Voice: Episode 2

Kwon-joo wastes no time in setting up her Golden Time Unit — or, at least, trying to set it up. It’s hard to do much of anything when it seems the entire police force is against you, much less the specifically chosen few who refuse to have anything to do with you. But when a call comes in, a choice must be made — is it more important to hold a grudge, or save an innocent life?

EPISODE 2: “Two-faced Healing Mama”


Ten minutes after Bok-nim’s terrified call, begging the emergency center to save her, Jin-hyuk runs through the alleyways, searching for the barber’s pole that Kwon-joo heard.

As her kidnapper swings the hammer down towards her, Bok-nim desperately fights back, biting him and pushing him away. But she’s no match for his strength. Kwon-joo and the rest of the call center — including Commissioner Bae and Chief Jang — listen helplessly to the sounds of a fight coming through the phone line, but only Kwon-joo is able to discern that Bok-nim keeps resisting.


However, she runs out of energy, and as the kidnapper raises the hammer to deal the final blow, Jin-hyuk barges into the room, knocking the man over and giving Bok-nim the chance to run away to safety. She’s grabbed by the other police officers who were hurrying as backup support to Jin-hyuk, and she relays that Jin-hyuk is fighting with “that crazy man.”

It’s a brutal battle as the two men tussle in the abandoned bathroom, but eventually Jin-hyuk gets the upper hand as he pummels the kidnapper unconscious. But once he sees the man’s bag filled with wallets, keys, phone charms, and other personal mementos from all the other victims, Jin-hyuk grabs the hammer. Serial killers like this bastard don’t deserve to live.

Kwon-joo pleads with him over the radio not to do it — killing someone else won’t bring back those who have already died. But Jin-hyuk raises the hammer, and, imagining his wife’s face in her her final moments, he swings it down — where it crashes into the tile next to the unconscious killer.

The backup team arrive just then, reporting to the call center that they’ve apprehended the suspect and are currently transporting the victim to the hospital. All of this occurred within fifteen minutes.


Kwon-joo turns to face Commissioner Bae and Chief Jang, pointing out that this incident shows the importance of a Golden Time Unit. Commissioner Bae agrees to let her establish the unit, as well as select anyone she wants to be on her team. However it will only be for six months — she’ll have to prove the unit will be worthwhile by then.

As Jin-hyuk leaves the scene of the crime, he finds Bok-nim’s phone, and wonders to himself if it’s really true that Kwon-joo could hear things that no one else can — just like she said she could three years ago.

Later, Chief Jang makes a statement to the reporters about the capture of the killer, admitting that it was due to the call center that they were able to apprehend him and not the efforts of the Violent Crimes Unit. When Jin-hyuk pulls up in his squad car, the reporters surround him, begging for a statement, but he pushes past them without saying a word.

Dae-shik cheerfully greets his hyung, complimenting him on the impressive job he did catching the killer. But Jin-hyuk is too focused on how someone would be able to hear a sound no one else could possibly hear. He marches to the call center, but Kwon-joo already left to visit the victim in the hospital.

Bok-nim’s mother gives Kwon-joo her profuse thanks, apologizing for not being a good mother and working too much so she wasn’t able to raise her daughter well. But Kwon-joo says she was just doing her job, and it was Bok-nim who was the brave one.


Bok-nim thanks her, though, because Kwon-joo was the first person to tell her to hold on and survive. She sweetly tells Kwon-joo she hopes that whatever mistake Kwon-joo made in the past will work out well in the end.

As Kwon-joo leaves the hospital, she’s surprised to see Jin-hyuk enter. She assumes he’s there to visit Bok-nim, but she’s the the one he wants to speak to. He demands to know how she knew the victim would be in the barber shop. She calmly explains that her reasoning is the same as it was there years ago — she can hear details no one else can, which meant she could hear the sound of the electronic barber’s pole.


He scoffs at the explanation, finding it unbelievable. Just then Dae-shik calls, warning Jin-hyuk not to trust anything Kwon-joo tells him. He’s heard that Kwon-joo figured out where Bok-nim was hiding based on information she received about the killer’s profile.

That’s more believable than someone with super hearing, and Jin-hyuk laughs at Kwon-joo, asking if she enjoyed feeling important, ordering people around and lying about how she knows things. She tries to explain but he cuts her off, telling her that if she has any ounce of humanity in her, she should just forget the Golden Time Unit. If she truly wants to honor her father who was killed in the hit-and-run investigation, then she should stop now.


Over drinks with Jin-hyuk, Dae-shik reassures him that Kwon-joo isn’t worth his time. She’s obviously delusional and it’ll be better without her. But… what if she’s telling the truth? Dae-shik describes a documentary he watched where a brain injury could cause the nerve system to create a supernatural power. Maybe Kwon-joo is actually a psychic!

Annoyed, Jin-hyuk tells him he’s not in a mood to joke around, and Dae-shik is once again stuck cleaning up his mess — or at least paying for the bill after Jin-hyuk abruptly leaves.

Kwon-joo arrives at her sound-proofed apartment. She opens up a curtain to reveal an elaborate evidence wall, complete with red string tying the cases together. Included is Jin-yuk’s wife case and her father’s case, but there are also articles about various types of weapons, all crafted from the same type of steel.

