Bubblegum: Episode 4

This show just gets better and better. Every character tugs at the heartstrings in a way that’s sweet yet melancholy, and we learn so much about each of them that our understanding of their motivations changes with every episode. Ri-hwan seems to be having a crisis of the heart, while Haeng-ah struggles to stick to her convictions. Those around them seem determined to apply their own wishes to each of them — but sometimes the heart demands a change, and nothing and no one can stop a heart when it makes a decision.

EPISODE 4: “Us Today is Not Us Yesterday”

While Ri-hwan pounds on the door, Suk-joon pushes Haeng-ah into a corner of the studio where Ri-hwan can’t see. She doesn’t know who’s out there frantically trying to get in, and assumes Suk-joon is hiding to keep their past relationship a secret. He tells her not to worry — they aren’t dating anymore, so if someone sees them together, there won’t be the complications there would have been before.

Ri-hwan sets off the fire alarm, which gets Haeng-ah to open the door. He rushes in and punches Suk-joon, saying, “Doesn’t matter if I’m an oppa or not. It can’t be you, you bastard.” Suk-joon punches Ri-hwan right back, but Haeng-ah stops Ri-hwan from turning this into a full-on brawl with a simple hand on his arm. He asks if she’s okay, and Suk-joon wryly quips that it looks like he’s the one who’s not okay.

Suk-joon leaves, and Ri-hwan and Haeng-ah are silent. Ri-hwan notices Suk-joon’s jacket on the floor and assumes that he interrupted a tryst, glaring daggers at Haeng-ah.

Manager Jo joins Suk-joon as he walks out, and jokes about how dramatic Suk-joon’s relationship is… announcing on the radio when they break up, setting off fire alarms. He comments on Ri-hwan’s temper, and tells Suk-joon that he’s dating a chaebol daughter. Suk-joon is familiar with Yi-seul and her fiance’s scandal — he not only had a girlfriend, but got her pregnant and she had an abortion.

Suk-joon seems surprised that Ri-hwan would date Yi-seul, and Manager Jo asks how long they’re going to stand in front of the elevator without pressing the button, hee. They only now realize that Suk-joon walked out of the studio without his jacket.

Both Ri-hwan and Haeng-ah seem weary after the night’s shenanigans, and Ri-hwan insists on driving Haeng-ah home. He haltingly asks if Suk-joon did anything to her, and Haeng-ah assures him that he’s not that kind of guy. Ri-hwan grinds through gritted teeth that he hates that guy, surprising Haeng-ah with his vehemence.

But internally, Ri-hwan admits that hating someone this much, a person he doesn’t even know, means that Suk-joon isn’t the problem. The problem is within his own heart.

Suk-joon calls Haeng-ah, but she ignores the call and just stares out the car window.

Ri-hwan arrives home to find Ji-hoon drunk again, and sits to drink with him. Ji-hoon figures something happened since he wasn’t drinking earlier tonight, but Ri-hwan is in no mood to talk.

He’d dropped Haeng-ah off to sleep at Tae-hee’s place, who’s worried about someone being alone tonight, though the way she phrases it, it could be Ri-hwan or Ji-hoon. Haeng-ah is more concerned that tonight’s events might get Suk-joon in trouble with the station president, and wonders how she should act tomorrow at work. She doesn’t notice that Suk-joon is still trying to call her.

Finally ready to talk, Ri-hwan lays out the situation in terms Ji-hoon can understand — say there’s a bar he likes to visit, but Ri-hwan hates it because he thinks the bar is bad for Ji-hoon. They don’t even give him free food on his birthday! HA. Growing more upset, Ri-hwan gasps that he hates that bar so much, because… today, he saw something. He thinks about how Suk-joon pushed Haeng-ah further into the corner where he couldn’t see them, all the while giving Ri-hwan a look of pure hatred and triumph.

He says he feels like he’s going insane, and Ji-hoon asks if Haeng-ah knows how he’s feeling right now. He offers to let Ri-hwan throw something, or take him to the batting cages to let off steam, but Ri-hwan just stays silent, looking like he’s about to cry.

His instinct was right to take Haeng-ah somewhere other than home, because Suk-joon goes there looking for her.

After Ji-hoon falls asleep, Ri-hwan jumps up and runs out, even ignoring his mother calling to him. A little drunk, he tries to hail a cab, but ends up just running when none will stop. He runs all the way to Tae-hee’s place, and gasps to Haeng-ah that he has something to say.

They relocate to a park to talk, and he asks if she was shocked earlier when he said he hates Suk-joon. She says that she really does want to break up with him, but Ri-hwan asks if she still likes him anyway. She just says that if she was greedy she’s lose everything, including him. Ri-hwan swears that will never happen.

He offers to help when Haeng-ah wishes to go back to a simpler time when nothing was happening in her life, but she says she’ll let him know if she needs anything. Like she did for him that time in high school, pretending to be his girlfriend when a scary girl liked him. They dissolve into memories of the past, the awkwardness between them finally melting.

Haeng-ah admits that her chest felt tight when he left angry earlier, so she pressed on the spot on her hand like he showed her. He grabs her hand and pulls her close, saying that that spot is for indigestion – the pressure points for a tight chest in on your wrist and head, and he presses them now. Gotta admit, he’s pretty sexy when he goes into doctor-mode. He counts in this low, soft voice as Haeng-ah breathes, and Ri-hwan’s voice fades to a breathless whisper as they stare into each other’s eyes.

Yi-seul eyes her phone suspiciously the next morning when Haeng-ah tries to call her, and she doesn’t answer.

Radio host Se-young and cutie intern Jung-woo flirt on their way into work, but they clam up when Suk-joon enters their elevator. Se-young gets up the nerve to ask Suk-joon to be on their new segment about people who aren’t famous but carry a whiff of scandal about them (it’s rumored that he used to be pretty violent, and fought a lot), and he turns her down flat, ha. He does agree to talk to their PD about it, and Se-young says she feels like he’s a bit familiar.

Ri-hwan meets with his mother for lunch and they run into her colleague (the same doctor who she asked to check out Haeng-ah). He admonishes her for transferring a patient to him then taking back their chart to check up, and she looks confused for a moment before going back to her office to find it. She has a scary dizzy spell that only lasts a moment, and when she finds the patient’s file in her desk, she wonders how it got there.

