Answer Me 1988: Episode 8

Today’s episode is about brothers, the kind who’re weird and drive you crazy most days, and are kind of embarrassing. But put them in danger, and suddenly it reveals so much about everyone around them, and what they’d do to protect someone they love.

Episode 8 logged the highest average ratings for the entire Answer Me franchise, coming in at 12.2% and beating out Answer Me 1994’s finale.


Deulgukhwa – “사랑한 후에” (After Love) [ Download ]

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EPISODE 8: “One warm word”

It’s two days after Christmas in 1988, and like clockwork, Taek’s dad wakes up at the crack of dawn to go make Taek a warm breakfast. He then goes outside to sweep the street like usual, but this time the other parents stop when they see him wearing his new pink mittens. He proudly tells them that they’re a birthday gift from Taek, and everybody finds it adorable.

Deok-sun bundles up for the cold day and opens up her drawer… where she’s got a pair of pink gloves (from Jung-hwan) next to a pair of pink mittens (from Taek). Well doesn’t that just sum up her predicament quite nicely? She sits there contemplating them for a moment, then decides on the mittens. One point, Taek.

Deok-sun meets her friends at the ddukbokki place, where she shouts at them that she’s not stupid. They swear that this time, it’s really for sure—Jung-hwan likes her. Why else would he dash all the way to Gangnam at a moment’s notice for her? Deok-sun snaps that she’s not about to let them make a fool of her twice after being wrong about Sun-woo, and points out that they know nothing about boys anyway. That shuts them up instantly.

She notices that her friend dyed her hair lighter and wants to do the same, but they warn her that using hydrogen peroxide burns and smells disgusting. Their solution: beer. Deok-sun goes straight home and pours four giant bottles of beer into a basin, then dunks her head in. Oh, the things we do.

Mom is upset about something and asks Deok-sun where she went earlier today. Bora unni says that some money is missing from Mom’s wallet, and though Deok-sun claims to know nothing about it, Bora goes to check Deok-sun’s wallet anyway.

Deok-sun bursts into tears and cries that she didn’t take the money, horribly offended that Unni or Mom would suspect her. She wails to Mom, who feels bad and feeds her sweet potatoes while wiping away her tears.

Deok-sun figures that this only leaves No-eul as the possible thief, and Mom just asks her not to say anything because he’s at a rebellious age. That just hurts Deok-sun’s feelings all over again, and she asks Mom why her feelings weren’t spared when she’s also at a rebellious age. Lol.

Today’s the day that the college entrance exam results will be announced, and by the heavy silence in Jung-hwan’s house, I’m thinking there was no Christmas miracle for Jung-bong hyung. Dad says maybe he heard wrong and calls again, but this time it’s for sure—he failed, yet again.

Jung-hwan gives Hyung a silent tap on the shoulder before heading to his room, and Dad plays peacemaker to try and lift Jung-bong’s spirits. Dad reminds him that he has to be admitted into the hospital tomorrow, and it’s important not to be stressed out. Hm, what’s going on with Hyung?

Mom sighs that if it hadn’t been for the surgery… but Dad says he’s just grateful that Jung-bong grew up well. I wonder if he’s been sick his whole life or something? Dad asks if she’s forgotten, but Mom says she hasn’t.

Bora talks to her boyfriend on the phone (she’s actually rather sweet when she’s talking to him) and defers meeting up until next week. But then another friend calls to see her today, and she heads out right away.

Sun-woo is hanging out in the street and greets her less formally than usual, and she corrects him to use jondae with her. Jung-hwan and Dong-ryong come out too, and she says pointedly that she’s heading out to see her boyfriend, and snaps at Dong-ryong for not greeting her formally either. He quickly bows at the waist in apology.

Jung-hwan asks Sun-woo if he still likes her when she’s like that, and Sun-woo admits that he doesn’t like that part. Jung-hwan feels bad that Bora is going out to meet her boyfriend, but Sun-woo says she’s lying—she always wears skirts when going out with her boyfriend, and lied for his benefit. Jung-hwan stares like he’s gone crazy.

The three of them hang out in Taek’s room, and when Dong-ryong decides his new favorite star is Lee Ji-yeon, Jung-hwan teases that Sun-woo likes the strong type. They exchange silent looks over Dong-ryong’s head, but Jung-hwan keeps going: “You know, like Bora noona.”

Dong-ryong says that’s possible, but they shouldn’t assume that Bora is any different in front of her boyfriend. Both boys turn to look at him, and Dong-ryong sighs that they know nothing about girls. He says that no matter how much a girl does silly dances at home, she’ll be totally different and act coy in front of the boy she likes. He points out that the reverse is true too: If a girl dances like that in front of you, she doesn’t see you as a man.

