Familiar Wife: Episode 13

This is the episode I’ve been waiting for since the drama began! Woo-jin takes her life and her future into her own hands, and I love her complete disregard for the continuity of the timeline as she fights to keep her man and save her marriage. Nothing matters but their future together — until some unexpected results of Woo-jin’s time travel make it impossible for her to change her own life without condemning others to a lifetime of unhappiness.

EPISODE 13: “Reset”

When Joo-hyuk refuses to put things back the way they were, Woo-jin decides to take matters into her own hands. She uses the coin she got from her mother in the mysterious tollbooth, and when Joo-hyuk tries to stop her, they’re both sucked back to June, 2006.

Joo-hyuk wakes up to the now-familiar sound of Joo-eun banging on his apartment door, while Woo-jin also finds herself in her teenage body, Mom nagging her not to be late to school. The first thing she does is ask Mom where her dad is, and Mom says that he had a work trip pop up suddenly, which means he’s missing his physical yet again.

Woo-jin insists that Dad has to have that physical today no matter what, and she runs to the airport to stop him from getting on his plane. When she sees her father alive, she flings herself into his arms and sobs tearfully that he can’t leave without getting that physical. She’s so earnest that he postpones his departure and calls his boss.

While he’s on the phone, Woo-jin sees a man nearby, begging his girlfriend not to leave. Awww, it’s Jong-hoo, and Woo-jin listens surreptitiously as he apologizes for not calling his girl for two months after they broke up. She doesn’t accept his apology and starts to walk off, so Woo-jin accidentally-on-purpose runs into her suitcase.

As she’s helping the woman pick up her things, she frantically blinks at Jong-hoo, who picks up what she’s putting down and gets on his knees. He blurts out, “Let’s get married!” and turns on the big sad puppydog eyes, and Woo-jin smiles when his girl gives him a solid “maybe,” which he takes as a yes.

Joo-hyuk, meanwhile, hides in bed, scared to go to class in case Woo-jin comes looking for him, telling himself that he just has to avoid her today. He’s right about Woo-jin, who realizes that Joo-hyuk won’t take that bus since he knows she’s here and decides to go to him. Luckily, he conveniently showed her where he went to college, and she giggles at the outdated fashions as she strolls through the campus looking for him.

She runs across Sang-shik, who has no clue who she is, but he tells her that “Joo-hyuk oppa” cut class today. He’s reluctant to show her where they live, but she talks him into it, and as they walk she tells him that he’ll grow into his old-looking face, HA.

Unfortunately, they run into Hye-won, who’s also looking for Joo-hyuk. Woo-jin looks her up and down and grumbles that she’s not all that, and thankfully, Hye-won doesn’t follow them to the apartment.

Sang-shik calls Joo-hyuk to warn him that he’s with a pretty girl who’s been looking for him. Joo-hyuk tells him not to bring her to the apartment, but it’s too late, so he runs off, leaving Joo-eun to explain. Woo-jin takes off after Joo-hyuk, and she catches up when he stops to rest, but he just takes off running again when he sees her. LOL, this is hilarious.

Joo-hyuk tries to escape in a taxi, but Woo-jin shoves in after him and tells the driver to go, trapping Joo-hyuk in with her. She cheekily calls him “Ssaem” and agrees with his arguments that they’ll regret this, but she refuses to avoid him just because she’s scared.

She says that she wants to continue their original path, promising that she’ll be different this time. Joo-hyuk urges her to reconsider, because he’s not someone who can make her or anyone else happy. He jumps out of the taxi when it stops for a light, and Woo-jin gets out to chase him again.

But Joo-hyuk sees a scooter heading right for her, and he turns back to shove her out of its path. They fall to the ground together, knocking them both unconscious.

Woo-jin wakes up back in August, 2018, at her mother’s house. But something is different… Mom looks freaking fantastic, and she tells Woo-jin that she’s about to leave for a meeting. Whoa. Woo-jin is over the moon to see that her mother is of perfectly sound mind, but sadly, she also learns that her father passed away three years ago.