At lunch Mom asks why Ri-hwan isn’t seeing Yi-seul this weekend, but he wants to talk about Haeng-ah and how she drank after having her flu shot, against doctor’s orders. Mom is more concerned to hear that he saw Haeng-ah last night. She does tell him that Haeng-ah only got a saline shot, because she came in smelling of alcohol (after drinking that beer on the steps).

Ri-hwan fusses at his mother for pushing Haeng-ah to come to the hospital knowing her phobia, and Mom says that it wasn’t only for a flu shot. Because of her family history of cancer, and the fact that she has a history of sensitive stomach issues… but Ri-hwan cuts her off. He knows that it was hard on Mom, having been close to Haeng-ah’s parents and having to see them both die, but she can’t keep projecting that onto Haeng-ah.

Mom slams down her utensils and admits that she thought that by now, Haeng-ah would be married and far away. It feels like a dark shadow is following Ri-hwan. He jumps up, horrified at her words, and demands to know if she said this to Haeng-ah. She blinks at him as her vision goes fuzzy again, and says that she’s his mother, but Haeng-ah is nothing.

Yi-seul goes shopping and buys a men’s watch. She tells the saleswoman to throw away the box (which would be needed to resell the watch later) and walks out with a tiny smile on her face.

Haeng-ah tells her colleagues that the girl who nearly killed herself on air is doing well, and getting therapy. Joon-su answers the phone at her desk , and tells Haeng-ah that she and Tae-hee are summoned.

Se-young gets excited, assuming he’s going to agree to be on the show. They talk to him, and he keeps Haeng-ah back after the meeting. Once outside his office, Tae-hee asks Manager Jo why Suk-joon is acting so strange, and he guesses it’s because he likes her.

He’s pretty accurate, because Suk-joon wants to know why Haeng-ah didn’t answer any of his calls. She refuses to talk to him about personal things in his office where he has the upper hand, and leaves, telling him to follow if he wants to talk.

Manager Jo tells Tae-hee not to hate Suk-joon too much, but she admits to being a fan. She gets a dreamy look in her eye for a second, but her usual bland expression soon slams back down, and she says she’s not a fan anymore, since in real life he’s just a boss who abuses his power.

Suk-joon does follow Haeng-ah, right back to the roof. He knows this has been hard for her, not being able to talk much less carry on an office romance, but she was the one who told him not to bother calling when he’s busy or doing anything on her birthday. She never told him these things bothered her.

She counters that he liked that she was understanding about those things, so of course she couldn’t let on that they bothered her. Anyway, none of it matters anymore. Suk-joon says that he’s not blaming her, just telling her that he didn’t know those things really did bug her, and that now they will change.

He tells Haeng-ah not to run away, and she softly admits that she wavered when he told her that if he could live without her, he would already be. She’d wanted to hear him say that so much… but she still wants to end things. She knows that nothing will change, and that she’ll still end up wanting more than she can have from him.

Suk-joon ignores several summonses from the company president during this conversation, but Haeng-ah can tell he’s itching to pick up. She asks him, just this once, not to answer – just once, can’t she come first? Without a word, Suk-joon answers the phone. Oof. Haeng-ah turns to go, shaking off his hand when Suk-joon tries to stop her. She silently mouths, “Thank you, be well.”

Wearing another pair of new shoes, this time not too boring and not too flashy, Yi-seul goes to see Ri-hwan at his office. He plays it safe and treats it like she’s just seeking medical advice, and she lets him perform acupuncture on the ankle she turned. Ri-hwan says that Haeng-ah plans to buy her a new bag to replace the one she plopped the sea cucumber into, and when she says that’s not necessary, he insists that she deserves a new bag.

He’s got a head full of Haeng-ah, though Yi-seul hears it through her rosy filter and thinks he’s talking about how she deserves nice things. But when he seems to forget she’s there and continues to mutter about Haeng-ah, Yi-seul starts to frown.

Haeng-ah stays at work late into the night, and ignores yet another call from Suk-joon. She takes a taxi home, and a sudden stop spills her purse onto the cab floor. The driver is chatty and notes that she looks tired, saying that she must be sick. She picks up her things, but accidentally leaves her phone in the cab.

Ji-hoon gets staggering drunk at a pojangmacha, and a young man approaches him offering to be his designated driver. Soon he wakes, in the passenger seat but alone, at a police checkpoint. The cop assumes that he was driving and moved to the passenger seat to avoid trouble, but when he sees the young man who was driving, the guy makes a run for it.

Yi-seul gathers the nerve to ask Ri-hwan out on another date, but she’s interrupted by his phone. It’s Ji-hoon calling from the police station, but Ri-hwan assumes he’s trying to get him to meet for drinks and hangs up on him, Whoops.

Ri-hwan somehow manages to sound like he’s asking Yi-seul’s weight, but clarifies that his “how much?” was in reference to her watch. She asks if he likes watches, but he says that in his work, they get in the way so he never wears one.

Ji-hoon calls Haeng-ah in a hail mary to get someone to come spring him, confused when a cop answers her phone. He calls Ri-hwan again to tell him that the police have Haeng-ah’s phone.

Since Ji-hoon was driving Ri-hwan’s car, Yi-seul offers to drive him to the station. But it’s Tae-hee who shows up first and knocks him off the bench where he’s dozing. He follows her meekly, and she denied to the cop that she’s not his girlfriend, though he spills that they did used to date. That explains all of the death-glares she sends him.

Ji-hoon trails after Tae-hee outside the station, though she tells him to go drink and play with women, like he likes to do. He tries to convince her to go with him for a drink, but she levels with him – she only came because she likes someone else now, so she can see him without being upset. Ji-hoon asks if she’s slept with him, and she slaps him. When he apologizes, she slaps him again.

Angry now, she says that she’s not like him, sleeping with whoever he wants when he drinks. She tells Ji-hoon firmly never to contact her again. She walks away, even when he yells after her that he never did that.

Yi-seul drops off Ri-hwan at the station, and he runs in with a cursory thanks, leaving her to glare at the bag containing the watch she bought him. He’s here to get Haeng-ah’s phone back, but the cop is reluctant to give it to him since he’s not family. He calls it with his phone to prove it, but has to scramble to explain why he’s listed as “Little Brother Park” in her address book.

The sudden appearance of Suk-joon is made worse when he’s given the phone (because he’s listed as her senior), and Ri-hwan objects that he was here first. The cop says that he has to identify his relationship with her first, but that he keeps changing his story.

