure a better change in the future, you know what I mean?

I guess you're right, they don't owe anyone anything. But let me just say that even Ken Watanabe says half of the scripts he gets are of outdated stereotypes and so clearly he's picky with his roles and representation. That's pride and self-respect, and that has gotten him a long way.


Well, good for Ken Watanabe, whether it's because he can afford to be picky or it's a matter of principle for him. But it's not fair to other Asian or even Asian American actors to measure them by his standards.

I guess the changes will really be effected 10 to 20 years down the road, when productions have to change to cater to the changing demographics in America, and the old guards in the Hollywood system make way for the new.



What I'm saying is that Ken Watanabe has been careful with the way he represents himself from the beginning and that's how he has managed to come a long way. The way these big stars from Korea are representing themselves with the projects they pick will not lead to a longlasting or respected career in Hollywood, they're going to be used, chewed up and spat out for the next ones. Even putting stereotypes aside, this isn't doing them any favors. That's what I mean by self-respect.

And for the last time, I'm not going to compare these big stars (that have money and time, starting out in big money-making franchises) to the ones struggling for a long time in America. There will be stumbles for struggling Asian-Americans too in terms of caving to stereotype roles (it's sad) but their money issues are more understandable than just bragging rights from big stars.

I don't even know why I'm still here talking about this.


Maybe he just like the franchise...or Milla Jovovich for all we know, I mean who knows for what reason he picked this particular project.


You're doing a fine job talking about matters that none of us here (probably) have a clue. If you're part of a particular community that fights against stereotyping in film industry, you should keep informing us on your activities and your future plans. I'm part of several active groups myself fighting for gender equality in education and diversity in workplace as well as women's rights in general. If we don't stand up for our rights, nothing will ever change, I agree!


I looked up snowpiercer and watched it. It is one of the best sci-fi movies I have watched.


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Snowpiercer had a Korean director, and the Wachowski siblings thought it was too dark and tried to cut some critical scenes... the director Bong Joon Ho refused, so they withdrew their support and the film did not get a wide release... so Snowpiercer is not really a Hollywood film... which is why it was so good... the director maintained his artistic integrity and did not succumb to Hollywood commercialization.


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I agree. The French story is a graphic novel in which the whole action has a specific message for the readers. I'm glad the director insisted on the book's message and Pathé took over the production. You're right, it's NOT a Hollywood film whatsoever!


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I think you mean the Weinsteins, not the Wachowskis? I don't think the latter had anything to do with Snowpiercer, and if they did I doubt very much they would have found it too dark, given their other work.


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Bong Joon Ho is too good to be told what to do with his movies. His own style of directing is what makes him stand out. Good for him for standing his ground.


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We'll have to see what kind of role LJK will have, but precisely because it's a blockbuster sort of thing, it's quite likely that he'll be relegated to the usual sort of role that Asian or even Asian-American actors get relegated too. As in a baddie of a particular type, with few lines and really nothing that would allow him to show his acting talent.

I can understand why LJK took this role and I guess it will get him some international attention & financial pay-off but I am under no illusion that he's likely to get any good roles in solid films (e.g. the sort of films actors like Viggo Mortensen or Cate Blanchett do) from this – more likely, if he gets more offers, they'll end up typecasting him as the beautiful, 'oriental' villain.

He should network with Bae Doona who is working on much more interesting international projects...

I agree with the others about Snowpiercer.


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Personally, I love Resident Evil movies. I own them all. They are campy and fun. So I'm excited to see him in whatever role he may play in the movie. There are been plenty of named actors in the franchise, so I don't think it is "beneath him" to be in it. It seems like a fun opportunity and will play to some of his strengths: action sequences and looking good. Because those are the qualities of everyone in the franchise.

Whether he plays a good guy or a villain is a moot point in this franchise. The men all die or get mutated (whether they started off good, evil, or just weak cowards).

I don't think less of the other actors in this franchise, so I certainly won't think less of him. Popcorn flicks are what I like best.