But Mom seems perfectly at peace with this, saying that she’s comforted by the fact that Dad died gently in his sleep. Still, she gets teary-eyed as she says she wishes he’d lived to see Woo-jin married.

Mom dons a pair of unneeded glasses, bragging that they’re part of her “sales queen” image. Woo-jin asks what she means, and Mom laughs that Woo-jin is responsible for half of her success selling home appliances. Woo-jin is scared Mom is involved in a pyramid scheme, but mom pops her in the mouth and says it’s a legit business, whew.

In this timeline, Woo-jin still works for the bank’s headquarters, and she invites her old boss, Team Leader Yang, to have a talk. She mentions that she’s been wanting to work at a local branch bank, and that she’s heard that the bank near her home is a particularly nice place to work.

She asks if Cha Joo-hyuk still works there, and Team Leader Yang says that he’s taking some time off work right now, though she’s not sure why. Apparently nobody knows why, and his absence has the whole team moping around the bank, worried since Joo-hyuk won’t even contact them except to say that he’s alive.

They all frown at Jong-hoo, who seems terribly upset over Joo-hyuk until his twins call and he coos happily to them. Then he completely changes mood again when Sang-shik calls him, worried for Joo-hyuk all over again.

Sang-shik and Joo-eun are together in this timeline too, but only dating, and instead of owning a bar, they run a food truck (Common Sense Food Truck, ha). Joo-eun complains that her mom is driving her crazy talking about shamans and talismans for Joo-hyuk, so that she can’t even talk to her mother about her own life. Sang-shik says that Joo-hyuk has been like this since college, disappearing for weeks at a time then popping back up like nothing happened.

Joo-hyuk is currently sacked out on a bench in the middle of a remote field, and he wakes up looking like nine miles of bad road. He’d already woken up earlier in the night and been surprised to find himself sleeping in a tent, and had found multiple messages on his phone from everyone, asking him to let them know he’s alright.

That evening, Woo-jin goes to what used to be Sang-shik and Joo-eun’s bar, only to find that they don’t own it in this timeline. She heads home, and when she sees Mom on the way, she mischievously sneaks up behind her and scares ten years off her life. They head home arm in arm, teasing and laughing.

Joo-hyuk spends his day walking, and when he stops for the night, he listens to his messages. There are voicemails from Joo-eun and Jong-hoo begging him to come home, but he just lies down in his sleeping bag without calling them back.

Once he gets back to town, however, he shows up at the bank ready to resume his job. They’re all happy to see him, and Jong-hoo even greets him with a tearful hug. Joo-hyuk smiles to see a picture of Jong-hoo’s family on his desk, satisfied that at least this one thing has been set right.

After a good day at work, Jong-hoo takes Joo-hyuk to see Sang-shik and Joo-eun at their food truck. Sang-shik acts like he hasn’t seen Joo-hyuk in years, while Joo-eun just offers him a grumpy “welcome back.” The three friends sit for a drink together, and they ask Joo-hyuk where he’s been.

He says he’s just been walking, and they say that with his looks and good job he should be married with a family by now. Jong-hoo even wonders if Joo-hyuk likes women since he’s never dated ever since college. Sang-shik jokes that Joo-hyuk would have hit on him if he were into men, ha, leading to teasing speculation about Joo-hyuk’s manhood. But he says he just prefers being alone because he doesn’t want to make anyone unhappy.

Joo-hyuk grabs a taxi and heads for home, and he’s surprised to see that the taxi driver is a nicely cleaned-up Doomsayer, who gives him a cheery hello. Joo-hyuk asks Doomsayer, “Why… why me? Why did you give me that chance?” Doomsayer says vaguely that Joo-hyuk looked desperate, which made it seem like he and Woo-jin were both miserable.

He continues, “Getting used to something is like two sides of a blade. It lets you give up and go on, but it punishes you by making you miserable. Humans are born foolish. We don’t get enlightened until we experience it, whatever that may be.”