She listens to the recording from the night when Jin-hyuk’s wife died, when she begged the man not to kill her and he told her that she shouldn’t have made him upset. Focusing on the odd little click when the murderer speaks, Kwon-joo promises her father that she’ll never waver again. No matter what she hears, she’ll make the murderer pay.

As Jin-hyuk arrives at the hospital, he keeps thinking about the possibility of Kwon-joo actually being able to hear things indiscernible to everyone else, but decides it’s too impossible. Aw, he’s at the hospital to visit with his son, Dong-woo, who has a chronic immune disorder.


Dong-woo proudly watches the news report about his dad’s big arrest. Jin-hyuk brushes off any concerns about the injuries on his face, saying it was because he tripped and fell chasing after the criminal. Then he pulls out a present, much to the delight of Dong-woo. When he asks his son what he wants for his birthday, the boy sweetly says that this gift is enough for him. He knows his father is working hard to pay the hospital bills.

But he sighs, wishing that he could have his mother’s food, since his grandmother’s just doesn’t taste the same. He also had a dream about her, where she smiled at him even though she looked sad. Jin-hyuk tells his son not to worry — he’ll catch the “bad guy” no matter what it takes, and then his mother will smile happily in his dreams.

Just then he gets a call from Dae-shik, letting him know that the two of them are being transferred to the Golden Time Unit. His look of surprise is priceless — did he really think Kwon-joo was just going to give up because he told her to?

In the morning, Kwon-joo meets with two others that she’s hand-picked to be a part of the team. The first is OH HYUN-HO (Yesung) who is utterly bewildered by the offer, explaining that if he stays in an office for too long he gets panic attacks. But she wants him because of his experience as a hacker — she knows that he once won hacking competitions when he used to live in America. Hyun-ho is surprised she found that out — it isn’t something he’s ever mentioned before.

The next is PARK EUN-SOO (Sohn Eun-seo), who is fluent in many languages, a skill Kwon-joo needs since many of the calls they get are from foreigners. But Eun-soo interrupts to immediately decline the offer — she has no desire to work in a call center and she currently is working toward a promotion in another department. But Kwon-joo vaguely references something that happened to Eun-soo’s grandmother, suggesting she rethink the offer. She gives her until tomorrow morning to accept.

As for Hyun-oh, Kwon-joo greets him as part of the team. His new job starts right now, and when he’s bewildered that he doesn’t have a choice in the matter, Kwon-joo says that if he doesn’t want to work for her, he’ll be transferred to the customer service department — the very place he doesn’t want to be since it means being in an office all day. Hah.


Hyun-oh sighs that he has no spine, but admires Kwon-joo’s aggressive charm. He greets Eun-soo, telling her how pretty she is, then asking how to say “you’re hot” in Russian. Eun-soo: “Leave before I sue you for sexual harassment.” Hahaha, I already love her.

Jin-hyuk calls Kwon-joo, furious that she transferred him to her unit. He tells her he’s headed her way so they can talk in person, but she cooly reminds him that she is his boss, so he better be mindful of how he talks to her. He’s annoyed when she hangs up on him, but he’s even more annoyed when he finds out that his desk in the Violent Crimes Unit now sits under a sign that says “Golden Time Emergency Response Team.”

Dae-shik — who’s also been assigned to the Golden Time team — explains that there’s no way for them to refuse the reassignment. It’s either this team or no job at all. The other detectives taunt Jin-hyuk for suddenly being promoted to a team leader, wondering what his wife would think if she knew he was now working for the woman that let her murderer go free.


In a rage, Jin-hyuk leaps forward to attack them, but as the detectives scuffle, Chief Jang arrives and breaks it up. If Jin-hyuk had just laid low like Chief Jang told him to, he wouldn’t have caught anyone’s attention — especially Kwon-joo’s. Chief Kang is convinced the reason she wants Jin-hyuk working for her is so she can obliterate the Violent Crimes Unit.

Just then an emergency call comes in from a young boy who says that his mother is trying to kill him. When Kwon-joo ascertains that it isn’t a prank call, she declares the start of “golden time.” She orders the team to depart right away, but Jin-hyuk angrily radios back that he first needs to talk to her about his reassignment.


She warns him that if he doesn’t leave now, she’ll strip him of his badge. Fine, then, if that’s she wants. He’ll no longer be a detective any more — does that make her happy? She calmly points out that he knows the longer he waits, the greater the chance the child will die. Does he want to be responsible for a child’s death?

Jin-hyuk looks like he’s ready to barge on over to the call center and fight her in person, but Dae-shik tells him that they should leave now and deal with Kwon-joo later. With a frustrated yell, Jin-hyuk follows Dae-shik out of the station.


Kwon-joo gets more information from the boy: his name is Ah-ram, he’s seven-years-old, and he’s hiding in the washing machine after his mother tried to kill him by stabbing him in the stomach with a knife. While he hides, his mother looks around the apartment for him, and there are photos of the woman with her husband and a young girl — but no pictures of Ah-ram.

He does his best to describe where he lives, but he’s never been allowed outside and doesn’t know his address or his mother’s full name. All he knows is that there are tall brick buildings around him. Kwon-joo orders Hyun-oh, who has barely begun his training and doesn’t even have a computer station of his own yet, to borrow someone’s computer to search where in the neighborhood there might be such buildings.