Outside, Ri-hwan demands Haeng-ah’s phone,and the two men argue over who has the right to take it to her. Suk-joon says again that Ri-hwan doesn’t act like a brother, and Ri-hwan counters that the police say he’s not, so let’s just say he’s not. From now on, he’s just a man.

As Yi-seul drives home, she sees Haeng-ah walking and turns around to follow her.

Haeng-ah finds them and asks for her phone back from Suk-joon, but he hesitates to hand it over. She tells him to keep it, then, and yells at Ri-hwan when he asks for it again. Suk-joon scoffs at the idea that Ri-hwan is a man and not her brother, which annoys Haeng-ah and she snaps that he’s a man to her.

Further, she says that she and Ri-hwan are dating, and tells Suk-joon to stop calling her. He can keep her phone or give it back, she doesn’t care — the only things she wanted kept hidden on that phone are photos of him.

As they walk away, Haeng-ah tells Ri-hwan not to look back. Then she tells him to look back and see if Suk-joon is still there, hee. He is, so she tells Ri-hwan to hold her hand, but he hilariously refuses to touch her unless she’s showered. Ri-hwan finally clasps her hand, just as Suk-joon calls out to her to stop being silly and come get her phone.

Ri-hwan squeezes Haeng-ah’s hand and asks if she really plans not to see Suk-joon anymore. When she insists she won’t, he tells her not to be surprised, and takes her face in his hands. He kisses her right there in the middle of the street, and Haeng-ah’s hands flutter uselessly. Suk-joon stares and Yi-seul pulls up to the intersection, and both of them watch helplessly and Ri-hwan kisses Haeng-ah.

Ri-hwan breaks the kiss, and Haeng-ah just stands there staring. He reaches up to close her eyes, and kisses her again.


Well. As much as I love the little epilogues we’ve gotten up until now at the end of each episode, I’ll happily forego them for more kisses like that. Whew.

What I love about Ri-hwan is his strong sense of self-discovery, and that he’s willing to have the hard conversations with himself. He doesn’t spend half the show denying his feelings or blaming others for “making” him feel them – he knows that if he feels this negatively about the man Haeng-ah is dating, that he is the one with the problem. He’s a bundle of emotions, and doesn’t shy away from feeling them, but he’s also an intelligent man and I doubt he’ll let his emotions inform his actions for long, not without some serious reflection on what they mean. To have a hero that honest with himself, this early in the run of the drama, makes me excited to see where Ri-hwan’s feelings will take him in discovering who he is and what kind of relationship he wants with Haeng-ah. I fully expect him to the the driving force in the change in their friendship, and considering how much I adore him already, I’m looking forward to watching him convince Haeng-ah that they were never meant to be just friends.

I can see why Ri-hwan feels such hatred for Suk-joon – on top of treating Haeng-ah for granted while they were dating, he really seems to only be seeking her out now to thwart Ri-hwan. That look he shot Ri-hwan while backing her into a blind corner had nothing to do with still liking her, and everything to do with showing Ri-hwan that he had the upper hand. That’s not love, that’s a power trip. Before that, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that he regretted losing her, but now it just feels like he only wants her because Ri-hwan doesn’t want him to have her. Whether it’s jealousy, competition, or just pure one-upmanship, I don’t like how Suk-joon treats Haeng-ah as a possession, not one bit.

As wonderful as Ri-hwan is (and let’s be honest, I could go on forever about his wonderfulness), Haeng-ah is every bit as amazing. She seems weak at first glance, with her insecurities and phobias, but she’s got a core of pure steel. It takes a lot to look at the man you love, who’s asking you in the only way he can to come back and promising to change, and to tell him that you’re really, really finished being hurt. In that scenario, how many of us would give it another shot, hoping against hope that he really would change? But Haeng-ah knows, him, and knows that he’s not someone who can change to be what she wants, and I suspect she wouldn’t want him to change just for her even if he could do it. To quietly hold her ground like she did, and insist on breaking up, had to take massive effort on her part. Even though she was proved right not two minutes later, I still admire her for sticking to her convictions and not compromising what she wants in a relationship.

Little does she know, she already has someone who is completely devoted to her, wants to spend the important moments with her, and puts her first above himself every single time. Knowing now why Ri-hwan’s mother objects to Haeng-ah as a partner for her son – she worries that Haeng-ah could die of the same cancer that took both of her parents and leave him alone, not to mention the risk of passing the predilection to any possible children – I wonder if Haeng-ah has the same concerns. I do think a lot of why she keeps Ri-hwan at arm’s length emotionally is because she’s afraid of losing the one parental figure she has left, but I also think she’s possibly also worried (maybe just subconsciously) that she could get sick and die young. Regardless, I appreciate plot-wise that there’s more keeping these two apart than just the typical class-bases objections, and the concern that Haeng-ah is a ticking time bomb health-wise is very grounded in reality and understandable. Yet one more reason why I love Bubblegum so much – nothing in this dramaverse feels contrived or shoehorned in to get us from Point A to Point B, and all of the conflicts feel real. Unfortunately, that sense of reality also makes me worry that Ri-hwan and Haeng-ah’s road to each other could be a very long and difficult one, though I have faith that Ri-hwan, at least, isn’t going to take “maybe she might get sick, someday” as an excuse not to grab for happiness today.


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Am I wrong, or wasn't Se Young Suk Joon's wife on A Gentleman's Dignity? If so, wasn't her saying he looked familiar a meta reference? I laughed when she said that because it seemed like it was lol


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Yeah but he was a cheating bastard, so was I like 'she shouldn't be that happy to see him'.


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It certainly was. That was an interesting interaction no matter how much different their roles were.


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They were so hubby and wifey in a gentleman's dignity!! Twisted!!!


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oh my gosh.....that was Oh Se Young?? She has such a different vibe and persona on Gentleman's Dignity compared to Bubblegum that it blows my mind that those two are portrayed by the same actor. I had to do a quick search on it and bygosh...you're right!! I loved her in AGD!


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Sorry. It's Kim Jung Nan. Not Oh Se Young. Mind was completely blown by that reveal. X__X


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She was the only female character I really liked in AGD, tbh...I really like that actress!


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Thank you for the recap, Lollypip - really enjoying this at the moment!