He tells Joo-hyuk that he used to be a hot shot doctor in Gangnam, but he made a mistake with a patient. He went back to the past to undo it, but when he did, he got greedy about money and ended up hitting rock bottom. Joo-hyuk asks how he found him, and Doomsayer says that it’s a sort of debt payoff, and that he’s like a messenger between human and higher beings.

He says that the world is full of people walking paths they’ve never walked before, and they get to make their own choices. He looks down at the console, which Joo-hyuk sees is full of coins, and Doomsayer adds, “why don’t you stop pushing yourself and become happy?” Joo-hyuk sighs that he’s not ready, and Doomsayer asks if he knows how his ex-wife is doing.

Joo-hyuk doesn’t answer, but he can’t shake the question. Even though it’s late, he calls the bank headquarters just to confirm that Woo-jin works there. He happens to see her getting off the bus and impulsively follows her home, keeping hidden when she seems to sense someone behind her.

She notes that the light over her gate is out, so once she’s inside, Joo-hyuk replaces the bulb. But he forgot about Mom, who catches him outside the gate and startles him silly. Once he catches his breath, he stares at mom closely, noticing that she seems perfectly healthy. He tries to excuse himself, but Mom literally grabs him.

She takes him to a coffee shop… to give him a sales pitch for her skincare products (and LOL, they even make a pun about his jisung/oily skin). Mom is delighted when Joo-hyuk buys everything she has, and she runs home yelling about her awesome new customer. She tells Woo-jin that he’s a little weird, but it’s fine since it’s not like he’s going to be her son-in-law, hee.

The next day at the bank, Joo-hyuk ends up with a difficult customer, Park Yoo-shik (cameo by Kang Ki-young, with the same name as his character from What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim, ha!) who wants to increase his credit line. He seems anxious, and keeps telling Joo-hyuk to hurry.

he’s turned down for the loan, so he asks that his accounts be merged instead. Manager Byun interrupts and says that Branch Manager Cha wants to see Joo-hyuk, so he sends Yoo-shik over to Jong-hoo’s window. Yoo-shik rushes Jong-hoo, too, and as soon as it’s done, he jumps up and leaves. Well, that was weird.

Branch Manager Cha sends Joo-hyuk to bank headquarters for reinstatement training. He hides when he nearly runs into Woo-jin, then almost literally crashes into her a few seconds later, though she doesn’t notice. He’s twitchy the entire time he’s applying for reinstatement, and eventually, Woo-jin finds him.

She’s definitely annoyed with him, but she tells him that she hasn’t given up. She steps right into his face and whispers ominously, like the Terminator, “I will be back.” She saunters off and makes a call about that transfer she’s been considering.

Joo-hyuk gets back to the bank to find the direct banking team being taken to task for merging a customer’s account with the account of a different person with the same name. Uh-oh. But when they hear that the name of the customer was Park Yoo-shik, Joo-hyuk and Jong-hoo realize that it was their guy from earlier. They take their scolding and promise to fix the mistake.

Joo-hyuk calls the Yoo-shik who was in the bank earlier to explain, but Yoo-shik says he’s too busy to come back to the bank now to return the money. Joo-hyuk and Jong-hoo decide to go to his workplace, where they find him playing games with his coworkers. They tell him to just enter his passcode on their tablet and it’s done, but Yoo-shik pretends to have an urgent meeting right now and runs off.

They chase him all over the building, even following him into the men’s room to offer him the tablet (and toilet paper, ew). By nightfall they’re staking out Yoo-shik’s house, cranky from their exhausting day and taking it out on each other.

Yoo-shik finally leaves to run to the store, and he gets a creepy feeling on his way home. He screams and collapses when he sees Joo-hyuk and Jong-hoo standing in front of him, the light from the tablet reflecting on their faces like a horror film, and he finally gives over his passcode.

Woo-jin is excited when she runs into Joo-eun on her way home, forgetting that in this timeline, Joo-eun doesn’t know her. She fibs that she used to live in Joo-eun’s old neighborhood, and they end up stopping at a convenience store for a drink and snacks.