Within seconds, Hyun-oh finds an apartment complex matching the description — this skill is undoubtedly why Kwon-joo wanted him on the team. She relays the information to Dae-shik and Jin-hyuk as they speed through the streets.

Ah-ram’s mother frantically searches for him, worried that she’ll be found out. As she hunts through the garbage containers to see if he’s hiding there, a couple of nosy neighbors appear. They call the woman “Jae-eun’s mother,” and wonder why she hasn’t been answering her phone. That makes her realize Ah-ram must have it.


The nosy neighbors reveal that they want to get together to report another neighbor who keeps mixing up the trash and recycling. They hold up the offending bag, revealing that she must also be beating her child since she’s thrown out kids clothing with blood on it. “Jae-eun’s mother” demurs, apologizing that she has to take her own child to the hospital, and as she scurries back into the apartment, the women marvel at how shy and sweet she is. Yeah, it’s always the quiet ones.

When she returns, Ah-ram’s mother (as we’ll call her for clarity’s sake) tries calling her cell phone from the landline, but gets a message it’s already in use. She then calls someone else (her husband?), telling him that the kid ran away with her phone and she’s worried he’ll call the police.


Three minutes after the Ah-ram called the emergency center, Jin-hyuk, Dae-shik, and the local patrol officers arrive at the apartment complex.

They spread out to search for any clues, and Kwon-joo asks Ah-ram if he knows what building and floor he lives on. He reveals that he tried to run away, but got scared because it was too bright — normally the house is dark because his brother was sick. But that “brother” was a boy who already lived there before he did moved away to live with a grandmother and never returned, and then before him was a girl who now lives at the hospital.


Today, however, his mother was going to bathe him so that they could go on a family picnic, but instead she tried to drown him in the bathtub. When that didn’t work, she took a knife and stabbed him in the stomach. But he fought back, pushing her to the ground and momentarily knocking her out. As he tried to run away, he stole her phone and hid in the washing machine.

Kwon-joo knows what “going to grandmother’s” and “living at the hospital” really means, and relays to Jin-hyuk and the rest of the team that the case has now been bumped up from an injury to potential murder.

Jin-hyuk and Dae-shik race to the security office to see if the security guard would have an idea who might be abusing a child. The nosy neighbors appear just then, revealing that they know exactly who the cops are looking for. The blood on the shirt is enough proof for Dae-shik and Jin-hyuk to trust the women, and they hurry to the apartment.

Kwon-joo gently keeps encouraging Ah-ram to hang on and not be afraid, to tell her everything he remember, and he reveals that he hears a xylophone every time his father returns home.

The sound of police sirens panics Ah-ram’s mother, and she nervously peeks out the window to see Jin-hyuk and Dae-shik run through the streets to the child abuser’s apartment. The phone rings, and she freaks out, yelling at the person on the other end of the phone that the cops are near and she doesn’t know what to do.


Weakened by loss of blood, Ah-ram drops the phone. The clank of it hitting the metal washing machine catches the woman’s attention, and she picks up her bloody knife as she slowly searches the apartment. She calls out for Ah-ram, reminding him that they’re supposed to go on a picnic today, and she’s not angry, not really.

As Jin-hyuk and Dae-shik run to the apartment they were told had a child abuser, someone radios in to reveal the information about that tenant. The facts don’t quite match up, though: her child is eight-years-old, not seven, and attends a local school — but Ah-ram isn’t allowed to leave the house.

Jin-hyuk says that Ah-ram might just be confused due to his injury, but Kwon-joo knows something is wrong. The apartment Jin-hyuk is investigating is on the first floor, but Ah-ram said he could see the tops of trees. She also tries to focus on what could also sound like a xylophone, but nothing in her “sound memory” feels quite right.


Jin-hyuk and Dae-shik arrive at the child abuser’s apartment. Kwon-joo still doesn’t think it’s the right place, but Jin-hyuk says that he can hear screaming from inside. He’s going to check, just in case.

Despite the frustration of not knowing where the real apartment is, Kwon-joo keeps her voice calm as she tells Ah-ram that he doesn’t need to talk — he can just tap the phone so she knows he’s still there. He covers his mouth when he hears the door to the utility room open, but his mother doesn’t notice him hiding in the washing machine.

Jin-hyuk barges into the apartment where a woman is spanking a child. But it’s clearly not Ah-ram — it’s the wrong apartment.

The woman re-enters the utility room, and this time she sees the blood dripping from the washing machine’s drain pipe. She smiles when she hears the boy whisper that he isn’t sure if the police are there yet. She tells him to come out and see “Mommy” as she leans over the washing machine. Reaching in, she drags him out, and all Kwon-joo can hear is the woman’s voice and the boy’s screams. Jin-hyuk and Dae-shik stare helplessly at the many buildings around them.

Ten minutes have passed since Ah-ram first called the emergency center.



Oooohhhhhh, this lady is creeeeeeeepy. Ah-ram is obviously not her real child, so does she just kidnap kids and then kill them off when she decides she needs a new one? Actually, I don’t think I want to know. I do want to know that Jin-hyuk will once again barge in at the nick of time and save the day, thanks to him trusting Kwon-joo’s super hearing. What I don’t want is this to be some lesson in the importance of him trusting her and letting a kid die on his watch because he took the time to investigate another lead.