Cut to: Deok-sun doing that very dance in front of them a few minutes later, as Jung-hwan scowls in the corner. Hahaha. You can practically see it stamped on his forehead: Not a man.

Taek opens the door and almost runs away scared at the sight, but Deok-sun mime-reels him into the room, and he just smiles SO wide, it kills me.

The moms have a beauty day when Jung-hwan’s mom has the Amore lady come and give them massages (dude, I totally remember my mom doing this back in the day!), and when the saleslady says that Jung-hwan’s mom looks like she’s never had a day of stress in her life, they laugh.

The kids play rock-paper-scissors and Jung-hwan is the loser who has to go make ramyun, and no amount of complaining gets him out of the task. They shoo him out, eager to start watching La Bamba.

Dong-ryong asks Taek if he remembers their group movie date tomorrow, and doesn’t even seem surprised that Taek asked them to go and forgot. He says he has a match tomorrow, and they remind him that they already accounted for that.

They tell him not to bother trying to find the theater on his own, certain that he’ll get lost, and Deok-sun pats him on the head like a little kid and tells him to wait at the training center until “noona” picks him up. He doesn’t seem to like that very much, though he doesn’t say anything.

Dong-ryong assumes that Taek hasn’t been to a movie theater in ages, but Deok-sun says the two of them went recently. Aha, so the movie date DID happen! Sun-woo asks what they saw, and Deok-sun says Taek wouldn’t know—he slept the whole time. HA.

She says Taek had pulled two all-nighters in a row before seeing the movie, and we flash back to the theater, where Deok-sun shoveled popcorn in her mouth and Taek fell asleep on her shoulder. That is tiny and adorable.

Jung-hwan finally arrives with ramyun, in which everything from the fridge has been thrown into the pot. He calls it his hyung’s style, which sounds about right. They ask about Hyung’s surgery, and he says that this time it’s only an hour-long procedure, so they needn’t come visit in the hospital.

Deok-sun remembers the surgery taking ten hours the last time, but Sun-woo says last time they were replacing valves; this time they’re just replacing batteries. Taek asks about Hyung’s exam, and Deok-sun quietly tells him that he failed.

Jung-hwan suddenly gets a bloody nose, which they all seem to be used to. Dong-ryong asks if Jung-hwan isn’t sick too (NoooooooooooOOOOO!), and Sun-woo says he’s already been tested—he’s fine, but both Jung-hwan and Jung-bong are rather weak. Deok-sun jokes that the bloody nose is because he’s seen too many racy things.

Taek says that Jung-hwan’s mom must be really worried even if it’s a routine procedure, and Jung-hwan scoffs. Mom is currently getting her second massage of the day, and making sure that her friends get a boatload of free samples after buying enough beauty products to fill her entire vanity counter.

The moms chuckle over how the salesladies all tell Jung-hwan’s mom that she’s likely never touched a drop of water or had any hardship in her life, when they know that she’s had the toughest life of all of them. They remember how hard things were for her back when Jung-bong was sick, and how she ran around doing odd jobs like wallpapering, delivering newspapers, and working in restaurants.

Deok-sun’s mom says that if her child had a heart condition, she’d likely just collapse. Jung-hwan’s mom says she didn’t really have a choice—Jung-bong needed surgery and she had no money, so she had to go earn it wherever she could. She remembers starving for two days along with her husband, and the other moms chide her for not telling them back then.

They ask what the procedure is this time, remembering that last year he had a valve replaced because it’d been ten years since the original surgery. They’re amazed that she doesn’t seem worried, but Jung-hwan’s mom says now they have all the money they need and the best doctor possible. In his room, Jung-bong quietly puts away all the things he’s been obsessed with lately—telephone books, Rubick’s cubes, stamp collections—as he cries.

Bora prods her friend to quit stalling and say whatever it is that she called her here for. Her friend hems and haws, and accidentally refers to Bora’s boyfriend as “oppa” instead of “sunbae,” alerting her to the bomb that’s about to be dropped.

The friend starts crying as she tells Bora about a drunken “accidental” kiss they shared on a trip when Bora wasn’t around, acting like she was suffering because she felt so guilty all this time and couldn’t look Bora in the eye. Bora remains stone-faced, then finally tells her friend to stop crying because she’s going to stop seeing her boyfriend. She gets up and adds that she’s going to stop seeing her too, because they’re not friends. Yeah, no kidding. Good for you.

Deok-sun’s dad comes home drunk yet again, and oh noes—he’s bought another useless thing on the subway. This time it’s magical ink-eraser, and he’s gone and bought three bottles of the stuff. Mom is stressed enough as it is with money missing from her wallet, and this time she just snaps and grabs a bottle of ink and pours it on Dad’s white shirt.