Woo-jin says she remembers Joo-eun’s brother too, mining for information, which is how she learns that Joo-hyuk periodically disappears and has vowed never to marry for fear he’ll make his wife miserable. Joo-eun suddenly grows nauseous, though Woo-jin declares the food fine.

Manager Byun decides that they need more manpower to avoid any more mistakes being made. The bank employees repeat the same conversation from the last timeline about moving Hwan to the Loans team (Joo-hyuk’s team) and hiring someone for the Direct Banking team, which Joo-hyuk knows resulted in Woo-jin being hired on last time around.

So this time he objects, saying that Hwan can’t handle the work in Loans, and Branch Manager Cha agrees. Since Loans requires someone more experienced, Woo-jin doesn’t get the transfer, and she’s told that the Loans department strongly requested this solution.

Unwilling to give up, Woo-jin finds an opportunity to help Branch Manager Cha when he struggles with a drink vending machine (and he thanks her with a familiar “Thank you very kamsa!”). She says that she really wanted to transfer to his bank because she heard he’s so wonderful to work for, but was told she has the wrong training. Branch Manager Cha is charmed, and tells her that it’s not necessarily been decided.

Joo-eun nervously fidgets, trying to get up the nerve to tell Sang-shik some news. She asks if her belly seems bigger, and gets mad when he says it’s always been big. She sighs that it will get even bigger, and it dawns on him… she’s pregnant.

She shows him the pregnancy test as proof, and he whines, “I told you I was tired that night!” HAHA. Joo-eun asks when they should have the wedding, but Sang-shik pouts that he didn’t even get to propose. Joo-eun smiles and says that all that’s important is that they’ll be parents, but Sang-shik can barely wrap his head around the idea of being a dad.

They leap apart when Joo-hyuk and Jong-hoo run up, shrieking that they’re hungry like a couple of kids. Joo-eun nods to Sang-shik to tell them the news, but he chickens out and runs to make them dinner instead.

Woo-jin massages Mom’s legs while they share a soju, and Woo-jin asks if Mom likes her job. Mom says she doesn’t work for fun, but that it energizes her and gave her something to focus on after Woo-jin’s dad died.

Woo-jin asks her if she knew Dad was the one for her from the beginning, but Mom says that she didn’t even like him at first. She gets worried when Woo-jin says it must have been destiny, and asks if she’s seeing someone. Woo-jin just gives a vague answer and changes the subject.

Branch Manager Cha tells Manager Byun and Team Leader Jang that he tried to get someone for the Loans team, but headquarters said they only had people trained for Direct Banking. He claims that he has no choice but to move Hwan to Loans and take whatever help they can get. Team Leader Jang is thrilled, but poor Manager Byun looks like he wants to cry.

While on the roof replacing the tear gas canisters, Jong-hoo horses around too much and accidentally knocks over and smashes his drink. It gives Joo-hyuk an eery chill, and he looks around wondering why he feels unsettled.

Downstairs, Woo-jin approaches the bank, ready to begin her first day.


This show continues to surprise me, because every time I think I know where it’s going, it takes a left turn and heads somewhere I never expected. It’s been Joo-hyuk’s story for so long, but all of a sudden Woo-jin is muscling in and taking the reins, and I love it. The change in emphasis on characters mirrors the trajectory of the show itself really well — when Joo-hyuk was the one who wanted to change his life, we saw everything from his point of view, but now he’s given up and Woo-jin is in charge so we’re seeing it all from her perspective.

This episode is the proof that Familiar Wife has known all along exactly where it’s going and exactly the story it wants to tell. I love dramas that are so assured in their storytelling (rather than changing direction halfway through for whatever reason), because it’s fun to look back and see the bread crumbs left in earlier episodes that show the story’s intent. There have been a lot of instances of this, but the best example is this episode’s repeat of the discussion about where Hwan should be placed and which team should get the new employee — without the setup of that scene many episodes ago, we still could have gotten to this point of Woo-jin getting the job at the bank again, but it wouldn’t be nearly as clever or fun to watch. These sorts of scenes elevate a drama, for me, because it proves that the writer is thinking ahead from the beginning and doesn’t forget what’s happened in the past, and is able to weave both together to make the story more robust and intricate.