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Lol. You make it sound like it would be easy for any actor to choose a role to his liking.
Now add the Asian factor. It's not like they are thought after in America. And if they need to cast someone looking Asian for one of these very rare parts, they have tons of actors that are native speakers.
Also RE will make it to the theaters and is no movie that will only be released on DVD.

I'm no RE fan, but this is BIG news for LJK's acting career and I'm thrilled.
Get your beautiful face and your acting and action abilities out there, boy. You deserve it!


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Where did I say that it's easy for Asian actors to get roles in Hollywood? It just depends if you want to take the easy stereotypical route or steer clear from it. Going with the stereotypes hurts more in the grand scheme of things. Hollywood will think it's okay to keep using these stereotypes just because there are Asians that will agree to do the role.

"this is BIG news for LJK’s acting career" -- I doubt it.


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Where did I say you said it'd be easy? I said, you make it sound like it is easy for an actor to choose Hollywood parts. Or any other given part, unless you are a top star.

Not going with the stereotype would mean for LJK to not act in Hollywood. To think he'd be able to have a word in which part he'd get is naive. It's take it or leave it. Luckily he knows what this means and now he'll have his name and face out there and has a tiny chance to make something out of it.
Great news? You bet it is in this competitive and ruthless business. There are thousands unemployed actors out there who'd kill to get this job. They have to pay their bills, too.


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This is such a pathetic excuse and extremely short-sighted. I don't even know what to say. Asian-Americans (actors) still strive to rid of these stereotypes, don't start.


Lol. We know next to nothing about his role, but YOU stereotype it from the get-go.

A world superstar like Shah Rukh Khan openly dreams about winning the Oscar, the only step he made into Hollywood so far is co-presenting an award at the Golden Globes. He has several billion followers and not a single second on celluloid in Hollywood.

LJK fighting!

Let's agree to disagree.



"but YOU stereotype it from the get-go."

As you can see, my first comment said nothing about his role being a stereotype, but as the subject became broadened (from you as well), I also spoke in the broader sense and about the general situation in Hollywood. That's where the stereotypes talk came up.

That doesn't negate the fact that you defended it. And even said this which is such an insult to hardworking actors trying to get rid of the stereotypes: "Not going with the stereotype would mean for LJK to not act in Hollywood."


Ok, I should have added 'alleged' (by you) stereotype.
You brought the stereotype into play and I satirized it.

Again, let's agree to disagree. My final comment about this matter.


I think both opinions have their own points. I just wanna say that actors are humans too. They need to think about their future. Both careers and money are equally important excuses , and I don't think that paying their bills are pathetic excuses. Everyone has their own needs and dreams.



The pathetic excuse part wasn't directed towards paying bills, it was towards this “Not going with the stereotype would mean for LJK to not act in Hollywood” statement. It's sad and pathetic and does put insult on actors (many nowhere near as big as Lee Junki) working hard to break those stereotypes for future generations.

Obviously paying bill is a necessity, but that's not really what talking about here, are we? Lee Junki and his bills?


How would I know how he pays his bills ? *LOL* . My opinion is generally for everyone out there :D . Everyone must have thought about what is good for their future, and everyone has their own ways to achieve it and reasons behind it. That is all that I can say.


Wow !! Does LJK has oddles of offers from Hollywood ???
Stop judging him , we don't even know what role he's playing in RE. Whatever it is ,it gives him exposure outside Korea .. Of course later on when he is @ the same level
as Ken Watanabe he can choose more meater and better
roles. But for now this is a good opportunity for him.Fighting
LJK and goodluck


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What. The. Fek. What. The. Fek.


I love RE and I love zombies and I love Junki (not as much as Rim) and I'm very happy about this. :DDDDDDD

And to those who are sad that LJK isn't in anything "better", what's better? It's not like he's fielding dozens of offers from Hollywood. :/ At least he gets his face in a popular franchise. Hopefully it'll be a stepping stone. Though I'll be sad if he leaves k-ent since I'm not good at catching up to non-k-ent shows.


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Yaaaasssss!! was my first reaction and then i read a bunch of comments... and I realize RE is not some peoples cup of tea but I love it.. & LJK. :))) and I am super excited for this!!!