Dad remains calm and says it’s fine because he has ink eraser, and begins to pour the pink liquid on top of the massive stain… which of course only serves to spread the ink around. How can a man be so funny and so infuriating at the same time?

They launch into a huge fight, and Mom starts throwing random things in front of her at Dad, like a towel, a bag of popcorn. But then she doesn’t realize that she’s picked up a decorative rock until it’s too late and she’s already hurled it at him. She gasps, and the rock slides off Dad’s face, revealing a giant red bruise around his eye.

Hyung comes into Jung-hwan’s room carrying a giant box of his stuff, and shows him all of his prized possessions one by one. He says solemnly that Jung-hwan can have all of it, and Jung-hwan scoffs that this is going a little overboard for a one-hour routine surgery. He says that he looked it up, and there’s only a 3% failure rate for a surgery like this.

Hyung turns to him and says that there’s only a 2% chance that a child will have heart disease: “So that 3% really scares me.” Aw, Hyung. Jung-hwan grows quiet at that, but he decides that Hyung is still going overboard and tells him that everything will be fine. Hyung asks hesitantly if Little Bro wants to sleep in the same bed tonight, and Jung-hwan shoots that down right away. Jung-bong pretends to be too old for that too, but he looks a little disappointed as he shuffles away.

Deok-sun comes home and gasps to see Dad’s bruiser, but is more weirded out when Mom and Dad speak to each other pleasantly and formally in jondae. She asks No-eul what’s going on, and he tells her that Mom threw a rock at Dad, and they’ve decided that speaking to each other in jondae will force them not to call each other names and fight all the time. Deok-sun thinks this is more embarrassing than them fighting, and No-eul agrees.

It’s the morning of Jung-bong’s surgery, and for Mom it’s business as usual, while Dad and Jung-bong are subdued and have to be coaxed to eat breakfast. Deok-sun’s parents are still speaking in jondae at the breakfast table, though hilariously they’re still arguing about the same old things and pointing out each other’s flaws, just in formal language and pleasant tone. No-eul answers a call for Bora and repeats her brush-off: “She said to say she’s not here,” and Bora retreats to her room for the day to brood.

Jung-hwan joins his family at the table after another bloody nose (you’re starting to freak me out over here. I will DIE if something happens to you, ya hear me?!), and Mom and Dad tell him not to come to the hospital until tomorrow since there’s no place for him to sleep anyway. Jung-hwan just puts another reassuring hand on Hyung’s shoulder as they eat.

The kids head out to go pick up Taek at the training center for their movie, and Deok-sun loses the boys on the way there because they’re too busy snacking. They send her to go fetch Taek on her own, reminding her to hold his hand the whole way so they don’t lose him. Hee. He’s not five!

Deok-sun kills time making funny faces on the glass in the phone booth outside, and sees Taek being led out by his coach. He gets congratulated on another win, and then a bunch of aspiring players line up with stars in their eyes, eager to just shake hands with Taek, trembling nervously as they tell him it’s such an honor.

He gets to the end of the line and beams to find Deok-sun standing there, and he pats her on the head sweetly. She asks where he left his bag because he was carrying one when he left this morning, and yells at him for being so forgetful.

It startles everyone else to hear someone talk to the God of Baduk that way, but Taek just goes to fetch his bag like he was ordered. One of his hoobaes raises his hand and offers to do it for him, but Deok-sun says Taek needs the exercise and nags him not to dillydally, and everyone gapes as Taek just smiles and runs off.

Jung-bong’s doctor (cameo by Kim Tae-hoon) comes in to explain the procedure he’ll be getting in two days, which actually doesn’t sound all that minor. They’re going to replace his artificial pacemaker, and though they usually last five to ten years, in cases like his, they can be positioned in a difficult place and need to be changed out. That… sounds way more serious than a simple battery replacement to me.

Mom and Dad just want reassurance that it’s a simple procedure that’ll only take an hour, but the doctor refuses to confirm anything, leaving them all on edge.

Bora’s boyfriend calls again, and this time Bora just hangs up on him and tells Mom that he’s a crazy bastard. She buries herself in schoolwork, which somehow makes it sadder than if she just had a good cry.

The kids take the bus home after the movie, and Sun-woo is lost in thought over what he heard earlier that day, when Deok-sun and Taek joined them at the street stand. (I love it when Jung-hwan wipes Taek’s face with his own spit like a mom.)

Dong-ryong asks why Bora noona is extra pissy lately, and Deok-sun tells him that she had a massive fight with her boyfriend and is probably going to break up with him soon. She adds the jab while glancing over at Sun-woo: “He’s probably not in his right mind if he likes Sung Bora.”

Sun-woo just takes all this in quietly and mulls it over on the bus ride home. A bus seat opens up in the back row and Dong-ryong tells Jung-hwan he can sit down now, but Jung-hwan says he’s fine standing. It’s because he gets to be near Deok-sun that way, though it’s not exactly romantic when she’s fallen asleep with her mouth hanging wide open.