The best part about Woo-jin’s determination to change the past and save her and Joo-hyuk’s marriage is that this Woo-jin didn’t live through the original timeline, so she has no memory of her life with Woo-jin and is just acting on faith. She’s so sure that she and Joo-hyuk are meant to be together that she’s willing to go in blind and make it happen anyway. And she has a much harder job, because unlike Joo-hyuk, Woo-jin isn’t trying to escape anything – she’s trying to restore things to their rightful place. It’s more proof of her strength and bravery that she’s taking such a leap, when all she knows about the original timeline is that it was such a disaster that Joo-hyuk wanted to erase their relationship from existence. All Woo-jin knows is that she loves him, and the timeline she lived through feels wrong, so she’s willing to risk recreating a possibly miserable married life with Joo-hyuk for the change that they can do better this time around.

It’s not going to be easy, because in the timeline where they are now, there are a lot of things that have changed for the better. Jong-hoo has his wife and twins back, which is great, but there are some new changes that Woo-jin isn’t going to want to lose. Joo-eun and Sang-shik don’t have their bar or their child from the second timeline, but they’re in love and planning a family. Woo-jin’s mother is happy and healthy since Woo-jin saved her father from dying too early, so she never had to try to change the past herself and fail, resulting in her mental deterioration. And even though Woo-jin’s father didn’t live for her to see him again, he got to live almost a decade longer and pass away peacefully instead of traumatically, leaving Woo-jin and her mother without the burden of Mom’s mental illness. I’m hoping that Woo-jin can restore her relationship with Joo-hyuk without upsetting the positive changes in the timeline, but it’s not going to be easy and she’s going to have to convince Joo-hyuk that he’s not a curse who makes people unhappy.

Early on, I wanted Joo-hyuk to learn a valuable lesson from his mistake, and to go back to his original timeline to make things right with the version of Woo-jin that he left behind. But I wasn’t counting on Woo-jin herself getting involved in the time travel, and changing her own life path independent of Joo-hyuk by saving her father’s life. Now I doubt it’s even possible to return to the first timeline, and even if it was, it would have to involve erasing all of Woo-jin’s memories as well as sentencing her father to an early death and Mom to a life of forgetful misery again, and I definitely don’t want to see that happen. But now that Woo-jin is aware and actively working to change things, I’m okay with letting the original miserable Woo-jin fade away and become an unhappy memory. Now I want to see her and Joo-hyuk create a brand-new timeline where everyone gets their happy ending.


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I was dying of laughter during the first five minutes. The chasing was hilarious. I love proactive Woo-jin and can't wait for Joo-hyuk to get on the same page as her.


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I was so impressed by Woo Jin in the last two episodes. I never liked HJM in her previous dramas but she really charmed me in this one. I love her deep voice.


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HJM is really perfect for this role i love her so much here. Woo jin has definitely moved into my list of top favourite female leads.
Btw have you watched rooftop prince? She was amazing there too


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This episode was fun to watch. It's great to see Woo-jin take charge. It's wonderful that Mom is healthy now, and that Dad lived a longer life. (And I loved the cameo by Kang Ki-young.) I agree with a lot of your thoughts about where this could/should go, LollyPip, except for one thing: their kids. If they don't set things right in the first timeline, they don't get their kids back. And that's why Mom sent Woo-jin off in the first place. She said, "They're waiting for you." This timeline is only a partial fix. Woo-jin will need to show Joo-hyuk how happy they can be together so that he will cooperate with going back for a full fix. That probably will come at a cost of something they would have liked to preserve from this timeline.


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I worry about those kids. All of us came to 'be' at a particular time. A day later or earlier and the baby might not have been one of us. Now that Woo Jin and Joo Hyuk have not even been married, the time when those kids should have been born is long past. Will we have lost the kids?


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Yes, they can't be the same kids. This reminds me of one of my favorite movies about time travels, About Time. It's a good thing WJ has no memory of the kids.