Which, honestly, is understandable. He’s a cop — there was a viable suspect, backed up by witnesses, and a commotion coming from the apartment. It makes sense that he would want to confirm if it was the right place or not and not just rely on what only can be described as a “hunch” from Kwon-joo. That doesn’t mean I’m not totally stressed out by yet another cliff-hanger ending, though. Because I am. *nibbles what’s left of fingernails*

I’m also stressed out by Dae-shik. He keeps givng Jin-hyuk reasons not to trust Kwon-joo, reasons that are only founded on rumors, and I to grab him and yell at him to stop listening to all the gossip and instead look at the facts! Then again, Dae-shik does seem to be the only loyal friend and coworker that Jin-hyuk has right now, so I could also understand him being overly protective of his mildly deranged hyung who is out for vengeance. He has no reason not to believe that Kwon-joo was lying during the trial, so he has no reason to trust her, either. I could see why he’d want to protect Jin-hyuk from getting hurt again by someone he perceives to be a ruthless opportunist.

But because I’m an omniscient viewer who knows she’s not a ruthless opportunist, he makes me angry and I just want him to let Jin-hyuk come to his own conclusions about Kwon-joo’s super hearing. Or maybe I just want the team to be united already and focused on saving the day every week instead of working through their angst with each other. Which might not make as much of a compelling story, maybe, but with the anxiety of the “golden time” ticking down every second, I don’t know if I can also add on some interpersonal drama.

Okay, maybe I can, a little, since I’m pretty excited that we’re going to be adding a couple of new personalities into the mix, and I can’t wait to see Eun-soo and Hyun-ho becoming bickering partners who gradually learn to trust each other — but without the baggage of feeling responsible for getting a family member killed.

One of my favorite parts of the episode was Kwon-joo’s apartment. Not just because I was pleased that the show made sure to add in the detail that it’s totally soundproofed, but that she’s got that crazy wall of evidence. The “wall o’ evidence” is something I feel like I rarely see with female leads — it’s usually the guys who are the obsessive stalkers. Then again, it’s usually the guys who head up police units, so it’s an added treat to be able to watch Kwon-joo calmly and brilliantly lead her tiny team — whether they like it or not.


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This show is so intense...I like it but it stresses me out, haha.


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Me too man. I was holding my breath along with Ah Ram when the mother came into the laundry room. And when she peered into the washing machine, damn near gave me a cardiac arrest. She looked so crazy that actress sure did a good job.


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Just looking at the screencap alone really freaked me out. Like geezus the creepiness and everything is seething through those pixels! Gotta makes sure not to watch this at night, I swear I might get nightmares.


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Thanks for the recap! This episode was so horrific (not that the first case wasn't). I wonder if the lady and her husband were doing this for the "adopted" kids to be an organ or white blood cell donor for her sick daughter, Jae Eun. Not that any form of reason would justify the crime. But isn't it morbidly fascinating to learn the lengths people would go to, in their times of desperation?

On a side note, I can't wait for JH to start trusting KJ! Oh the dream golden time team they could make, along with their motley crew.
Anyone else getting NCIS and Criminal Minds vibes?

I'm getting antsy waiting for next week's episodes that I decided to finally watch Signal to pass the time.


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Oh!!! Nice theory. I didn't think that they are trying to save their Daughter by sacrificing other kids!

But this show is seriously bad for my heart (╥﹏╥)


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I never thought of that theory either! I just thought they were organ donor killers. Either way is icky.


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I'm glad you showed that picture of her smiling. That was one of the few times her eyes showed emotion. It was nice to see


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For now, Dae-shik is my top suspect. I'm still waiting for him and Kwon-joo to interact. She did place him in the Golden Time Team but she has yet to tell why.

I also hope that show doesn't always end like this - Kwon-joo feeling like she's missing something; Jin-hyuk and team going to a different place; and the victim being discovered by the killer. I know we're just two episodes in and this might just be a way for Jin-hyuk to slowly believe in Kwon-joo's abilities but I don't want every episode that focuses on some crime to be like this.

Or maybe I'm just frustrated that we have to wait another week after that nail-biting cliffhanger.


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Dae Shik also my top suspect from the first episode. I think his voice match with voice recording that Kwon Joo heard.


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High five!!!me too..dae shik is also my top suspect..erghhhh...break my heart that the two cases that we watched actually really happen in reality and the victim helpless voice desperate asking help TT can human act like a human please?every life are precious! P/s:i got signal vibe on voice drama and i love it :)


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yes positively sure its daeshik. she prolly knows but needs to join the dots to solve the bigger mystery


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Dae-shik is the first choice and most obvious but i also have Jang Kyung Ha in mind as the killer if he is indeed among the Police force


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Oh good I am glad I am not the only one who was suspicious of Dea-shik from the first episode. The only thing keeping me from being 100% sure is that Jin-Hyuk's wife should have been able to recognize him and tell the call center who her attacker was but still don't quite trust him for some reason.