Once Jung-bong is asleep, Mom heads out to the waiting room to watch some TV, and Dad notes that she’s gotten so much stronger now. Mom scoffs that this is nothing compared to the big surgeries he’s had, though Dad seems a little more worried. He gets emotional and quietly wipes his tears as he watches Jung-bong sleep.

The boys sleep over at Taek’s and they ask about Jung-bong hyung, remembering how they used to play soccer with him all the time when they were little. Sun-woo remembers that Taek used to be good too, and that Jung-hwan’s dream was to become a soccer player. Jung-hwan doesn’t answer. The night ends with Dong-ryong’s farting shenanigans, as usual.

Jung-hwan comes to the hospital the next day with a banana and a pineapple from Taek, and Mom insists on asking the doctor if Jung-bong can eat that first, and then start his fast after. The doctor just sighs that she can do whatever.

When Hyung turns the fruit away, Jung-hwan realizes that he must really be nervous about his surgery to say no to food. Jung-bong sighs that he doesn’t have a good feeling about this one, and Dad snaps at him not to say such things. They notice more dried blood on Jung-hwan’s shirt (eeek), though he doesn’t even remember getting another bloody nose since this morning.

Deok-sun nags her little brother for hogging the phone, and realizes from his conversation that he has a girlfriend. She threatens to tell Mom, and he swears that it’s not even a girlfriend and he’s going to end things with her today anyway.

No-eul seems afraid of his girlfriend and her group of friends, and his meek attempt to break up with her doesn’t go very well. It seems less like a relationship and more like a group of gangster girls are bullying him into things, really.

Deok-sun and her girlfriends head out and happen to see No-eul and the girls down the street, and though No-eul looks like he’s about to piss his pants, Deok-sun seems oblivious and walks on by. Her friends are more observant though, and ask No-eul if he’d rather come with them.

He looks too terrified to answer, and Deok-sun’s friends ask if he’s crying. It’s as if that’s some kind of trigger word for Deok-sun, because she suddenly turns on a dime and grabs his girlfriend by her hair: “DID YOU MAKE MY BROTHER CRY?!” Hahahaha. Noona to the rescue!

The most hilarious brawl ensues, with girls everywhere yanking on hair and swatting at each other, while No-eul cries and tries to protect Deok-sun. Police officers come running over and girls scatter, but Deok-sun’s got a death-grip on the girlfriend and refuses to let go.

She’s quite literally a dog with a bone, and chomps down on the leg like a ferocious beast. This. Is. Awesome. The soundtrack plays cartoon heroine music, and we cut over to Sun-woo and Jin-ju singing along.

Bora heads out to buy a pack of cigarettes and discovers her boyfriend outside waiting for her (cameo by Park Jung-min). Sun-woo heads out to bring in the laundry and looks stricken to see her with another guy.

Boyfriend apologizes and asks her to let it go this one time because it was a mistake, but he doesn’t sound all that sorry. She’s the heartbroken one because he cheated on her with her best friend, but because she’s not readily accepting his apology, he starts getting defensive and blaming her for being cold. Ugh.

He complains that she’s a perfectionist who doesn’t even let him hold her hand whenever he wants, accusing her of not having any feelings at all. He says he felt suffocated while dating her, and might as well have been dating a block of ice. He tells her to fix her personality or else no one will date her: “As a woman, you’re the worst.” No, you’re the worst, asshole.

He walks away and Bora slumps down on the stairs, her hands balled up into fists so hard that her knuckles turn white as they shake. Droplets fall on her hands as she begins to cry, and as if on cue, rain starts to come down and she lets loose a flood of tears.

Sun-woo appears before her with an umbrella overhead, and sighs, “That hyung doesn’t know you at all. You’re a warm person. You’re a good person.”

Flashback to two years ago. Bora arrived at a funeral in her high school uniform, and the dads told her to head inside. But she stopped when she saw Sun-woo sitting outside by himself, hands balled up into fists just like she’s doing now.

It was the day he’d lost his father, and Bora had sat down next to him and said, “Just cry. At times like this, you’re just supposed to cry, Sun-woo. It’s okay, you can cry.” She hugged him, and he broke down and wailed into her shoulder. Awww. No wonder you love her.

It had started to rain then too, and she’d taken him by the hand to head inside, urging him along by saying that she hates to get rained on. He’d asked why her hands were so cold, and she’d said that it’s because her heart is warm.

Back in the present, Sun-woo buys Bora a warm cup of coffee with the last 100 won in his pocket. She notices that he scraped up his hand while going upstairs to pick up the laundry, and chides him like he’s a kid. But she can’t ignore it and takes his hand to look at it, and Sun-woo suddenly kisses her on the cheek and then runs away, leaving Bora stunned.