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True. Although she had dreamed that she had them, her mum drew them and Joo Hyuk did admit to having kids, it's better that she never knew those children.


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I agree...


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I dont think they will return to the original timeline though. It was a miserable place for almost everyone not only woo jin and joo hyuk. The bank was in loss, the mom was living a tough life, joo eun and sang shik were not a couple either and our leads had so many problems. I dont know what can be done about the kids even if they return wont this woo jin feel out of element? She wont the actual mother and will nit have any memories either. From a working woman she will suddenly have 2 kids that will be very difficult for her to get used to even if she loves them.


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Interesting! You're right that this Woo-jin was not their mom.


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I thought that too...we can't forget the children! Even if the show did! In fact, I think this was an instance of them not planning their writing as well. IMO they should have been mentioned and missed more, not not existed at all. I think these loving, caring characters would have thought more of their children!


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*or should have not existed at all.


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Thanks @lollypip. A fantastic episode and a twist within a twist!!

Like you, I expected Joo Hyuk to return to the original timeline to continue where he left off in the marriage ... but come to think of it, with Woo Jin also back and with knowledge of the 2nd timeline, there is no way to get back to the original timeline at all.

I didn't expect the twist that Joo Hyuk would be so traumatised by his failure as a husband, that he'd opt out of all relationships and run away from Woo Jin. On the one hand the 'Joo Hyuk escape' was hilarious while it lasted, (but with Woo Jin's determination, that's not likely to continue); and on the other, it's quite saddening that running away has made Joo Hyuk a sadder, lonelier and more gaunt looking person.

I'm trying to figure out the reason for Kang Ki Young's cameo. Was it just to give us many funny vignettes of how to get a stubborn customer to give up his pass code? The bromance between the guys is still so good to see.

So we have 3 more episodes of Woo Jin out to use every trick and stratagem to get Joo Hyuk to marry her. Other than the fact that the children they will have in the future, should actually not be the same kids as before, (therefore, those 2 kids are 'gone' for good?), this will be so much fun to watch.


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Lollypip has this amazing ability to see things differently even in the mundane most things [like how I saw this episode], that it also made me look at this shift of life in a new light.
For instance, I thought by half of the episode all the problems were mostly solved, joo hyuk isn't married to the wrong person anymore, woojin is also not a frustrated inferior wife who has nothing to look forward to except domestic chores and an amnesiac mom. She is fabulous and her mom is a working woman looking pretty and confident. And she is desperate to get joo hyuk back in her life so what more is left? To me, this could be the final episode and honestly, I thought the cameo role and that bank drama started to feel a bit redundant and I was scared that they are running out of stories, but thanks to Lollypip, I can see the values of the final world that we have reached to.


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As much as I’m loving watching Woo Jin take the reins to change the future, I don’t think anything will improve until Joo Hyuk changes himself (or realizes he can change). WJ has the attitude of “I can do better and we can be happy” while JH seems to be more on the “I just make WJ miserable so I’m not even going to try” train. I do think he realizes his contribution to their unhappy married life, but he just resigns himself that that’s the way it is, as opposed to WJ, who’s willing to fight for their life together.

Also, why were they chasing down that guy trying to convince him to give them this password? Isn’t what he did a crime? Why didn’t they just call the police? Maybe to avoid bad publicity? Why am I asking so many questions?


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LOL. Yes I was wondering about that pass code chase too. Seems that if he does not comply, he'd be in trouble, so there was not reason for him to keep procrastinating. I didn't understand that bit on the chase.

I agree that Joo Hyuk is strangely resigned without even trying to be better. How he can just assume that he'd make everyone he marries miserable (from just 2 tries!!! And when we consider that many people marry multiple times) and without any determination to do his best this time around, is hard to comprehend. Going back to reset circumstances is supposed to be a chance to make things better, not to give up and hide!!!

Yes, I hope he grows up and soon!


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This episode was a lot of fun.