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loving the show so far; the characters are great. i'm really glad the female lead is actually the one calling the shots. not that it matters if it's the female lead but it's a nice change of pace to see that the main lead isn't the cliche 'perfect genius' kind of character. it feels more real that way. it's also so fun seeing jang hyuk being pushed around so relentlessly lol

i do hope they drop the cliffhangers though and stick to an episodic kind of formula though...


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Thank you for the recap!!!!. ohh the cliffhangers in this drama...but i love the story so far.


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I'm not loving this cliffhangers nonsense. I'd like a sense of security in knowing the victim is safe before the episode is over.


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Me too! I am seriously debating stopping the next episode as soon as this case is finished. (Please be alive little one!) I may stop each time a case is resolved and then wait till the next episode is up since I really am having a hard time with these cliffhangers. One every episode is just too much!


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I didn't mind so much for the first episode, since there was another coming so soon, but having to wait a whole week? NO THANKS. Please don't let it be a trend for every. single. episode. that would be much too exhausting and get so old.


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I agree. I've mentioned this in another article in DB, that we may see a repetitive plot in which they have different yet similar cases for every epi with Lee Hana listening to the sounds trying to decipher the location and poor Jang Hyuk running around outside from places to places desperately to find the various victims....this kind of plot may get old and boring if they continue episode after episode....


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This not your regular police procedural---there is intent and reason behind it all. Jang Hyuk and Lee Ha Na must develop trust between their characters for this show to go anywhere. And they can only gain trust by experience...


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Yea alot of knetizens are saying the same thing too, the cliffhangers are really bad since it can be off putting. I don't want the weight of a child's death hanging over me for a week.


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I agree. I might grip hold and save this one to binge watch. I want that little boy saved now! Too cruel to have to wait for the outcome. On other hand, I'm loving this drama for its suspense so I don't want this criticism to overshadow what I felt were two terrific episodes.


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Yay! Thanks for the recap.

I am currently loving this one. However, I must remember not to watch it anymore late at night, just before bed.

Because thanks to this cliffhanger, I couldn't sleep that night! I was wondering if they managed to save the boy?! Is the 10 minutes all up- is he doomed?? Why do I have to wait a week to find out?!

His little hand pressing his tummy to stop the bleeding just about broke my heart. ?

I hope every week won't end on cliffhangers too, not just because I would like my pounding heart to have a break, but also it would get too predictable, and take some of the suspense away. And right now I'm addicted to the fast pace and high stakes, while I wait for Jin Hyuk and Kwon Joo to thaw and willingly work together to get the closure that they deserve.

Hurry up next episode please!


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I assumed Kwon Joo's apartment would be sound-proofed, but I didn't check. Now replaying that scene, I'm guessing the brown wall pieces are the sound-proof things?

Every member of the Golden Time team had been chosen for a clear reason ....except Dae Shik. It could simply be the fact that he is close to Jin Hyuk and can rein him in if needed. And he's a Violent Crimes detective. But his skills as a detective has not been shown yet whereas we could see Jin Hyuk's determination at going after a criminal from the stakeout and obviously his connection to the murder case from 3 years ago.....

I was a bit surprised that the other Violent Crimes detective taunted Jin Hyuk. They were in the same unit. They seemed sorta close since they all went out drinking and celebrating after their stakeout.

I think the crazy mother may have lost her daughter in some way or she did actually abuse and murder her. Ah Ram doesn't know the mother's name so he must be a replacement for the missing daughter.

That dang cliffhanger!!!! That last shot of the mother leaning over Ah Ram was terrifying! This whole case was freaking scary.... Even worse than the first one! Unbelievable. I can't watch this super late at night, but I'm loving the thrilling suspense.

I'm really curious what is the cause of the xylophone sound. I love trying to guess along, but I have no idea. I wonder if the husband will make an appearance or he is steering clear.


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I'm pretty sure the xylophone sound is the wind chime/bell that they showed on the balcony (??)


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In my country, some houses have a bell but the bell is different, the bell is like a pipe from iron or similar things, and you move the thing in the middle to make sound, then when people heard that sound, they know if someone is coming. The sound almost the same like xylophone, that's why the boy said, everytime his daddy comes, he always hears xylophone sound,
That's just my theory heheh...,


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I suspect that the xylophone sound comes from a large wind chime with deep tones. I was looking for wind chimes but didn't see any -- yet. It could also be a door chime.


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There was just a flash of a windchime in a kind of thinking sequence. But I thought the girl was thinking it so I don't know if that was a theory she discarded or what? Have to look again. But it's weird it's every time dad comes home. We know 'mom' goes in and out too so why is it only associated with dad?

My first thought was ba bamboo pipes - the sound like a xylophone in the wind. Will have to see.


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It makes me wonder if he bangs on a drainpipe outside the front door. Or that dad is carrying scaffolding of some sort. Could he be an artist whose easel is made of bamboo? A homicidal gamelan or marimba player percussionist? A plumber who's gone off the deep end?

Where is Park Do-kyung when we need him? Maybe concerned citizen Oh Hae-Young will send her hubby over from MovieSound to moonlight for a couple of episodes. ;-)


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I just watched the KissAsian subtitles, in which Jin-hyuk puzzles over the sound of china striking china -- after I saw a ceramic bell-shaped wind chime hanging near the patio doors, which may lead to an open-air balcony. I just remembered that I had ceramic wind chimes many years ago.