Deok-sun, No-eul, and Girlfriend Soo-kyung sit in the police station waiting for their parents to pick them up, and when Mom runs in and fawns over Deok-sun, she immediately starts crying like a little girl to her mommy. Mom is up in arms over someone laying a hand on her precious daughter, and wonders what kind of parents raised a thug like that.

But Girlfriend’s sister comes to pick her up and explains that their parents died in a car crash last year, and Mom suddenly feels really terrible for the things she said. Both sides apologize, only to have Dad bust in and do the same thing all over again. Mom finally has enough of that and snaps at him in banmal to stop yapping, and Deok-sun mutters, “And that’s the end of jondaemal.”

And just when you think it’s over, Dong-ryong’s dad busts in as the school representative with a (fake) prosecutor in tow to fight on Deok-sun’s behalf, and everyone shrinks back in embarrassment and Dad regrets having called him. This scene goes on way too long.

The point of it is, Mom hears Soo-kyung’s stomach growling and invites them over to eat dinner at their house, and Soo-kyung politely declines at first but Deok-sun tells her to hurry up and come over so they can eat.

Both Soo-kyung and her sister are grateful to have a home-cooked meal, and when Deok-sun asks Soo-kyung how she died her hair that color, Dad snaps that he’ll shave her head if she dyes it. Then he tells Soo-kyung to put her hair back the way it was and stop wearing makeup because he’s going to check on her once a week, and everyone is shocked when she complies readily.

Deok-sun asks why Soo-kyung likes her brother, and Soo-kyung says it’s because he’s the first person who ever told her not to smoke, and treated her normally after her parents died.

Jung-bong can’t sleep on the night before his surgery, and Mom tells him that there’s zero chance of things going wrong. He says that Mom is strong while he’s weak, and scared, and she has to force her tears back. She says that he’s strong because he endured much bigger surgeries: “That’s impressive. You’re a much stronger person than I am.”

She rushes out of the room before the tears come, and Jung-bong reaches over to tuck Jung-hwan in beside him before trying to get some sleep.

And out in the waiting room, Mom sits in front of the TV by herself, shoulders shaking softly as she cries. The doctor sees her on his way out, and at the sight of her tears, his cold exterior melts and he says all the things she’s been wanting to hear—that it’s an easy surgery and he’ll be done in less than an hour. Mom thanks him and just continues to cry, letting out all the tears she’s been holding back for days. Around the corner, Dad listens with tears in his eyes too.

In the morning, the family waits nervously in the hallway until the doctor comes out of surgery to say that everything went well, and that they won’t have to come back for another ten years to replace the pacemaker.

Jung-bong slowly opens his eyes, and Mom tells him that the surgery went well. She breaks down and cries that she’s sorry he was born unhealthy, like it’s her fault, and Dad holds her as he assures Jung-bong that everything is fine.

Hyung calls Jung-hwan’s name and asks something so softly that Jung-hwan has to lean in, and Hyung repeats, “Is your bloody nose okay?” Aw, you were worried about that? Jung-hwan’s eyes fill with tears and he grouses as he turns his back to cry in private.

Deok-sun narrates: “Words hold your heart, so words have a temperature too. The thing that makes this cold, malicious world a livable temperature isn’t famous wise sayings, but one warm word filled with your temperature.”

Deok-sun takes No-eul out for ddukbokki, and wipes his mouth and licks her fingers like a mom. She really does see him as a tiny child, which is doubly adorable because he looks twice her age.

No-eul wonders who stole Mom’s money and swears it wasn’t him, and Deok-sun goes through the possibilities, which of course only leaves Dad. Cut to: Dad stealing more bills out of Mom’s wallet in the middle of the night.

In 2015, Deok-sun gets up to answer the door when No-eul comes by, and ha, he still looks way older than everyone (adult No-eul is played by Woo Hyun).

He’s a 40-something ajusshi now, but still Deok-sun coos at him like he’s a baby, and when she sees that he injured his foot while playing baseball, she gets up and grabs her coat to go give the other guy a piece of her mind. Husband snarks that he’ll have to get surgery on that foot for sure.

No-eul whines that he’s not 17 anymore, but Deok-sun says he’ll always be a 17-year-old high-schooler in her eyes. That’s so cute. No-eul: “How come you never age, noona?” Deok-sun: “How come you just keep aging?” Husband: “He finally looks his age!”


This was the first episode this season that felt especially long. Granted, they’re all ACTUALLY long, coming in at a whopping hour and thirty minutes each (guh), but I’ve found that the writing has adapted to the length and the episodes are usually filled with enough story to feel less like they’re stretched thin. I liked the main story in this episode just fine, but there were scenes that went on too long, and today I grew tired of Deok-sun’s parents arguing over and over when I wanted to spend more time on the other characters. We did get some great moments, so it’s not like I didn’t like the episode, but it lagged a little more than usual.