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That was my reaction too, when the news broke that LJG will be working with Milla Jovovich in the final RE movie! ?

While not a major fan of the RE franchise - just watched the first and a bit of the second movies - MJ has always been awesome in there.

While most Hollywood movies tend to stereotype Asian actors, in the 'real world' of the entertainment business, Hollywood is still considered a desirable goal for many Asian stars. (Which is not an opinion I share since those typecast roles do not contribute anything meaningful and reinforce stereotypes, not to mention cheapened the status of these famous Asian stars, but then, what do I know).

That said, I am still excited for this collaboration between MJ and LJG as I like MJ and love JG - and this type of movies, while not what as a fan I hope he would work in - appears to be just right up his alley, and a great exposure for him, regardless. So, will definitely be catching this movie when it shows, if just to better appreciate JG's awesomeness on the big screen! ??


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I've to comment to defend RE's honor because that franchise is awesome!! It's super entertaining, the action is always slick and fun to look at, and most importantly, it's the only franchise lead by a female character in Hollywood that has this many sequels (in fact not alot of male centric franchise actually has this many movies beside Mission Impossible and Bourne?). Alice is so badass and even though the plot is on the thin side, it always make her super kickass with no stupid sexist storyline. I love loveeee all of these popcorn flick movies and now that Junki is in the next one, I am at the edge of my seat!


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+1 ?


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+alpha :), Theres also Lara Croft but I guess its a bit older


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I played Tomb Raider with my brothers and I thought the video game was better than the movies (the story). The latest especially was the best and the setting is somewhere in Japan. That would be perfect for casting asian actors.

My favorite was The Prince of Persia. I loved the story and the fantasy setting. Unfortunately I didn't like Jake Gyllenhaal in the movie.


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And there were only 2 movies, right? Resident Evil is up to 6.


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I am happy for his Hollywood debut though I am not a big fan of RE but I might watch the movie just for Lee Jun Ki oppa ? I think this may give him recognition in Hollywood and I pray even greater projects to land his way in future.


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*adds Rossi to list of friends*

:)))))) Resident Evil is awesome.


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oh my god, go, Teacher!


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I loved the first movie, never felt like seeing the others.


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He doesn't need to speak english if they make him into one of the zombies or add him to the Japan flashbacks.
They had Nakashima Mika in the films as one of the "first" zombie monsters.
I don't know much much the RE film series has anything to do with the original games (I guess very little)
Too bad Guillermo de Toro's and Kojima Hideo's Silent Hill movie didn't work out though.


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I'm happy for Lee Jun Ki but....Resident Evil? I honestly don't care about network ratings (in TV series) and box office numbers (in movies) but these two are different from the actual reviews of movie critics (which I value) and yeah, RE movies are always panned by critics ?


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I'm super excited for LJK. Will be great for his career as he will now get more exposure in Hollywood and abroad (like Kdrama hasn't already done that. Lol)
Why are people complaining that its not a A-list movie role? Gez. Who starts out in an A-list role? Everyone has to start small. Even Rain was in some small time probably C-grade movie...
Resident Evil may not be as successful as Harry Potter but there's still a cult following. I would too but I can't stomach zombie movies...look at Star Trek. The constant loyal fans has kept the franchise going for this long and now its more successful than ever.

Well done Lee Jun Ki Oppa! Hope you get more Hollywood role! ?


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And how cute is that selfie! And how bloody gorgeous does he look even next to supermodel Milla. How can he be so pretty but so manly HOT! ? *vigorously fan self*


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I really hope they do Lee Junki justice in this film... and don't just put him in a bad guy role and kill him off right away... which is how Hollywood treats Asian guys... so much talent is wasted that way.


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Haha, that is how they treat ALL men in the RE Franchise. If you don't have lady parts, don't expect to be around long, unless you are captured and mutated and need ladies to save you.


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RE is a fun franchise. It might be a 'turn off your brain and enjoy the popcorn' movie but it is a great opportunity for LJK.

