[Beanie Review] Heartbeat

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First half is good. Second half much more repetitive with small amount of moving forward.
None of the character is villian enough, a truly light fluffy drama.


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There's no way for me to review this without reflecting on the genre of the ending (i.e., genres being things like rom-com, melo, tragedy), so genre spoilers ahead. It's worth saying that this is the most realistic fantasy I've seen... No deus ex machina; no last-minute rule change; the ending isn't that of a rom-com. For those of us who live-watched, the ending wasn't foreshadowed by tone, writing, or characterizations until very late in the series, so it was all the more surprising. I didn't hate it, but I neither expected nor wanted a non-rom-com ending. All of this being said, Woo-hyeol is still one of my all-time favorite ML characters, In-hae is one of my all-time favorite FL characters, and this drama had one of my favorite depictions of unconditional, selfless love. I loved the themes of love, and how the show ended up being about how you have one life to live to love the ones in your life, and that that love is built up through actions, including everyday kindnesses.


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Imagine this drama is a chocolate bar. You break off a piece at one end and discover that it is milk chocolate - easy, approachable, sweet, fun. As you eat your way through the bar, sometimes you notice that some pieces are a little darker, slightly more cacao, but still plenty of milk chocolate in there, no big deal, nice variation even! And then when you put the last piece in your mouth, you suddenly realize it’s like 97% cacao. It’s not bad, but it is pretty shocking, and nothing in the rest of the chocolate-eating experience really prepared you for this last bite. As you let it sit in your mouth, you realize that you still sort of like this piece, but it seems like part of a totally different chocolate bar, and you wish it had been more consistent with the rest of the one you were eating. This was my drama watching experience with this show, in the least spoilery way I can think to say it.

There were so many fantastic things about this drama - a slow burn romance, some campy vampire action, Taecyeon being an absolute goofball (but also incredibly sweet and thoughtful and kind), a FL who can hold her own against the force of our ML’s gigantic personality. There’s a SML who I could never quite decide how I felt about (in a mostly good way), and a SFL who is absolutely terrible (in a fun way). Our leads have realistic conflicts with each other, but none ever last long before they communicate, apologize, and figure things out. It was a beautiful relationship to watch, and there were so many adorable moments between them!

It certainly wasn’t perfect, and there were times when I thought that it would have been easy to handle the story better. Cat Man was a bit of a crutch that the story leans on occasionally whenever it needs the other characters (or the audience) to have mysterious information that they never could have had otherwise, and he changes the rules of the game late in the drama in a way that felt sloppy to me. Because of this rule-shifting, I wasn’t really prepared for the new world-info to hold up until the end, but - fair warning - it does. I don’t know if I should applaud them for finally having internal consistency, or fault them for only bending the rules when they wanted to and not when I wanted them to.

In the end, I still can’t say whether I recommend this drama or not. It was such a fun ride, but the ending was so inconsistent with the tone of the rest of the show that the whole thing feels a bit strange. Proceed with caution.


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Thank you, Unaspirated (@jls943). I needn’t write another word, and probably could (should?) not. HeartBeat is a mixed bag of highs and lows.

Proceed, Beanies, but with caution.


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Thanks for this. I'm glad my words could resonate.


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Fabulous review, Unaspirated. I heartily second everything you said here.


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Thanks, Hopeful. I hope you won't be put off live-watching for too long. I love hearing your thoughts!


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Hats off for the chocolate metaphor.


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Thanks! I couldn't get the word "bittersweet" out of my head, so this is what I came up with as I was trying to fall asleep last night. I'm glad it worked!


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Ok 97% cocoa reference makes me not want to continue. I was in episode 5 I think. I imagine 97% is so bitter and not edible. I’ll spare myself the pain and will just wait patiently for the weecap.

On a side note, I interned in a cocoa factory for 6 months and decided 50%ish is maximum I could tolerate to eat.


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Yeah, it can be a lot to handle, and definitely not for everyone. Also, true to the metaphor, it's not something I want very often, and I definitely have to be in the right mood for it. Not appreciated as a surprise.


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The chocolate metaphor is so spot-on, Unaspirated. And just ❤️ to everything else too!

With live-watching a drama like this, we spend weeks with a show, so get so comfortable with the tone that's set and carried throughout most of it, and any shift in that has such a big impact. I wonder if it'd be much different watching it over a few days


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Thank you! I wonder about this too, but at least the commenting community was great throughout! And, I've definitely had my heart broken because of nonsense endings in dramas I've binged also, so it's definitely not all because of the weeks of investment.


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You took the words right out of the mouth. The chocolate metaphor is perfect to describe Heartbeat, I personally enjoyed the show til the end but I definitely would have to think twice before recommending it to someone else.


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The best description!! Couldn't agree more, you've covered everything I could've and would've said in a review for this drama!


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Sigh! And this is why Junho Central will live on while Taeceyon will be just...OK......