I was scared that Jung-bong would die, mostly because everyone kept insisting that it was no big deal and he’d be fine, and the more they said it, the more I grew suspicious of getting the rug pulled out from under me. Truthfully Jung-hwan’s bloody nose freaked me out more (I just love him too much, okay?), but that was the kicker, when Hyung woke up after being so freaked out over his own surgery, and the first thing he does is voice concern for Little Bro. I spent the episode thinking it would be about Jung-hwan coming through for his brother, but it was actually more about Jung-bong being a big brother and taking care of him, even when he’s the sick one. His illness finally explains why his parents are so lenient with him when it comes to college and his myriad of weird hobbies, because I’d wondered until now why they’re so indulgent with him. Mom’s tearful outburst in the end was obvious but no less heartbreaking, because she’s the type of character who hides all her emotions under her tough façade and prickly words. Jung-hwan clearly gets his personality from her, but even though he and Mom are prickly and Dad and Hyung are weird, they’re all so warm and squishy on the inside.

Deok-sun’s fierce love for her little brother was my favorite thing in the whole episode—she’s so immature on most days, and I loved seeing her protective side come out when someone messes with No-eul. We’ve mostly seen her complain about her siblings or feel like she always got the short end of the stick at home, but the way her eyes changed when someone made her brother cry? That was priceless. And the way she babies him is just the icing on the cake, because he looks like he could be her uncle. It’s just nice to see Deok-sun taking charge and being a noona, because that’s an important part of her identity too, even though I get why on most days, Bora out-noonas her and she’s in little sister mode. It also explains why Deok-sun sometimes treats Taek like a little brother (which he doesn’t seem to like very much), because she’s a noona at home and it comes naturally to her.

Bora obviously sees all the boys on the street as her little brothers, which is the obstacle that Sun-woo is desperate to overcome. But I see now that he’s not just blinded by his crush—she was there for him in a formative moment when he lost his father, and is as warm on the inside as Jung-hwan’s mother or Taek’s father. She’s just not very expressive and keeps everything bottled up inside. The way she reacted to her best friend and boyfriend’s betrayal actually helped me identify with her a great deal, because she was obviously heartbroken—she just also wasn’t about to break down in tears in front of them. That kind of stubborn pride feels genuine, and Sun-woo was right about her actually being a good person underneath it all. I think he’s already on his way to getting her to see him as something more than a pipsqueak little brother, especially if he keeps being there for her in her moments of need.


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Omo, It's "the last emperor" the movie that DS and Taek saw at the theater! I still have the VSH tape, but it's been ages since I remembered that movie!


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Im falling in love with this drama and with your recaps but I have a question: where did you get the new caps subbed in english? I feel like a completely stupid waiting for DramaFever to post the caps on Mondays.
Sorry for my bad english and my spelling mistakes im not english native speaker but i can read and understand pretty well the subtitles.


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Girlfriday understands Korean and doesn't need subs, lucky for us :-)


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I am sorry to post off-topic, but I wanted to tell you guys before next friday: The Black Nights Film Festival ended in Tallinn and the main award went to the South Korean movie The Throne (http://2015.poff.ee/eng/films/programmes.p/main-competition/the-throne)
also won in music category
all awards:


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Thanks for the info. I will check the movie.


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I mean, maybe this is what the PD meant when he said that the husband search wouldn't be the focus of the series? Possibly that whoever the husband is, is obvious enough that the primary focus of the show is more on the characters and not making the audience play the "Who is the Husband?" game? I'm just guessing though LOL I'm enjoying this show too much and it's stressing me out in the best way.


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Never really focused on the "husband search" for the other series - just enjoyed the ride (all the good times and bad btwn family and friends).


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Why are you so rude?


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I wouldn't be at all surprised if Taek was the husband. I mean, for all we know, he and Deok Sun may date for a while, break up, leading Taek to maybe date other girls. We saw that he could be defensive at times and more open when he told Dongryong "I'm not an idiot." He may eventually grow to be the person he could be if he was let out into the open more and then he and Deok Sun may get back together. This could actually be a good plot.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the husband won't be Junghwan, he probably is, but I am saying that it's not necessarily 100% not Taek.


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Any1 kind enough to translate the preview? It's driving me to crazy to click the replay button repeatively but not knowing whats going on


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blue_angel_1004 in the soompi forum already translated the preview here: http://forums.soompi.com/en/topic/346174-current-drama-2015-answer-me-1988-%EC%9D%91%EB%8B%B5%ED%95%98%EB%9D%BC-1988/?page=135#comment-19394902

it's only the short version of the preview (on youtube) though, not the full-length version at the end of the actual episode.