Also helps to work with directors like Paul W S Anderson which can only increase his visibility in Hollywood especially for action franchises.


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Good luck to Lee Jun-ki because I'm sure he's going to need it. Nevertheless, breaking the Asian barriers is something big, albeit the project,- more viewers for our precious one, ladies!!


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This is great news!
.. so happy for LJK.


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The only thing that makes me sad about this is that they don't properly appreciate or understand the magnificence that is Oppa.

That hair in the selfie really suits him, though!! Although there's something different about him that I can't put my finger on. He seems a bit...American? I don't know, it's something!


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I think it's a combination of

1. no visible eye makeup (dramas ALWAYS give their male leads that odd eye shadow at the outer corners, it's super obvious) and

2. The beginnings of the slightest shadow of facial scruff! Which he has never had for a drama or anything, and which makes him even hotter to me (seriously he needs to stop with the selfies if they're all like this, is he trying to cause my death?)


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Strange, his mustache shadow was almost always very strong in Scholar. I kept wondering if they were out of foundation. :)
He does look good in this picture.


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yeah the shadow was quite strong in the final episode of Scholar, they probably didn't have time to let him even shave properly by then!

But then he did wear practically a whole MAC counter's worth of eyeliner throughout the drama, so that kind of contradicted the scruff in a weird way.


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Resident evil is quite fun when it aired on tv, but the good news is he made an entrance, who knew what wait him there,
but I hope he can speak english so he can get more prominent role in the hollywood,


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I'm so excited when I heard the news that my beloved Lee Joon gi will be in the movie Resident Evil! He'll be in a hollywood and that's already a great blessing... I'm just too happy for him and want to support him.

RE may not be as famous like Harry Potter or LOTR or Bourne or MI, but I enjoyed the last RE movie... IT may not be for all since we differ in taste, but the movie has many followers. It wouldn't reach it's 6th and last installment if it is a flopped, regardless of the criticsm.

I'm very much hoping that they will give our beloved LJK a good role and longer time or exposure in the movie.

All in all, I'm just really happy for him I can't stop smiling! LET'S JUST SUPPORT HIM! :)


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jb, you should have put a warning ahead of that instagram pic, I almost choked from the excess of beauty.

I have no illusions about the franchise or the nature of the role (Asians in Hollywood rarely get to be leads), but at least it'll be a good experience for oppa, like someone said, a taste of a different filmmaking culture. And for all its other faults and cheese, Resident Evil is an extremely successful franchise and one of the very few led by a woman....which is cool in my book.

Of course, it would be AMAZING if we got another production like Snowpiercer and he could get a more substantial role in that, but I'm not here to hate on him for trying out something new.


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I feel the same as most everyone else. I love Jun-ki-ssi so much and am so happy he's branching out and getting more exposure even if it's in a pretty bad franchise. I also worship Milla Jovovich so I think that's cool. This might even get me to watch one of these movies, or just his parts.

I'm happy for him and I hope this can lead to more international opportunities for one of my favorite actors!


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I love the RE movies. They aren't plot twisters, but that's not their point. To trash them because its not your favorite genre is... well, I won't assign a label. Aside from all that, I'm just happy to see another very talented Asian actor land a role in an american movie. It doesn't happen often enough.


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For sure zombies will it him or he will be the zombie


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The Resident Evil franchise has been very popular. It's a sci fi genre film something that Koreans don't do. So you've got a nation full of video game players but a movie industry that produces almost no sci fi. I bet it's every young actors fantasy to play an action hero in a sci fi movie. Resident Evil movies have also always had a fairly diverse cast. Looks to me like they are still in make up and he doesn't look like a zombie to me. I'm excited one more familiar Korean face in a movie that doesn't force me to read most of the dialog. I can't see it as a bad thing to have more Asians cast in western movies. If he's playing a bad ass then he'll get noticed. I think the public is ready for diversity even if the industry hasn't yet caught up. Lee Jun Ki isn't a complete nobody to the international film community because King and the Clown received international praise and was a huge hit in Asia.