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Is it bad that at this point I would rather the show just kill off Suk-joon? He's a terrible second in my opinion - as Lollypip put it, he treats Haeng-ah like a thing, and watching him do as he pleases just to stick it to Ri-hwan makes me want to reach into my screen and throttle him. I know it's early on, and since he's a prominent character I'm guessing the show's going to try and make him redeemable and sell him as worthy of Haeng-ah and etc. I hope Haeng-ah keeps her resolve throughout (though I'm careful not to be too hopeful), but I would be genuinely surprised if I end up feeling anything other that dislike for him as the show progresses.

But, yeah. That kiss. I pretty much loved everything about it. Not only the kiss itself, but everything that led up to it. One of the things I love about Haeng-ah and Ri-hwan is the way they're able to forgive each other so easily. They never seem to be able to hold anything against each other (even when it's justified), and I like that even when they're not on the best of terms, their relationship doesn't seem to suffer much. Usually I find that whole be-my-fake-boyfriend charade cute or funny (as is intended), but here I found it more touching than anything. Something about how they were both so obviously uncomfortable, the way Haeng-ah was pretty much willing to do anything to salvage a shred of her pride, and the way Ri-hwan looked like he'd do anything to stop her from suffering. They looked more like best friends in that moment then any I've seen so far.

On a side note, totally didn't see Ji-hoon and Tae-hee coming. It was a nice suprise, but I definitely like her and the weird radio divorcee as a pairing. They're strange together but it kind of works.


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Totally agree about Suk-joon, this actor keeps on choosing roles that I hate. But I doubt I will like him as the Show progresses though.


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C.H.E.M.I.S.T.R.Y. Now that was a kiss.

Damn. What's up with the marketing in dramaland lately? There's no way that I would have tuned in for this show based on it's description, name, or even the first teaser. But this is anything but bubblegum-- some of the most relatable characters I've seen in awhile (even with the orphaned child trope rearing its head). So happy to hang out with these people-- who all for their various levels of childishness, feel like adults that I know.


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"leave him alone, not to mention the risk of passing the predilection to any possible children – I wonder if Haeng-ah has the same concerns"

Thank you for pointing this out Lollypip! I have to be honest and say I never considered this. I was wondering why such a reasonable woman was so defiant against them being together. I do wonder if she's discussed this with Haeng-ah before, or if Haeng-ah thinks she simply dislikes her.

In my opinion though, I still feel like Seok Joon genuinely liked Haeng-ah. His line when he said he seriously considered everything before he decided to pursue her made me believe that he was grateful for having her in his life. He seems like the type of person that needs to be told EVERYTIME how someone feels. He isn't able to ascertain someones feelings and takes people's words at face value. He regretted losing her after she moved out and sees Ri-Hwan as a huge threat, but I don't think he sees her as a possession.

Either way, they're not suited for each other. She needs someone that's much more available: both time-wise and emotionally.

Thanks for the recap!!


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I agree with you about Seok Joon - he seems like he has all his emotions bottled up, and isn't able to really express how he feels. I think he won't be able to express himself until he's really desperate to get Haeng-Ah back.


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I'm with you LollyPip falling for RH. I kinda want more of those epilogue though because the kids were just wonderful and because of that we can understand more the adults relationship.

Thank you for the recap LollyPip!


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Thanks for recap, LollyPip! I just try to keep myself from screaming how I love this drama and Ri-Hwan-Haeng-A couple.
This drama is one of the most realistic so far. Will revert later with more comments. Still can't keep everything in my head.


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This show is crazy good. Ri Hwan driving himself mad with thoughts about HA. And SJ being a dysfunctional selfish man who tries to hold onto HA. And HA still sorting out her emotions and now, the situation gets crazier.

And the kiss - swoony and sexy. The first was very good and the second was unexpectedly amazing. I agree with the recap - RH is one of the best leads ever. He may have flashes of temper or childishness but I think all of that concerned HA. Somehow, his world just revolves around her. When she is happy, he is like a bubblegum. When she is down and gloomy, he goes into a dark mode as well. And he almost burst when he thought he is about to lose her or she's gonna disappear.....


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So true about RH. And that's what I like at him, but at the same time I want him to find that sort of harmony inside of him, which will let him accept and see another things around. The world is not only HA. He wants to travel, then I wish him to be able to do what he wants to do, nevertheless if HA is hurt right now or happy. But all toy've said is true and makes RH unique male lead. I can't remember any who's more or less acts and behaves like him.


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@ lucy
I wonder why he didn't travel at all.... Is it because of HA again - will need a flashback to find out. By the way who got knocked up and went for abortion - the heiress YS or her ex-BF's ex?

At first I felt the show was a little depressing for a show titled bubblegum. But I am glad it took on a serious tone earlier on... and ending up with a magical moment like this.

I love HA's light and hilarious gestures prior to the kiss. Do your thing..... And he just went for it. And again. Sigh .... Swoon....


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What do you mean under "abortion"? Someone there has done abortion? I guess I have missed it.
You know, and I'm contrary glad, that it's not silly rom-com with hilarious but exaggerated characters and plot. And I thought from preview that it will be so.
but I'm starting to think that they'll pretend to be couple for JS in next few episodes and there will be lol


Her ex-BF's ex. YS dodged a bullet there. I'm really rooting for her to get her self-esteem back, even if she has to go through a hellish unrequited love for RH.


Okay. Show I am yours, hook line and sinker (insert appropriate heart eyed emoji's). Sighing in Jealously at Jin Wook Oppa's kissie skills.


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actually, he's Dong Wook


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Your cramping my flow of nonsensical gushiness, let's not dwell on technicalities or coherence.


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I'm not cramping, I'm pointing out the mistake, since Jin Wook is another actor. How can I know, maybe you don't know the name of male lead here


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The reply was totally, a tongue in cheek (joke) response....


Isn't it great that for once the lead guy is the nice one?! RH is such a sweetheart and selfless which is a winning combo. An he is sexy too! :$

The whole disease thing changes a lot of things, Mom is more understandable now. (at least they're not related Pff). Although it is unfair towards HH and Rh that she is projecting her parents death onto her. I'm sure medicine has advanced greatly since then and she should know that.

In that scenario, how many of us would give it another shot, hoping against hope that he really would change?
Been there and no way, and I admire HH for that. But while RH is a too good to be true character, SJ isn't which is interesting. He reminds me of the husband from 20 Years Again- also known as EWWWchul. Haha.

And yeah the best thing about Bubblegum is that it's ralatable and real; nothing feels forced.

Thanks for the recap!


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I found it really funny because... Usually in other dramas.. SJ sort of character would be the male lead and RH would be the second lead.. and we all going to have second lead syndrome..