Is dad perhaps a fresh-air nut who opens the patio sliders when he gets home?

Judging from the aerial view, it looks as if the balconies are on the rear of the building, whereas the fronts and ends of the buildings are faced with red brick. It's a second- or third-floor unit if it's at or above the treetops, depending on how low they are pollarded. The backs of the buildings seem to contain a mix of open and enclosed balconies.

The laundry room is inside a retrofitted enclosed balcony, judging from the red brick exterior wall in the corner behind the washing machine. This time I noticed the windows are covered with newspaper.

I assumed Kwon Joo’s apartment would be sound-proofed, but I didn’t check. Now replaying that scene, I’m guessing the brown wall pieces are the sound-proof things?

It hadn't occurred to me that her home would be soundproofed, but it makes sense now that you mention it. If those brown things on the wall aren't acoustic baffles, I can't imagine what else they could be. I used to work in a college radio station where the studio for live performances was lined with paper egg cartons for poor man's soundproofing. LOL.

Every member of the Golden Time team had been chosen for a clear reason ….except Dae Shik. It could simply be the fact that he is close to Jin Hyuk and can rein him in if needed.

I, too, figured that Dae-shik is Jin-hyuk's "adult supervision." As for the other Violent Crimes cop's taunts, it came across to me as that time-honored guy thing, the busting of chops.


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One of the biggest reasons why I can buy into the crime-of-the-day thing OCN likes to do is because of the great actors/actresses they cast as the victims/criminals. Really stellar casting two episodes in a row and it's also nice to see some of my favorites get the spotlight for a bit!

My only complaint is this cliff hanger situation...don't think I am going to be able to get through the week with these kind of endings! As if I needed more reasons to look forward to Friday...


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The “wall o’ evidence” is something that we always see in most police/detective drama with a main killer that they want to know who he or she is....

I presumed that every episode they would have such similar new cases and always ends with an intense cliffhanger....I must admit that I only have time to watch it at night, so after the intense "workout" for my poor heart, I find it kinda of difficult to get to fall asleep....awwwwww

I am also suspecting DS to be the killer especially when he called Jang Hyuk up to tell him not to believe whatever Lee Hana tells him....I hate it when their colleagues tease and bullied them over their relocation to the Golden Time Team...we certainly don't need such colleagues in real life too...and I realised that Jang Hyuk is always caught in a situation that he wants to argue/face off with Lee Hana but it's always the same time when it is a critical period to locate the victims but luckily he eventually decided that finding the victims before the worst situation occur to them is more important than holding a grudge and refuse to do whatever Lee Hana instructed him to do....


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Omo cannot wait for the next episode to find out what happens! This show is freakingly addictive !!!


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As i said to my drama dongsaeng, watching this show realtime cud as well means weekly death by cliffhanger (to the viewers). But still I'd trade this team to any other inept Kdrama police.

Anyhow, we call it "Revenge Board" eventho not always for revenge. It sounds cooler, kekeke..


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Man, am so glad this show is recapped here, love the cast but dunno if my stomach can take watching the show live. Watch the first episode coz the trailer showed the first victim saved, but cannot bear the next one coz am a scaredy cat T_T
Glad Lee Hana got a meaty role like this, she seems to thrive in quirky roles, still remember her in the movie Fair Love. And to voice what's been in my mind for awhile, Sohn Eun-seo looks so much like Rosamund Pike, yea?
Also, if by this early all signs points to Dae-shik, then most likely he is a red herring...


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Thanks, odilettante, for the recap and commentary. It looks as if you're holding the fort all by yourself for this drama. My condolences re: your fingernails. Mine were already kaput before the show started. ;-)

With all the suspense in this episode, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that intrepid Detective Moo Jin-Hyuk has a cutie pie of a son named Dong-woo. I was glad to see that he still has a semblance of home life outside of work despite his wife's murder.

As if the mad butcher channeling Sweeney Todd were not terrifying enough, we got sucker-punched this episode with a homicidal foster mother. This week's cliffhanger is as deadly as mommy dearest.


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This episode was super intense. I hope they kill the cliffhangers because having to wait a whole week to know if the victim is saved is going to wreak havoc on my nerves!


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Oh No...
I can't wait to know what will happen to that child,.
Damn, such a cliffhanger, how will i survive till next weekend.
How PDnim???

Thanks for the recap Odilettante ^_^


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I can actually completely understand Dae Shik and his distrust of Kwon Joo. For all he knows she took a bribe from a murderer to study abroad and is now back at the same place that she took that bribe and is trying to involve the husband of the woman that got murdered. I'd be pretty suspicious too even if it wasn't my bff.

Of course we know that's not the situation but I don't think it's grounds to suspect him of being the murderer. He does seem to have the same body type though and I'm not going to lie when she played the recording of the killer's voice I went back to listen to Dae Shik speak and (it might just be me) I think they sound similar.


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Hehe! I also had the same thoughts. Although I would prefer Dae Shik not being the murderer, because, what kind of hearing superpower would be if she cannot recognize him?