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Aww come on, a Korean star in a Hollywood movie!!! One that's had six installments in total...again, come on!!! This is good news. Milla Jovovich is gorgeous!! To have a role in her movie, when there are so many American actors who could be in it, is a positive advancement. I don't see any Korean movie producers rushing to snap Joon Gi up, so why can't he spread his wings??

I hope it's a role he slays!! Whatever happens though, I'd count it up as experience. Nothing's ever wasted, good or bad. What's even worse, is sitting still waiting for the perfect role.

You can tell by now I'm a big Lee Joon Gi fan. But if it's in any doubt....I LOVE JOON GI!!! heh hehhh~ wishing him all the best in U.S. of AAAAA babbayyyyy!!


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Omg, you go boy!!! Hope he will make a remarkable debut in Hollywood :D


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Woah I used to love Resident Evil so much because I can't watch horror but I can survive zombie movies ? I think I watched till RE3 before I focused more on k-dramas and stopped watching.

Now if Lee Jun-ki is in this (Oppaaaaa!) then it's a good reason to watch this again, and the final chapter on top of that. I wish he gets to show his action skill ALOT. Jun-ki Oppa, go go!


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Resident Evil ???

I used to play RE in playstation with my brother (he was playing while I was reading the walkthrough .. or vice versa :p). It's a scary game for me. I love action, but I'm not a fan of gory scenes. Then again, it has been fun playing it and I screamed everytime the zombies / monsters appear. BUT, I literally closed my eyes watching the first RE movie since I was scared, and I'd never ever wanted to watch it again or it's franchises. I hate gory scenes.

But now, Lee Junki will act in RE??? Man .. I have to force myself to watch this only for him (and close my eyes whenever the monster appears. Really!! ). Junkiii how could you force me to watch something like this?? *LOL*

Anyway, despite the Asian roles stereotype in Hollywood, I understand why he took this role. I think that he is someone who loves to explore something new, and playing in a Hollywood movie will give him more new experiences, including meeting new people and working in the Hollywood industry. He should be aware that his series / movies have good responses internationally (outside of Korea), so isn't it logical to explore more on this potential market ? He has already done several movies in Asia, so now he wants to know how it will go in the western. I believe that he is already aware about this stereotypical role for Asian actors. He is still young, so it's natural if he wants to find new experiences. At least, he is handsomely paid (he should be).

So, just do your best, Junki. I hope to see him clearly in the trailer when it's coming out!


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Lol Luna, my brothers got me playing RE (PC version)with them. I didn't like it but I am the only girl in the family and I only got into it just to beat them haha.


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It's the opposite with me. My bro is the only guy in the family (well there's Dad, too) so he didn't have any friends to play games with *LOL*. I'm the only one who wants to accompany him, and the best games we've played together was RE. Now he's married and has 3 boys, so he won't play games alone anymore .. hahaha


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I have no idea what Javabeans is talking about.

Resident Evil films are very good. They're well written, well acted and the special effects and stunts are top notch. Critics like them and regularly give them good reviews.

It's a smart move for Lee Jun Ki. His best chance of moving into international films is through blockbusters and franchises. If he demonstrates that he can carry the screen in a franchise film, then a lot more opportunities will arise. It's also a chance to bump up his international fan base to men. That additional demographic will be huge in increasing his bankability and thus the number of additional offers he'll get.


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kdrama bubble


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I'm so excited when i saw this news.... oh wow oh wow, my Junki sshi..
Not a fan of RE but I will still watched it for my Beloved JG.
He will act as supporting role and less screen time but at least it was a hollywood film and worthy for him. After this no one knows what will happened next. Hoping this will be his gateway to international arena (But i don't want him to end up a typecast for villain role, he's a hero type to me) so namoo actors, pls take good care of his career, he is one of the great actor I've seen in dramaland.


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Though everyone has conflicting opinions with regards to RE movies..
we all share the same appreciation & love for LJK.
I just hope he will be given a long exposure in the movie.
I stop watching movies with bloody/scary/violent plot way back 8 yrs ago..but for LJK, I managed to watch the scholar..and now looking forward to watch the final sequel of RE.
I give up, I don't have the courage & the will to resist such charm!!