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So true! Cold businessman type, loving against his inclination, drawn to the cheerful humor of the heroine...for the first time, NOT the hero. Maybe, finally, the nice guy will NOT finish last!


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That kiss. That KISS!
Also, this review is great, specially the ending comment on their motivations and feelings. You're a very good writer!


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I know right? I was almost shedding tears reading LollyPip's comment about Haeng-ah. She's a wonderful character, still every bit the same as her child-self yet so mature at the same time.


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My heart was fluttering during last kiss, when he has covered her eyes. Do somebody have thoughts on why has he done that? I was thinking, that the purpose was to make her forget that he's her "brother", but he's the "man".

Thank you for recap. This drama is already leaving in my heart. LDW and JRW are doing amazing job


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Also, probably the inverse-- so he didn't look in her eyes and see his best friend/little sister.


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I am pretty sure that he doesn't see lil sis in her. but yes, he way think that it's she who sees lil bro at him. But cmon, she was enjoying that kiss! I wonder if she'll be dreaming about it at night...


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It's dramaland! He can't be so in touch with his emotions by episode 4! :-)


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@Sora, agree with you. I think this show will be the first, where male lead will be clear and in line with his feelings from the beggining. And that's what make Bubblegum even more attractive. Can't wait to figure it out!


And that he's not just proving something to that guy, but that his actions are real. ~Swooooon~


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I wondered why he did that too
But your interpretation makes sense, to make her forget about the awkwardness of kissing his friend and just be caught up in the kiss


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I think SJ is much better than that, he seems very reserved and used to getting what he wants. He had no reason to say all those things in the rooftop if it wasn't true and he is not a kid, really not the kind of guy that would be into power plays. The move in the radio station was more about him controlling the situation and not letting that crazy guy take away the opportunity to talk to her.

People are so in love with RH, I find him amusing but also quite childish and sometimes selfish, at least when HA is concerned. He has no idea if she likes him as anything more than a brother and a kiss could feel really awkward to her. I liked the scene because it fits him but it wasn't this nice surprise romantic thing.


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I think we'll have Team RH and Team SJ over here. Both characters are real, both are quite selfish and have their flops. And this makes Bubblegum so attractive and fresh. Since writer doesn't want to make another random prince charming.
SJ wanted to talk to her in radio station? Really? Thn why has he was trolling RH? Person who's self confident and mature wouldn't do it. And wouldn't make RH to be mad and as you've said "crazy" by letting him think, that he's going do "something" with HA. But still, it's normal for man in reality. And yes, that;s what is called "power plays".
RH, contrary, has acted like a crazy lover and it was too much, but then he is honest with himself and has admitted that he's going crazy and something wrong with his heart. And it's not SJ's fault that he hates him. Which makes him changing and maturing.


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I'm not team SJ :) I'm not taking sides regarding HA love life yet, truly I have no opinion on which guy would be better for her but we won't get to have much doubt.

That scene on the rooftop was pretty great until SJ picked up the phone, I think he would never do it, he seems smarter than that but it was pretty much over with HA when he did it. I doubt he has any chance and the writer wanted to put a big symbolic gesture to show us and HA he was really wrong for her.

I am also glad no boring Princes Charming here. :)

I don't feel SJ was trolling him in the station more like he didn't want to be interrupted by that guy again and like I said he seems like he is used to controlling things but I'd not go so far to call it power play since his first interest there would be in HA and not in making RH crazy, but I might be wrong, we don't have that much information about SJ or what he was feeling to be sure, I just wanted to play Devil's Advocate for him because I feel it wasn't so easy to judge.


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omg thank youuu. finally someone agrees with me. i dont know why everyone thinks SJ is so horrible. he wasnt gonna do anything to HA, but RH acted so completely irrational that i was more scared of what he would do to HA. i find it hard to believe that at their ages of over 30, RH is jealous of HA's boyfriend and starts to want her so bad? such a discovery of his love for her only now?


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I loved every episode but this one made me trust the writers completely. I was half worried having seen a preview of the kiss, wondering what could bring it on. But the fact that HA is the one that keeps pushing RH, even the comment of 'put your hand on my butt or something omg just do it quick!' shows that she trusts him 100% and doesn't think it's a big deal. And RH checks again, to see if there's no going back. And the greatest thing of course, is that he doesn't even know how real and true this kiss is going to be until afterwards. Hee.

As you've said, I have so much respect for HA. The break up is killing her but she's sure in her convictions, because she's embarrassed and frustrated at the person he's made her. He's not a bad guy, but it's not a relationship she can love and be loved in and she realises that. There are some people that can deal with a workaholic with different priorities, but she's not one of them.

To be fair to SJ, he did try in his own way, and much of his failings was due to the happy and confident demeanour HA put up, and the lack of communication on either side. He thought she was fine, she wasn't. The reality of most relationships everywhere. He wanted to try again, to try harder. And he let that phone ring for a very long time, though he picked up at the end.

And TH is all round stunning, and now the drunkard has back story that gets me to be interested in him as a character. (I haven't cared about him at all, and so didnt even bother to learn his name). It now also makes sense why HA's work life and personal life comes together in her friendshipsand that post work dinner was such a mix of people - just like RH brought over YS like it was a normal thing to do, there's obviously a history of TH bringing drunkard and RH coming with two links to the group. And the guy from the radio stunned by her smile!!! AND SHE LIKES HIM YES???

YS was born and raised with a silver - no, a diamond encrusted spoon in he mouth. But you can't be offended at her thinking he's a valet or stonily cutting off shopkeepers because it's the way she's been raised. Hopefully hanging out with some ~lesser people~ will give her a different perspective on things, and free her. Because friends!


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My thoughts exactly! The first kiss was great, but DAMN that second kiss where he pulls away, covers her eyes and leans back down to kiss her again. Hot. I'm still wondering up to now why he did that. Maybe for both of them to forget that they're "them" in that moment? In any case, this is gonna be on my favorite kisses list.

I heart this show. So, so much!


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Kyaaaahhh thanks for the recap, it's always helped me to understand one or two little things i get which is seems kinda blur to me like, why Seok Joon felt colder now rather than the past Seok Joon who is handling Pouting-HaengA-refused-to-eat, i mean i can see the spark when he obbliged her demand it also pleased him to (that corner of his lips made a delight smile as she smiled), it just that....maybe... Seok Joon is as Manager Jo said, he's not the kind of man who know how to speak up his heart emotionally but the emotional vibe's here, definitely here (remember how the tape strike his memories of one his funny-silly-romance past with HaengA).