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deep down, i want junghwan to pull a yoonjae, i mean they're at the karaoke for shiwon's bday and bam, he told her his feelings. feels everywhere. (oh and it's one of my favs scene in 97)


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*where they're at


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I'm still sure that the husband would be Junghwan, even though I'm so damn in love with Taek. Like seriously, his smile is life. LOL.
But yeah, I'm agree that I think this time, they won't focused entirely on the husband hunting thing. But more on the growth of each characters, how we see that DS isn't just the poor middle child, how BR isn't that annoying actually, how Taek could actually have his other side, etc. Urgh. I just love the way he said he wants to eat ramyun (when JH lost and had to make them ramyun. lol)
But JH is sweet in his own way, that I just couldn't. I love his reaction at DS dancing, proving (like what DR said) that she didn't saw him as a guy either. Aigoo.. His just so in love and yet can't said it out loud.
Actually I don't think that JH would step back when he knew Taek likes DS. It might happen the other way around, with Taek stepping back. But it's an almost zero chance I think. I can't wait to watch the next episode. What did you see DS ah? I hope that Taek would be just fine. Is it wrong that I have a very bad feeling about Taek in each episode? LOL. Blame PBG for his characters I guess, his characters were either dead or dying in almost all movies & dramas I watch with him.

Thanks for the recap! :D


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For me, your comment is spot on.

I love Taekie but can't delude myself thinking that he's going to be the male lead. I don't have any problems with him not marrying Deoksun-- EXCEPT that in kdrama universe being second male lead usually = less screen time, less development, and sometimes a sad bittersweet ending.

And LOL you are so right about PBG's roles. I watched "Chinatown" last night because I was having Taekie withdrawals. BAD MISTAKE. (Spoiler alert) [SPOILER DELETED] Like WTF. So then I tried Naeil Cantabile, and the cellist kid was going around making bucket lists because his hand injury was going to end his career.... and then they put in all these scenes of him crying in pain and stuff. *face palm*

I have a bad feeling that Taekie may die. Guys, don't shoot the messenger. Present day Deoksun and Junghwan bicker over whether or not she was throwing herself at Sunwoo... But notice Taek is not really mentioned. The logical explanation is that the writers want to keep up the suspense of the husband game. But I'm nervous that the story is going to be like this: Taek and Deoksun date, Junghwan gives up and dates lots of other girls, Taek dies, and after some time Junghwan and Deoksun marry.

I shall pray to the powers that be for Taekie's survival.


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I think the writers always have made it obvious who ends up with who, at least for the leads. I was a bit surprised in the second installment because the main male lead was so passive in my opinion, but ultimately I always had the feeling the writers would find a way back to him.
I'm definitely hoping Jung-Hwan is the husband, and I also hope within the coming episodes he becomes bold, or more upfront with his feelings.
Or maybe he is just waiting for a response from Deok-Sun. We shall seeeee!


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The girl cannot act to save her life. I'm sick and tired of "actors" that think that destroying their image mean they can act. I need substance not that shallow gibberish. You can impress a 12 years old for 5 minutes with this but it's unbearable for anyone else.


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lol that's harsh. her acting isn't perfect and there are awkward scenes but she does a lot of things well other than destroy her image. imo she's the second best actress of reply series. go ara>hyeri>eunji


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This is too harsh and I don't think many people would agree with that though I 'm not trying to take your personal opinion away from you.

Hyeri struggles at some bits and it passes as very obvious over to the viewer but she is getting praised for her acting because she is doing well in everything else. Like everyone there was nothing but bad feelings when Hyeri was casted but after one or two episodes that feeling seems quite funny now.

I prefer her out of the three girls anyway. I only managed a bit of 1997 but Eunji as an actress just doesn't work for me. I actually watched 1994 for Go Ara and that's what pulled me into the Reply series in the first place but surprisingly the actress of the three didn't impress me that much. After coming down from the high that was 1994 after it was finished I could admit that Ara exaggerated and overacted quite a bit. It threw you off sometimes when you were really into a scene. Hyeri feels much more refreshing compared to the other two.


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I wonder if one of the boys in the future will be lee seo jin?? ?


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I would die!


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Bora and Sunwoo might be shaping up to be my favorite relationship currently, which I'd never have imagined at the beginning. I love all their interactions; how awkward Bora is and how much she can't deal with Sunwoo's sincerity, and yet how painfully sincere he continues to be, with just a hint of satisfaction when he knows he's getting to her. And Sunwoo has got to STOP looking at her like that, because it cross-wires all my emotional circuits.