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Milla jovovich is awesome! I really like the first RE, the rest a bit bleh, but hey now that Lee Junki is in maybe it'll pick up?


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I just love how hush-hush this news was and more so because it was Mila herself who surprised everybody. So proud of my guys! Media's opportunity to sink the ship just got bxxmbed. And get your facts straight, people. This is not an all-Hollywood franchise. Joongi sshi just got international and he didn't need anyone's approval to do so. Nobody owns him.


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I loved some of the Resident Evil franchise films so I'm happy for him. I hope it's a substantial role. :) Either way, it'd be really nice to see him kick zombie @$$!!!


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I dont really keep up with the Resident Evil series (because I cant do horror) but its a pretty well known series in America so its awesome that he gets to participate in the action and show off his badassery. Honestly, Hollywood isnt exactly going in the direction of complex, emotional, relatable movies of tv shows. Everything is about action packed superhero movies (Avengers and Marvel in general, Batman vs Superman). Lee Jun Ki fighting!! I'll work on my courage so I can go see it in 2017 hahaha


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Y'know if I didn't know who LJK was and I just saw that gorgeousness (even in a 2 min cameo), I'd go home after the movie and open Google and be:

Resident Evil cast
who is (character name) in Resident Evil
Korean guy in Resident Evil
Asian guy Resident Evil birthday
Asian guy Resident Evil interview



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I've watched about two Resident movies in the beginning, and honestly they're super entertaining. It may seem like Asian actors should take whatever they can get from Hollywood, but I just know that LJK would get a hell of a kick in playing a bad-ass zombie. As for the English, I don't think he needs to worry about long thoughtful dialogues; it's Resident Evil. Reallllyyyyy excited to watch it again!


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I guess I will finally watch a Resident Evil movie. And please let him be scruffy!


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I unfortunately know how I feel: Defeated. I will now spend money on a movie franchise that I have loathed for over a decade, for the horrendous crime of ruining one of the best video game universes in history. Just to see Lee Jun Ki, I will negate my past griping and teeth-gnashing and watch this movie in a theater! Probably on opening night too! Thus is the power of Lee Jun Ki. You win Hollywood! Are you happy now!? You freaking win!!


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Comment was deleted


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From LJK's point of view, yes, I agree that he's got nothing to loose. Action genre is one of the things that he's good at and been doing for years, so it's logical to choose an action movie as his breakthrough in a new environment. Yes, I agree with people's comments here that Hollywood tends to give stereotype roles to Asian actors. Then again, one can always hope to try and win the market, no mater how small the probability is. LJK himself started in small roles before. Even if he fails, it will strengthen his position as an action actor, at least in Korea, while exploring his other potentials in other genres (such as romance).


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Ugh, how you couldn't see what she really meant in order to put him down... She said about the Hollywood's win for seeing to cast this talented actor.

RE is a well-known franchise worldwide and has nice CG effects so Lee Joon Gi's choice to be a part of RE has nothing to compare with Rain's hollywood ones. Since this time is the final installment, he would probably get better noticed than being in the previous sequels.

Moreover, its main cast is the actress in which he might steal the attention of viewers as a fantastic Asian Guy/Actor among other Western male supporting cast. He already has that screen-presense to pull out his best what he gets from his roles since his debut days. This is actually a smart move to step in this large industry. At the same time, he will also get higher respect from his mother country. You know, K-media gives much love to the actors who can represent their country internationally.


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Yes, of course I see what she meant :) . Everyone has their own opinion, right ? I've also said mine.


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@Luna I'm sorry if you misunderstood. My reply referred to the comment #50.1 by @Marina.


I think when she said "You win, Hollywood" she meant, Hollywood, you win. She's talking to Hollywood, not Lee Jun Ki. Though, he has every potential to 'win' or 'win over' Hollywood. You really don't have a say what other people's future holds. You do however, have an opinion which, like thos e of others, should be respected.


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