Anywyay, so far so good! I enjoyed the 2 first episodes. The pace is good and it keeps me on my toes. Moreover, I like Kwon Joo and Jin Hyuk, separately and together. I hope their relationship dynamics will slowly change, so in the end they will team up to find the murderer. I find myself already waiting for their interactions.
Let's hope it keeps being good :)


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"I would prefer Dae Shik not being the murderer, because, what kind of hearing superpower would be if she cannot recognize him?"

My sentiment exactly!


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I'm watching the second episode and instantly came here and search for the word Dae Shik in the comments. Right when on the screen the det. was confronting Ms. Kang at the hospital, I kept thinking back to the sound of the killer and then replayed ep. 1. I also think he and the killer sound similar, although I can't say about their mouths, teeth, lips, jaws. All I can tell is that the killer definitely has nice teeth and must be rather slim or even skinny. His cheeks are the total opposite of plump. There's a bit of a line going on each cheek; I can't explain it, just that some people, who are on the skinny side, have these lines.


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OK. I'll go back to watching.


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Okay, Kwon Joo has audio from the killing, but the cops elected not to put this in evidence, for probably obvious reasons...but how does she have the audio?nAnd does anyone know that she has this "evidence"?


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best drama to start the year! but i'm a little bit confused why kwonjoo has the complete recording of jinhyuk's wife begging for her life along with the murderer's voice? because we all sure that the recording which is played at the trial in episode 1 is not complete.


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I think she succeded in retrieving it, may be with the help of an hacker or a friend in the police.


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She must have somehow gotten hold of it during the 3 years which she went overseas.


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I like how you think. It would explain Jin-hyun's non-negotiable recruiting choice. He could have done a hack for her without knowing her True Name. Or maybe it's simply a matter of his street cred preceding him. (Tip of the white hat to Vernor Vinge's novella.)


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OUPs! I think I am gonna be the only one here that "want" the lil boy's death, I love when drama like this are realistic, it brings them depth and the show gets much more intense when you can never know if the victims will survive or die. I think thats what made SIGNAL such a great drama,you never knew, and you could only grip your chair and pray that everything would turn okay.

So opposedly to odiletante, I would like to see the death of the boy's life be a lesson that trust is utterly necessary if they dont wanna loose anymore lives.


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I don't necessarily want the little boy die, but I agree it's realistic that every victim can't be saved. I agree with odilettante's reasoning for not wanting this particular case to be a lesson, however.


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I feel so breathless watching this show. I had been unconsciously holding my breath.

OCN rocks in this genre!


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My deduction on Ah-Ram :
Remember A-Ram said that her sister(?) is hospitalized? Maybe his (step)mother want to make him a donor by hurting him, bring him to hospital (picnic), and tells doctor to make him a donor...

(Please correct me if i'm wrong)


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Somehow I dont think that woman is his mother or stepmother.


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I agree. I don't think his dad is his dad either. They probably kidnapped him from somewhere.


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This drama is good and meaningful.....it emphasize on the importance of locating the victims, saving them before the worst unfortunate fate happen to them, and apprehending the culprit....it's like "no use crying over spilled milk". Rather than having the murders happened already and thereafter trying all ways to get the murderers. Regret is always such a jerk and one of the worst feelings that humans often have....


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This is some crime sitcom. Each week they gonna target most vulnerable people of society. After that i'm expecting an episode of an elder being physically abused.

The cliffhanger actually is quite boring because you expect hero to jump in at the right time and save the victim. It piques your inetest but repeat usage of it will be another blow on the show. Show's name is Voice and i keep expecting some good SFX but so far it is prretty usual affair. I just can't feel the urgency. The danger should lurk in viewers mind and should scare them but i'm not getting any adernaline rush from it at all.

There are good moments and most of them are coming from unknown characters aka victims.

These mentally ill killers are more dangerous and scary than the lead killer so far.


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So it's Lee Ha Na the one leading the team? this is interesting and unexpected, haha! I loved her in High School King of Savvy, she did a wonderful portrayal of a really quirky secretary, and I thought she was great, so I wanted to check her new project. I also have a soft spot for Jan Hyuk. :) The thriller genre is a refreshing change of pace in my kdrama watching list, so I think I'm going to start this one. Fingers crossed it's sth good! :D


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Her character here is a lot different from the one in King of Savvy. But I like how here she doesn't back down. She looks at people in the eye and stands her ground. And she's aware of her mistakes, doesn't make excuses, but strive toward improvement. I like her quiet steeliness.


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I believe one of the main themes of the drama is the struggle of a woman in a male dominated world,where the police officers do not like taking 'orders' from a female cop.This resistance often clashes with their sense of duty.Thank God Ji Hyuk let go of his prejudices after hearing the kidnapped girl's helpless plea 'Save Me!'

Jang Hyuk sure is a good actor yet he overacts most of the time unnecesarily,but Ji Hyuk character has suited his mode of acting this once.


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My nick is Serendipity,not Sere dear Dramabeans :-)


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Why do i keep thinking its Dae-shik as the killer????