What was that drama?

What is WRONG with dramaland script writers? I love consistency of characters but I like consistency of tone more because I know characters can evolve or devolve. Going off tangent with tone just to keep character consistency in a genre defying bend is not done. Promised a rom com? Please deliver one.

Having said that, I absolutely still love everything about this show. And I have come to realize that K drama script writers do not have it in them to deliver a satisfying end so I guess I will live with that and adjust my expectations going forward.


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Because I wasn’t watching either show, I just checked out the recap and comments for KTL, and I noticed its rating by users going down from 9.3ish during the course of airing to 8.2 now. I’m really curious about user ratings for Heartbeat now.


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But if I choose to watch one between the two sometime later, I’ll definitely go for Heartbeat. Maybe I’ll skip the finale.


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It’s down already. It was 9.1 when I read your comment yesterday. It’s 8.5 now🥲


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Taecyeon doesn't have a breakout drama, yet. Junho already had one with Chief Kim back in 2017. Hope he can have one someday to catapult him into a level where he will have cult followers to help with the ratings.

I believe choosing a drama to participate in is a skill. Lee Jong-suk has one while I'm pretty sure Ji Chang-wook doesn't, or he tries too hard to choose a good drama and end up with a dud show idk.


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To be very honest I feel so sad that this drama would not have the rewatch value it would have had if only the makers recognized and respected their audience. We went in for Grease and came away with Pulp Fiction. Sigh!


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Ugh true. After reading the spoiler yesterday I felt like the writer just toyed with everyone’s emotion. Did she not know there’s a group of emotionally invested people rooting for Heartbeat?


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This is the first drama with Taecyeon that I finished 😅. Never finished alot drama of him. But, it was a different story with Junho (well, KTL is a bit dragged for me but yeay, another bean for me 😁). I wouldn't put Taec in the same category as Lee Jong Suk or Ji Chang Wook, as these 2 actors had more in their belts rather than him.


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Spoiler Free Review

all i can say a show which will give you comfort in its company full of Warmth, Fun, Lighthearted moments... for first half..
and you would feel it cant get better than this.. no drama can be compared to it... and certainly yes it can't ...
cause second half is coming.... and if you feel it cant get any more sad than this.. and then you are gut punched with last 2 episodes.
not gonna recommend to anyone for sure..
So in short ill keep first 6 episodes in my memories n heart as there cant be any better , satisfying, heart warming first half of any drama...
and i am happy to have met My Vampire nim and seeing Taecs exceptional acting gave me hope his next drama gonna be super great.

*hope i am able to keep it spoiler free*
*hiding behind my pillow before anyone could atttack me*


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Thank you @solstices (through your links) for introducing me to the beautiful voice of Park Kang-hyun (Do-shik). That alone was worth the watch. I just wanted to get that on the record.


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I agree :)


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The first 10 episodes were fun and fresh. It started off slapstick, campy, and humorous and then caught me pleasantly off-guard with the emotional depth and characters being realistically communicative - while maintaining the fun. The romance was a perfect slow-burn. Squee-factor very high for me during this time. Great supporting characters with cast chemistry - which is hard to generate unless you have the right actors AND the right writing.

After that, it's like the drama decided to tackle on all the tropes of the rom-coms from 15-20 years ago. Pace slowed down, lots of draggy one-on-one meetings, and energy zapped out of them. Everyone becomes a shadow of themselves. The emotional depth was still consistent, I guess. Taecyeon was actually pretty good here.

And that ending will definitely be controversial - which is the most complimentary, neutral way I can put it.

I would say to spoil yourself with the ending first and see if you want to proceed. The first 10 episodes were really gems and nailed being a slow-burn-take-your-breath-away romance and a comedy. You can FF through the rest.


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First 10 episodes: Solid.
Next 5 episodes: Meandering
Finale: Disappointing to majority, but it was alright for me.

My recommendation:
A) If you are a person who can rewrite endings using imagination, then watch the 1st 10 episodes, stop and give your own closure.
B) If you are a person who mandates happy endings, then do not waste your time.
C) I fall into a third category as I had no more or no less feelings throughout the show and was satisfied with the wrap and the journey. 6/10


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All I am thinking now is that I should go to "I haven't forgiven you since..." page and name Yoon So-hee there. Hye-won was the cliche hateful SFL and I FFW her in the last episodes
I liked the humor and campiness of the first half, but unfortunately it lost it.


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I cried at the ending to the extent that my chest hurt so bad, I had to catch my breath.I love how woo hyeol is not the normal Korea stuck up mean at first character, he is charismatic, funny, and not boring.....I was thinking boom the catman would look for a solution for him not to die I love how it didn't happen that way. It is worth my time of watching and I love everything about it.


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Can I just say "no"? Honestly, the first half is good but the ending pretty much ruined it for me. I would only recommend it if you, say, decided to skip the last episode and invent your own ending in your head.


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