Well im not good at english, but here i tried to blabbering abt my thought, and i definitely buy that Seok Joon has something linked to Yi Seul too..

Thanks for the recap, and cant wait for the next ep where both Ri-Hwan and HaengA admitted the kiss felt not too bad, but rather it felt so good you forget who you are for a moment :D


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I know I'm in love with a show when I can't decide which side character I love the most. Cutie intern? Blunt best friend? Drunk best friend? Tiny Ponytail and Fleece Vest friend/Sunbae? CAN'T DECIDE.


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I am LOVINNG the friends right now. They're characters are so interesting, and I especially love Tae Hee and her bluntness... But you can tell she truly cares for those she loves. I'm curious what this love triangle for the three friends/coworkers will lead to!

Also I really hope they don't demean Yi Seul's character to a typical chaebol obsessed 2nd lead... That would be tragic.

And that second kiss. Dang. I also missed the flashback but guess the kisses were a welcome alternative?


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I guess I'm in the minority in thinking that kiss made it look like he was giving her mouth to mouth? :)

I actually really love the main couple. I'm also glad that RH mom has legitimate fears for why the couple shouldn't be together. It actually has stakes which is awesome.

I missed the two kids this episode, they are fast becoming my favourite thing about this show.

I really don't like Ji Hoon. At all. I just find him completely irritating.

Still not a fan of the second male lead. And yeah, I feel really sorry for the second female lead. Poor baby.


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The story with the second female lead would have been such a nice one in its own right a chubby (really people, you call THAT chubby) awkward, hurt in life misfit female chaebol's romance. I do feel sorry for her and wish she would pull away while she dosen't have her full emotions engaged and before she gets truly hurt, but guess that wouldn't make much of a drama


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This show is heart. Love everything around it. Even irritating second male lead, which highlights how greatly Ri-Hwan and Haeng-A match. Thank you for recap


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Haha! How did SJ manage to call HA when he took out the battery in her phone and there was no time for her to put it back?

Great episode!


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Yeah to the double kiss. ..thanks for the recap. Was looking forward to this since Tuesday.
I loooooooove bubblegum. ..love the depth of story, the uniqueness of each cast and the chemistry between our leads.


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"What I love about Ri-hwan is his strong sense of self-discovery, and that he’s willing to have the hard conversations with himself. He doesn’t spend half the show denying his feelings or blaming others for “making” him feel them – he knows that if he feels this negatively about the man Haeng-ah is dating, that he is the one with the problem."

THIS THIS THIS! I am so inlove with his character. ♡


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Is it me orrrr isn't Yi-seul putting the cart before the horse??? Why would she purchase an expensive watch at this point of the arrange dating unless she is trying to charm her 'future husband' by her family's wealth. Plus I also thought she was a little premature in her angst with Haeng-ah. I know that her ex did her wrong, but she is moving on to the next tooooo first. He is not pursuing her, however she demands that she gives him a ride every time.
I think Suk-joon and Yi-seul are two side of the same coin - they like to objectify their love interest and they both have issues with control/power....I'm just saying. She could have bought him a nice sweater...but a custom rolex.....hmmmmm


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“Say there’s a bar that you like, but that bar really annoys me. Because that bar is not good to you…. I hate it when you go near that place. Because, today…. I saw IT.”
It’s easy to suggest that the Hunk should be cool enough to want what she wants, to accept that she liked Suk-joon that she may not even want to breakoff, thus worked towards helping her to get back to “that bar that you like”. There is always a line drawn between respecting what she likes and advising her to forsake what is not good but harmful to her. Allowing her to go on believing what SukJoon said that if he can he already will try to live without her, is causing more hurts to her. If he continued on allowing her to be hurt, like what he said in ep 1, “The one who neglected that hurt is in greater pain." Knowing that she has already accepted that he Suk-joon has never ever asked her to “like that bar”, that even her suffocating loneliness was hers alone to bear (according to her self-blaming).
Nothing scarred most, than having saw “IT” with your own eyes, for visual enhanced the pains. Knowing that she stayed with him (who is not deserving) is bad enough, but can be shelved behind the lost compartment of his memory, but to witness and imagine some “physical contact” is beyond what a guy can accept, moreover that despicable one told him blatantly that “she slept besides him”. That is so much a guy can tolerate before his turn Hulk-green.


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Just like the OST “Because I”, the middle part of the lyrics goes,
“When you’re lost in paradise you never had,
With these lonely hands I’ll hold your hands.
Because I’ll love you, more than I need you, oh.
Can’t you see my love?
Now I can get through the tides, with you in better days.
Because I’ll never let you down forever,
Can’t you feel my faith?
Stay in me, and be near.
Because I’ll pray, Because I’m now lovin’ you.
With all I am, all my heart.”
you see, if it is a real paradise, will I not stop you from going, and it’s a paradise you never had…. And you are still blaming yourself, that he has never ask you to stay, never say love you, its your faults alone….


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Yet, he took to himself to apologized first to her, that he should not have said he “hated that guy…. But if you like him, (it’s fine)….. do you still like him?”
He who neglected his pain alone, is hurting the most. Knowing that its not his “lonely hands” that can filled her “loneliness”, shelving what he “saw” and the pains it accompanied, for if “you still like him”, the hurts is his alone to bear, the hates he alone to suppressed, as long as she shall have hope as she continue likes him. So what he needs to confirm before he went ahead and revealed his heart, and give her the “paradise” that was hers all along, namely his total heart, his “with all I am, all my heart”. He needs to know, whether she wants to truly end “it”.
I just loved this guy, unlike the usual KDland hunk who will go noble idiocy, and back off because “I should respect your right to choose who you like”…
Does he (‘Sukjoon’) love you, need you? His love he claimed he had for you “let you down always”, and you still have faith in that ambiguous promise that he let you stay because he cares?
While Ri-hwan was, and is loving her, as he is, with all his heart, and First Place in his heart. He does not shy off to let her knows, and is total honest with his feeling, total “faith” that he will not let her down.
boy I loved that OST. (an awesome OST can speak when the OTP is speechless, in deafening silent.)