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Also, completely random, but Bora's speech patterns remind me SO MUCH of Kim Myungsoo (Infinite's L), it's crazy. The way she speaks and how she says stuff is very distinct, and very close to his manner of speech. I almost lost it, trying to figure out who it was that she reminded me of till I finally figured it out when she said "are you a person at all?" to her ex. How odd, lol.

I LOVE HER SO MUCH THOUGH. I thought she had way too much screaming to do in the first two episodes, but now she's one of my favorites and definitely one of the characters I'm most invested it. And idk if it's because she and the guy who plays Sunwoo are bffs in real life, but their chemistry is just so gorgeous and natural, it's killing me.


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For some reason, the AM writers seem to like volatile siblings or near-siblings.

While I loved the gang in 1994, I never really bought the relationship btwn Na-jung and Trash due to all that excessive physical fighting btwn the 2 at the beginning.

Could buy NJ having a crush on her deceased oppa's childhood bestie (whom she also grew up with), but a girl w/ a longtime crush does would not get into all-out brawls no matter that they were basically brought up as siblings (could see it more from Trash's side as he would have just been treating NJ as the "annoying" lil sis).

Also didn't buy the romance btwn elder bro and Shi-won in 1997 - not only much older (basically teacher and student relationship), but also the fiance of Shi-won's deceased sister (yuck).


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Ra Mi Ran breaks my heart. I love her so hard. Also: I agree that this episode had some drawn out bits that didn't really need to be there, and mom and dad's fighting didn't really fit in with the rest of the stories, but this one still got to my heart. It made me really miss my mamma. *tears*


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Of all the dramas I saw Park BoGum acted in, this perhaps will be the most memorable one. His character seldomly speaks but whenever he's on screen, I just find myself looking at him and his actions. It doesn't help that BoGum look so fine too, even as naive as he is. And urg, he is so good with all his crying scene. I have to stop myself plenty of times from wiping his tears through my screen. It's like I need to punch whoever made him cry.

The husband acts too "JungHwan-ish" for me to hope that Taek was the one Deok-Sun ended up with, though. (He speaks way too many words to be Taekie, tbh) But the development of his crush is so cute and exciting to watch. I hope it is ahappy ending for him too!


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do you know the name of no eul's girlfriend?


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I'm pretty sure it's Soo-Kyung


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If Junghwan dies or something, I don't know what I might do. Taek's forgetfulness is alarming me though. Is it connected to the medicines he's been taking? What is with this drama and sickness?! This episode did feel especially long. Can they please shorten it to at least 1 hour and 10 minutes? I still think an hour and a half is too much.


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If I could just point one thing that didn't/haven't existed in this drama that set it apart from the other in franchise is the non-existence of a guy who in the throes of confusion about his sexual orientation. If he exist then may be we cant pointed out who will be the husband, the man who didn't get picked n the other man who fell in love with the husband. And from reply 1994 behind the scene, the director confessed that he always get tiny little clues around the room to who'll be the husband (at that point I remember he used doll), although at this point dare I believed it was mittens vs gloves?
But I got confused with Kim JooHyuk casting though, since everybody who watched 1n2d knew that JooHyuk is famous for being the dorky one of the team. I hoped they won't make us tried to hunt all the clue again.


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I was just thinking about this but didn't the present day husband and deoksun say something about both of them dating other people in the past back during the first few episodes?
I don't think junghwan and deoksun are going to get together that fast...watch them drag it out until past their college years.


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am i the only who's totally in love with both jung wan and tekkie ?? because my heart is absolutely confused because i ship taekkie and DS but i really love JH and DS, and this drama is giving me mini heart attaaaacks, i super hate love triangles


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Just asking, do you know this website ? smtm4.blogspot.com/2015/11/reply-1988-ep-8-recap. They have your recaps.


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First comment ever! ^^

So this drama ended last week (and so my comment is really really late but I couldn't help posting) but I've only just began watching it because I cannot be content with waiting a whole week for the next one.

Love, love the Reply Series, with 1994 being my fave. Shout-out to Team Trash!

I must say, my initial thought is telling me it's Junghwan, and I've fallen for him. He's the first character to be focused on in the romance development, so naturally he's the first one viewers will fall for. I'm waiting to see what Taek will do in the next episodes cos I have a feeling this show will make me flip back and forth like crazy (since 1994 was quite obvious). Pls don't let me be chilbonged!


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I actually really enjoyed the police station scene where more and more people kept coming in for Deok-seon, blindly defending her. It drew more of a contrast between her and Soo-kyung and gave more background as to why Soo-kyung might have been struggling. It also made the scene where the Sungs have Soo-kyung and her noona over for dinner all the sweeter and more poignant. I found that really heartwarming, especially when Dad acted like a dad to Soo-kyung, reprimanding her like he would his own children, which is what she needed and missed so much. This was just another example of the huge amount of heart present in this little neighborhood, even when it came to outsiders.


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