I figured that Joo Hyuk would run away and they wouldn't go back to the original timeline, but now that you mention it @lollypip, I also doubt it's even possible to return to the original timeline at this point. I love this new timeline though! I'd be satisfied with Joo Hyuk and Woo Jin building a new life together in this timeline, I think, but we'll see if the writer has any more twists up her sleeve.

I love Kang Ki Young, so I enjoyed his cameo and Joo Hyuk and Jong Hoo's antics even though I imagine someone was like "Make a nod to What's Wrong With Secretary Kim."

Sometimes supporting characters in office settings are just kind of there, but I really enjoy the bank employees. Bank guard even got a line lol.


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Yup, I was thinking that it will be impossible now to return to the original timeline. The main reason is that now Woo Jin has returned with Joo Hyuk, and she's different, with memories of the other timeline, but not of the original one.

You're right! I do so like the bank staff ensemble and the fact that even the security guard is one of them. Did he also get a coffee when everyone was served a cup? 😆


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I love Woojin in this episode. I was very happy that she saw her father in this episode. (My real father died ten days before my first birthday of cancer. Therefore, I have no memories of him due I was a baby. I still have some of his pics. However, from what I heard from my dad side of families. My father does not like his pictures taken.) It was cute the chase of Joo-Hyuk. Ah yes, PPL of Subway tried to gain their recognition again. LOL.. I do wonder if they are butthurt that they are not in Mr. Sunshine drama.🤔🤣😂 We finally meet Jong-Hoo’s wife. I am very happy that at least Jong Hoo family is back. I hope we can Joo Hyuk and Woo Jin kids again.


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HAHAHA…I love Woo Jin, the firecracker wife who will not be denied!

I think I also love Joo Hyuk and Jong Hoo’s bromance in all of the timelines, but especially the #stakeout in this episode!

One thing I really like about this show is how consistently they write their characters. Joo Hyuk’s fault, outside of being rather selfish, is his complete inability to be ASSERTIVE: to take ownership of a problem and see it through to the solution. He’s actually quite a passive person. At first he blames Woo Jin for all their martial problems. Then, he blames himself. But, he still hasn’t pinpointed the REAL problem behind all of his relationship woes.

I love this 3rd timeline, seeing Woo Jin’s mother so happy and put-together. It’s good to see Jong Hoo happily married again with his twins. I like how Joo Hyuk’s bank branch in this scenario seems like a really loving place to work. He is valued and a good worker.

Going back to the time travel mechanism, I do find it interesting that they only seem to be able to go back in time for one day (until they pass out or go to bed), and then the butterfly effect brings them back into the present. They basically cannot change any other of the myriad of important decisions from 2006-2018. It’s a drama, so I’ll give them a pass on the simplicity of the set-up, but reaily, lives are determined not by just one decision or even one day, but an accumulation of days and decisions.

So, I wonder if the real “lesson” Joo Hyuk needs to learn is a certain amount of decision-making and responsibility-taking in terms of Woo Jin. Even in the first timeline, she was 99% of the time pursuing him. The only time he “chose” her was when he was standing up for what was right and told on that bus grouper. Important, for sure, but he still didn’t “choose” her. That was just him being a decent guy.

In this last 2006 time slip, he pushed her out of the way of the scooter, which was prompted by his care and love for her (because of his memories of the 2nd timeline). So, in a way, he did “choose” her in that moment…but somehow that doesn’t seem enough, and I think the alternative timelines all show that. They are meant to be together. Yet, somehow, whatever is missing is still not found.

But, I love Joo Hyuk’s relationship with Woo Jin’s mother. Even in this 3rd timeline, his affection for her is so obvious. Somehow, I still felt a little heartbroken that in her healthy state, she doesn’t remember the other timelines, unlike her dementia self in the 2nd timeline. I’m also a bit sad to see him in his bachelor’s pad. It just reminds me that he’s actually happier as a married man.

But, I love best what @lollypip said:

And she has a much harder job, because unlike Joo-hyuk, Woo-jin isn’t trying to escape anything – she’s trying to restore things to their rightful place. It’s more proof of her strength and bravery that she’s taking such a leap, when all she knows about...