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LollyPip Dear,
i was so so so glad that you adore RH for speaking up, for being honest with himself, knowing when to stand forward and strengthen her when she decided to let go...i was so afraid that many, and even you, Lollypip may demand that he should let her decide, don't rule her life for her....Hahhh...i don't believe that kind of crap.... when you loves someone, knowing the other one that she loves will harm her perpetually, that she deserve better. i just couldn't accept when fans always demand the hunk or OTP to let the heroine "chose her life", and keeping pushing her back to him so that she can have him who she likes.... crap crap crap...
thank God you, LollyPip, acknowledged our Hunk for honestly show her that he will loved her, "With all I am, all my heart.”, and "rirst in his heart". that you loved him for his bravery, even his willingness to make himself "look silly" in front of that Jerk to reach out to her. LollyPip, thank God you all willing to start this recap.


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I like your thought. Yet, I think RH doesn't understand that he loves her as a women. He's in process of figuring out what he really feels ^^


JiHye dear,
i think, like what his drunket room-mate (whatever his name) said to him when he shared about seeing SJ pushing HA to the blindspot behind the door, "Everything changed when you see with your own eyes." i guess its around that moment that he finally felt his heart shattering. but the intensity of the heart breaking over HA's still lingering feelings over SJ will take times to be figured out, how hopeless much he felt for her.
the hardest to figure out is always when relationship grew "silently-slowly-secretly" thru ages, even the one who loved may not known he has loved until something drastic happened that rock the boat.
i believed even by consenting for matchmaking arrangement and meeting all the chaebol heiresses , i don't think he was prepared to go into any relationship with any girls he was set-up by mum.
by the time he kissed her, he should have known himself completely.


Bubblegum is lurve!
This is one of a rare dramas where I didn't skip any of the parts for I care about all of the characters. It's giving me It's Okay It's Love feels and I'm loving Bubblegum so much for being realistic and heartwarming.


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That kiss is soo good. I love it. Thes second kis when RH covers HA eyes is quite interesting too. But my favourite moment in this ep is the swing scene. They go from awkward tension to light conversation so fast. And the way he looks at her while counting in such low warm voice. Plus LDW looks sooo handsome all the freaking time. I start to think it's unfair for all his female partner actress LOL


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Mine too! When they were staring into each other's eyes while he was helping with her pressure points... damn.


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that was my favourite scene too! it shows how strong their relationship is, that they could switch from anger to camaraderie all within five minutes of talking to each other. so cute.


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As the complex, relateable, squee-inducing aspects of the series have already been covered, I'd like to take this opportunity to laud the musical score people. Damn effective, not just with the song choices but the instrumentals. Bravo.


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definitely. i love the music choices.


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Wow, I'm in the minority. I don't like this drama at all. :(

I love Lee Dong Wook. I do, but I can't get into this. I might give the next eps another try, but I'll probably move on.


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Just curious, Cheryl... What types of dramas do you like? :)


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I doubt you are, other people that feel the same way as you have probably dropped it and don't comment in recap posts!


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Also, Haeng Ah has a family history of stomach cancer... Looks like Ri Hwan has one of Alzheimer's. What a pair. Makings of a melo? I hope not. -.-'


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I'm enjoying the show, but feeling uncomfortable watching it because if Ri-hwan were in the real world he shouldn't be let out of the house without a danger sign hung around this neck.

His possessive obsessive behavior is a red flag for controlling tendencies in romantic relationship.

I'm liking Haeng Ah and her willingness to make good choices for herself even when doing so hurts.


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I couldn't help but find RH-HA relationship is a bit odd.

If theynare so close and claim of not keeping secret from each other, why only now RH knows HA date and in fact moving in with SJ?
The sudden jelousy of RH towards SJ is a bit off to me, surely he has seen HA dated other guys, was he always in fire each time HA dated a guy, if so then he should have known his feelings for her for a long time and similarly for HA, SHE should have known his feelings. If only now RH behave so harshly towards another guy, to me RH finding his feelings is so out of the blue thus weird.

Unlike others I can't see why the kiss is considered hot?, to me it is meh added by the twirling of the camera angle..basically it is only giving two heads closed but no real kissing.


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Could not agree more.What I could not stop noticing is that when dramas have characters who start having feeling for the other special one as soon as the drama starts lol.So all these years he must have seen her dating dozens of men.Why react now..It just seems to have arrived out of nowhere.


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And why do you think, that his jealousy has started only now? Just rewatch 3rd episode and you'llfind an answer. I can't get why people are blaming character if they don't notice elements of storyline. Haven't you seen his concern and rising jealousy when before her Bday when they were sitting in bar, she was hooked with her phone, smiling at it...just notice RH's facial expression. He was already jealous. But he didn't know untill now that it's real jealousy.I think it's normal to be in denial, since they're almost bro and sis.
Another question where is was stated that she was seriously dating other guys before? She might had some relationships, but random and fast, like all have in their youth. And if to take HA with her loneliness and closeness are you sure she was letting herself date a lot?
Don't judge the character when you don't know the storyline and their past.


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I can't get over this episode, keep rewatching it. That swings scene and second kiss with covering her eyes will be on my favourite romantic scenes list. I can't breath properly while watching swings scene. And I have feeling it's only beggining

Thank you so much for recap. Please, keep loving Bubble gum.


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Sorry if it's not related. But I'm sure reading recap for first episode of Reply 1988 before. And now its missing! Can someone tell me that I'm not dreaming just now?


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Yup, I read it, and it then disappeared. I came back on this thread, along with the other most recent ones, to check if anyone had the same problem haha.


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About HA keeping SJ secret from RH, I too confusing about this i glad somebody feel the same too. But your opinion light me up a bit. Maybe HA did dates guys before but it wasn't serious so she can freely tell RH. But with SJ she's serious, plus SJ is quite a celebrity so they can't go out publicly. Though the drama should have resolve this not leaving it for viewers to guess like this. About RH sudden jealousy. I see RH got jealous at the phone texting scene, but it's still confusing as in when was that?! And does he get jealous with other boyfriends that HA did tell him about?! Is he just get this much jealous with SJ who HA's seriously dating!? It seems just out of nowhere he discovers he has romantic feeling for HA now. The show should have a plot to explain this


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Ohhhh.....thank you so much for recap. This drama is my guilty pleasure! Love the characters development and that kiss at the end waooh so happy with this show!!


