[Beanie Review] Race

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Let's be honest except moon stories, the leads actors are so awkward.


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This was a delightful watch, I loved the way the camera perfectly complemented the story; the clever transitions, the unusual framing and the general glossiness. Office politics can be frustrating to watch but they got the balance right and we saw enough people getting their comeuppance to have an enjoyable time with the characters. The familiar characters were all present and were satisfactorily dealt with.
The shouting Director that was called out in a very quiet way.
The scheming Director who had the conclusion of his warped power game reflected back to him.
The tone deaf CEO who was often saying the modern day equivalent of Marie Antoinette’s ‘let them eat cake’ who was enabled to eat humble pie when needed.

Alongside the office politics we saw the people we actually cared about in their toxic work place and off duty with friends and family. There was comedy, romance and the complexities of family and friendship dynamics.

It wasn’t perfect but on balance it was the best Korean drama I have watched so far this year and I will be very surprised if anything tops it for me. 10/10


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For me, 8/10 because of the rushed, unsatisfying ending, but agree that it's still an enjoyable office drama. The characters and the dialogue seemed real to me. I also liked Call It Love a lot (for different reasons), but often the dialogue was frustrating because it didn't sound like real people talking, but rather people reading a moody, minimalist play.


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It is funny how those speeches work in plays and novels but not so much in a drama.


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Yes. I guess the script writer wasn't being paid by the word. It's hard for me to relate to characters who leave so much unsaid, who can't or don't express what's on their minds/hearts. And it's one thing if one person in a couple is like that, but in Call It Love, it was both!


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This was the little show that almost could. Race follows a plucky, but not perfect, heroine as she navigates her tricky professional and personal life. The result is one of the best depictions of contemporary office life I've seen; no chaebols in hiding, just ordinary workers trying to make in the corporate quagmire. It's also a rock solid depiction of friendship and a delightful, slow burn friends-to-lovers arc. All of which is shot lovingly, with some creative transitions shots.

So why the "almost"? Unfortunately, Race loses some of its steam towards the end, losing itself in some showy corporate scheming, resolves its central relationship in an underwhelming manner, and rushes several important plot lines. If only the show could have added a few more episodes to slow down and fully realize all it introduced.

Nonetheless, it's a good little show overall. Recommend.


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