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With you there on Joo Hyuk's lack of assertiveness. His main decision making has been to buy his play station, to change or run from a difficult life, to take the blame for his boss and run away and to stop Woo Jin from finding him ... kind of negative action.

He needs to decide and act on positive change instead of avoidance.


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Good point about that specific day in 2006. I just take it as that's the day that JH felt made a big difference in his life, and with WJ's knowledge of the situation, she wished to go back to that same day as well!


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Woo Jin gave me my whole life, she was on a mission and not to be deterred. I loved it. I'm liking the direction the show is going now that it is from Woo Jin' s perspective, so cheers.


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One of my most favourite airing drama at the moment. I really want them to go back to the original timeline and make things work again, but the new (third) timeline is so good and right at so many aspects (Jong Hoo and his adorable family, mom, Joo eun and Sang shik..) that I kinda wish they end the story with this timeline instead.
Still loving Ji Sung and Han Ji Min together. Perfectly cast. 🤗


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One thing that bothering me is how the writer taking lightly about the kids storyline. How come there is no scene that joo hyuk missed his children? That is really impossible. But the rest of the storyline is great. I love the cast especially han ji min. Can i say that she is really underated actress in SK? I really love how natural her acting is. The scene when she reunited with her father is really heart wrenching. Even tough it is a short scene, but i can feel her sadness.


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Oh wow. This was a twist I did NOT see coming and I love it! It's so good to see Woo Jin take the front seat, and her energy and spunk have not suffered for the change in timelines.

Joo Hyuk on the other hand, I feel like shaking. So you think you make women miserable and the answer is to shun all women? Good grief, mister...if you think you make women miserable than how about CHANGING YOUR WAYs?! Jeepers I'm giving the biggest eye roll right now. He still hasn't learned! I'm looking forward to seeing Woo Jin finally get to teach him that lesson.

One thing that I find infinitely sad is that our Woo Jin, even though she saved her dad and they got another 10 years with him, she has no memory of those years. The influence he would have had, the wisdom, kindness and caring; she's missed out on all that yet again. I'm glad that her mom is on far better footing now than before, but still my heart aches for Woo Jin. That hug she gave him at the airport had me ugly crying.

I like that this timeline is slightly the same but still different than before. The relationship between Joo Eun and Sang Sik for example. I know I said before that I was going to miss the characters from one timeline if we ended up switching, but things are similar enough that they feel like the same people, so I didn't have to let go the way I thought I would. I agree with @lollypip the writing has, in hindsight, been leading us to this point all along. It makes me want to go back and watch it again to look for clues. That, to me, is the sign of an excellently written and well-acted show.


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I really enjoyed your comments LollyPip! They did really craft the show well with remembering what they did before, and nicely referencing it. I really don't understand how shows DON'T do that, especially dramas with a set number of episodes. It feels so lazy not to be consistent, and is one of my biggest pet peeves in shows, especially the US ones I used to watch back in the day, that go on for years.

I definitely can't predict what will happen in the drama, and I wonder mugyuljoie who said they thought they knew the ending was surprised with this turn of events too!

They spent a bit of time here. I like seeing so many different variations of life and spending a bit of time on each. Although the whole Kang Ki Young jaunt was fun, (you could see they couldn't help laughing at the elevator scene!), it did start to feel a little meandering here. Not too bad though. It also served to show how the essence of their friendship remained the same throughout all their different life lines. Which is awesome.


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I know the time travel thing doesn't seem to be well-explained throughout the series, but someone please explain how each time JH gets knocked out he is automatically transported from June 2006 to another timeline of August 2018. This happened in episode 2 when he didn't avoid the motorcycle when making a date with Hye Won, and ended up in a timeline where his colleague's mother didn't die in an accident. And now it's happening again. Just seems random, and a weird way to jump couple of different timelines, no? Also makes you wonder what happened to JH in the timeline where he got knocked down by the motercycle. Did he end up meeting WJ after all? Also, what about the JH and WJ in the timeline where they ended up jumping into a taxi (instead of meeting on the bus) - what happened to them after they woke up from being unconscious???


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