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The Kiss is . . . DAMN!!! I LOVE IT!!!!
I already watch this episode 2 times and I really love the ending!!!
Where you can watch this sweet and romantic kiss, heh???? The Kiss is totallymy style of k-drama kiss. KYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

In beginning, i love Suk Joon, I mean i think his character was like a person with complicated to show his feeling, but this episode make me thing twice, he's really worst.

I know Haeng Ah and Suk Joon love each other and still, but you know, the priority of Suk Joon is not Haeng Ah, and the way Haeng Ah love Suk Joon, she leave her because she not want to brokenheart again.

Thats make me really love Ri Hwan more and more. But they really so cute as friends and lover vibe finally shown in this episode.
Firstly I think kissing scene too early, but know I fall in love with that KISS!!!


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Good job LollyPip! Thanks so much.

I'm liking that more shows are giving us intelligent and aware characters instead of the usual kind who are endlessly in denial over their feelings and causing everyone a hard time,... just to fill the time or to fill in for lack of plot. I'm glad that Bubblegum is one such mature show, or a show that caters to an audience who have seen every trope there is, and is still able to raise our spirits by giving us refreshing characters.

I am so happy to see that Lee Dong Wook is capable of more. I only liked him when I first saw him in My Girl, and not since, until this show.

Already by the end of episode 4, we have all 4 parties who are linked by Ri Hwan and Haeng Ah more or less on the same page. That's a good pace and opens up the possibilities of more relationship development instead of just spending time on misunderstandings and secrets.

Instead of our leads, I 'm thinking of our 2nd leads. Se Yong now finds herself maybe with the shoe on the other foot. No longer is she the girlfriend who was wronged but she might be the 'other woman' if she pursues Ri Hwan. How much of a beating will her newly screwed up confidence take with this reveal? It's an interesting development, that she really has an oppa who cares for her and who's teasing/encouragement in the face of her mother's constant disapproval, has goaded her into taking the initiative in pursuing Ri Hwan.

By comparison, Haeng Ah has already initiated a separation from her boyfriend and has a non-blood related oppa who's concern and protectiveness is pulling her towards himself.

Suk Joon has been getting away with having things his way where Haeng Ah was concerned, but not anymore. He finds that Haeng Ah is not a pushover and that the fake brother embodies a greater challenge. Where he has been self-serving and inconsiderate, Ri Hwan has been others-centred and thoughtful. Now that he has had a rude awakening to the loss of Haeng Ah, I'd like to see if tries to narrow the gap between his and Ri Hwan's attitude.

I'm interested to see if the interactions of the side characters, (Tae Hee and Ji Hoon / Se Yong and Joon Su) will contribute to the theme and the plot or highlight the mistakes and the right moves made by each couple.


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Can't help noting the meta of our female lead being ruled out as a daughter-in-law based on an abdominal cancer, just like in MNIKSS.


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I know, right? Even stomach cancer specifically. Along with that movie where she had multiple personalities, it's giving me a weird concept of the actress in my head as a person who is super medically delicate.


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That was just the sexiest kiss...I can't get over how he reaches back the second time and closes her eyes and leans in. It was like he was so surprised by how he felt with the first kiss and Haeng Ah also was taken by it.


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Okay that's it. This is totally my fave show right now!


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JH: "You should take my woman, not my beer."
RH: "But you don't have woman."
JH: "True." *sadface*

Now, that's different. Idk why but I love this man of twisted wisdom.. ^^

Thanks for the recap, LollyPip!


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There are so many beats that are subtle and surprisngly true in this show. When Ri Hwan is talking about how Haeng Ah is thin enough to fit inside the washing machine, Yi Seul's face shows us so much about what she feels - about her appearance and about her feelings for Haeng Ah and Ri Hwan.

Thank you for the recap!


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+1. I was feeling sorry for Yi Seul, since she's so sensitive when it comes to weight. And RH didn't want to hurt her or offend, but she might feel herself very bad and start to compare herself with HA and it won't bring her self confidence. I just hope that she won't turn into mean second female lead


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Exactly. She is just starting to see herself as someone who can want pretty things, so it makes sense that she is sensitive about this stuff. I hope she doesn't turn into a clingy and mean second lead either - maybe the drama will give her a good character development arc?


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I am watching kdramas for already 5 years, but none of them can be compared with this one. Strange title, but so wise, mature and unpredictable plot, lines, characters. This drama is for sure for adults and only people who can and able to look deeper will appreciate it. It's already masterpice kdrama for me, but let's see if writer will not spoil it. I pray that will not happen.

Thank you for recap. It was very wise, like drama itself


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totally charmed by this show. Waiting impetiently what will happen next, after this lifechanging kiss for both.
And I'm totally mesmerized by Lee Dong Wook's Park Ri Hwan. The best male lead ever. Of course, he has some issues, which I hope he'll solve by the end of this show.
I think the best way to evolve characters will be if Haeng A will become more open, cheerful and less afraid of loneliness and Ri Hwan should find balance in his soul and start to live for himself, not only for his mom, Haeng A, friend alcoholic and patients. Good luck to Bubble gum!


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Thanks for the recap!!

That kiss was so wonderful!!! hahahaha wow.

i know its not gonna happen but i really wish Suk Joon would just go back to his office and stay there. His actions only continue to infuriate me as he keeps trying to push Haeng Ah back into a relationship she doesnt want. He doesnt even agree to change and just siphons some of the blame on her: "oh its you fault you didnt talk more too." Seriously?! You should have cared then not now! And he keeps pushing Ri Hwan!! I guess he likes getting punched!

Anyway, I hope the next episode doesnt involve more of Suk Joons assy behaviour or Yi seul joining him. She just met him and she's already glaring at Haeng ah jeez.


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I am not excusing YS buying a watch but it was a matseon date. That means the other party is serious about marriage. Generally it's accepted that the other party is not in a relationship.


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Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for deciding to recap this show!

Have loved Jeong Ryeo Won since her appearance in My Name is Kim Sam Soon. She is really pretty and has an acting style that is very uniquely hers. She is sadly quite under-rated.

I haven't liked the male lead until he became Ri Hwan!! He is so cute!

So far, am liking the show. It is modern, fast-paced, light but moving, with interesting characters, and really, really good chemistry between the leads.

I only hope JRN doesn't end up sick/dead etc. That would really be a downer.


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Thanks for recapping the show! I really look forward to reading your recaps and also reading the comments of fellow fans of the show. I am so glad that I decided to watch the show because originally I wasn't going to because of the first teaser that came out. The main couple's chemistry is awesome! Love them and the show so far!


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