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I find that most beanies are weak-hearted to the point that they can't sleep b/c of this..?. Haha but i'm used to this kind of genre as I used to watch criminal minds, csi, hannibal etc. And I'm loving it. Thanks for recapping :)


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Off topic, I noticed that mini series Naked Fireman isn't recap in DB. I think this show is not bad. A little like Voice (also crime/mystery and with a little romance in it), whereby the lead gal wants to find the unknown murderer who killed her parents n burned down their villa 10 years ago. It's kinda obvious who's the culprit but not bad for a mini series of 4 episodes. Finale episode 4 on Thursday night.


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That fight scene in the bathroom with the butcher from hell was terrific, and one of the reasons why I love Jang Hyuk as an actor. Ditto the one on the pier when he was on stakeout in episode 1. He does his own stunts, goes all-out, and is still mopping the floor with his opponents at 41. He also is not afraid to portray characters who are flawed, appear messy or less than handsome, or are emotionally volatile -- or detached, as in BEAUTIFUL MIND. I've also seen him in roles exhibiting nuanced warmth, sensitivity, and finesse, so suspect that he's following the director's orders if he comes across as overacting. Just my $0.02. Your mileage may vary. ;-)


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I personally do not think Jang Hyuk was "over-acting". He is too experienced an actor to do something just on a director's whim or say-so. He would only do what he felt the character's portrayal called for. He is inside his character and is doing what is called for. He also knows that he is providing vital contrast between his character and Lee Ha Na's, a tension of opposites, if you will. This is not a coincidence, but intended. It serves to build the tension and advance the plot---and on both sides, is wonderfully portrayed.


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This will be my crack drama because the suspense is so good. I might be in the minority here, but the cliffhangers work well exactly because this is a suspense. The tension inherent in the central plot -- who is this serial killer, what are his motives, what are his connections to the duo protagonists -- are reflected in emergency cases to which the team responds. Doing the typical case-of-the-week structure would diminish the intense pace of the show, and would affirm the audiences expectations of a procedural.

It's the mark of an effective creative team to hook the audience and generate anticipation for the next episode. The Voice team are doing a great job not only by jolting the formula, but by having a competent, compelling, and self-possessed series lead who happens to be female. Love it.


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"It’s the mark of an effective creative team to hook the audience and generate anticipation for the next episode. The Voice team are doing a great job not only by jolting the formula, but by having a competent, compelling, and self-possessed series lead who happens to be female. Love it."
Thank you @laladaisical! I love your thoughts! This is not your everyday procedural and even though I rail against the cliffhangers, I am also hooked by them...the tension is indeed palpable, every episode, with no evidence of a formulaic response---and show, you'd better not go the route to ease the viewers' tension, because you'd ruin this show if you did!
The tension, the vibrancy, the conflict and also the interaction between the two leads as opposites, are all vital aspects of this show. Keep it coming, please! And "if they can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen".
And loving Lee Ha Na in her self-possession, even though I suspect it's a fragile calm, gained at great cost to her character.


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I watch this show through my slightly spread fingers. It's terrifying. Thanks for the recap!


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Me too, through fingers that is!


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I watched the scene of the wife being killed in episode 1 the first time and I think I recognise Kim Jae Wook's lips and the way he smirks. I just watched Coffee Prince recently!

I watched the scenes again and again, and also compared the chin and the lips with the Dong-Chul guy and Dae-shik, I still think he is Kim Jae Wook.

So I wiki the drama and guess who is supposed to cameo in this drama? Kim Jae Wook! Either he is the Red John, or he is the red herring. But I think the lips, chin and smirk, tells me he is Kim Jae Wook! I would love it to be him, this is an actor seriously underrated and under-employed. He is very good actor, and he definitely had good looks! Wish he had more chance to shine.

If he is indeed the Red John, I hope he can get more well known like Namgoong Min from his 2 bad psychotic but somehow also charismatic guys roles.


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I think you're right. I was thinking Shin Jae Ha at first when I saw the killer's lips and teeth, but his voice pitch is way higher than that. And the the character Dae Shik, but the anatomy doesn't match, although his voice could have matched because, being in the lower pitch. But as I replayed that scene again and again, I could imagine Lee Jae Wook saying that. When he lowers his voice, he'll sound just like that.


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This is totally late, but... something not mentioned so far in pile of evidence pointing to Dae-shik:

In episode 1, around the 19-21 minute mark when Kwon-joo testifies in the murderer's trial, she says that she heard a different voice. The whole crowd erupts into whispering. Dae-shik leans over and gossips that Kwon-joo was bribed by the defendant's family, etc etc.

The judge calls for silence and asks Kwon-joo if she thinks the murderer is someone else. She "looks back at Jin-hyuk" before answering, but I think she could be looking back at Dae-shik instead who was sitting beside Jin-hyuk.

That could also be the reason she asks Jin-hyuk in this episode: Will you believe me if I tell you the truth?

She's not talking about her superhearing but the fact that his bestie killed his wife.

Oh, and another theory is... could the killer also have super-hearing? I just remember in the first episode, he was so confident about walking in the maze of alleys and not losing his victim. Or maybe PDnim was just amplifying the sounds for tension and I'm reading too much into things.


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This episode was really intense, and I liked the cliffhanger for each episode so far. But I only like the main heroine. I hate how Detective Moo keeps screaming, acting up, instead of coming up with his own conclusions.


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Oh this was just as terrifying as episode 1! I find Jin-hyuk acting crazy and over the top but it's still compelling viewing.


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