[Movie Review] Song Joong-ki plainly dazzles in My Name is Loh Kiwan

Under the guise of a refugee story, Netflix’s My Name is Loh Kiwan is an action romance melodrama that rests on Song Joong-ki’s grounded performance to make it work. With a stellar central portrayal and speed-of-a-bullet pacing, the film is an enjoyable first-time watch — even if it gets its wires crossed about its core conflicts.


[Movie Review] Song Joong-ki My Name is Loh Kiwan

Blood in the street, a fake passport in a foreign land, and the bureaucratic grays of a refugee resettlement office — the opening shots set the tone for a dark story that starts with only a seed of hope. Song Joong-ki — looking the plainest we’ve ever seen him — plays the titular LOH KIWAN, a man who defected from North Korea to China, only to find himself on the run again.

Kiwan has just landed in Belgium in the dead of winter with a stack of American money he’s reluctant to spend and nowhere to go while he stumbles his way through a bundle of red tape. He’s seeking refugee status from the Belgian government, but after his initial application, he won’t hear back for a few months. In that time, he’s told to just “hang in there.”

[Movie Review] Song Joong-ki My Name is Loh Kiwan

We see Kiwan hanging in there the best he can, sleeping in a public restroom to keep warm and picking scraps from the trash in order to stay alive. Homeless, unable to communicate in either of the local languages, and beat up in the street by a group of Belgian bros, he’s on the verge of freezing to death when he makes his way into a laundromat and falls asleep, hugging the heat of a clothes dryer.

It’s here that he encounters the film’s hateful heroine, MARI (Choi Sung-eun), when she steals his wallet with all that bloodied money he’s carrying around. Mari has some problems of her own, involving a criminal underworld, a drug habit, and a massive debt to some murderous men. It’s for these reasons that she robs Kiwan, and when he tries to get his money back, she can’t return it because she’s already handed it over to the archetypal bad guys to pay down her debt.

But, there may be a remedy. The brute who’s holding Kiwan’s cash will give it back if Mari competes in another round of illegal games — where the bets are on her — using her skills as a former national team shooter. This little caveat binds our leads together for at least the next week, as Kiwan doesn’t want to let her too far out of sight until he has his wallet in hand. Of course, every extra second they spend together puts them on the path toward falling in love.

The film’s first half has interesting juxtapositions as it sets up the central conflicts. Visually, there’s a duality between Kiwan’s destitution and the clean and well-kept European city that surrounds him. Even the public toilet where he sleeps is pristine, marking the discrepancy between the country’s wealth and his own poverty — an infuriating fact when we see their reluctance to accept him as a refugee. This realism gives the story its emotional weight, making it harder to buy into the movie-manufactured melodrama that comes later, especially in relation to Mari.

[Movie Review] Song Joong-ki My Name is Loh Kiwan

Mari’s character is the contrast to Kiwan’s. He’s honest and upright with few resources, while she’s a thief, morally questionable, and from an upper middle class family. Both of them have lost their mothers — and feel undeserving of happiness because of their guilt over it — but while Kiwan is on the run because he stood up for someone else, Mari’s issues stem from acting out against her doting father (Jo Han-chul). Her motivations feel half-baked (especially in comparison to our male lead’s), and although Kiwan can see the wounded woman inside her, I have trouble seeing past her bratty behavior.

When it comes time for these two to fall deeply in love — and Kiwan’s goals shift from obtaining residency to obtaining the girl — it feels abrupt and somewhat disjointed from the earlier story. At bottom, Kiwan’s desire is to honor his mother by keeping himself alive. And aside from not getting murdered, another part of staying alive is finding a meaningful reason to live — so, it makes sense to me that he would be looking for love. The disjointedness doesn’t come from the relationship itself, but from Mari’s side of the story being so absolutely over the top.

The major gut punches in this movie come from sticking closer to fact than fiction, whether it’s Kiwan’s possible deportation, an emotionless bureaucracy that pits migrants against each other, or the not-so-covert racism at every turn. But what we end up with is a series of scenes with shootouts, beat downs, and drug overdoses — hurdles that seem unnecessary (and make it hard to take the story seriously) given how bad the situation already is.

The movie I thought this was going to be based on the first act is quite different than the movie it ends up being by the end. I initially got invested in Kiwan’s story as he fights for refugee status and a right to stay where he is. But that investment doesn’t pay off when his main objective becomes Mari.

There is perhaps a greater truth here about how fighting for survival and safety will only get you so far if what you want is to be free. The movie’s title alludes to the idea that Loh Kiwan wants to be able to use his real name — not the name on his forged passport or a name given to him in a foreign country. He wants to be himself, and the question might be where, or with whom, he can best do that.

There are enough good moments here to give this a watch — and the time goes by quickly. The difficult events we start with give way pretty easily to life improvements, which — while not offering the most realistic tale — do offer an entertaining action movie/love story. Song Joong-ki is excellent here with micro-expressions that’ll break your heart, and a believable grittiness that glues the whole production to the ground — even when it threatens to go fantastically floating off the rails.

[Movie Review] Song Joong-ki My Name is Loh Kiwan


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I'm probably not going to watch this but I'm glad Song Joong Ki found the project to show his talent again.


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There were some parts that were hard to watch as he has to endure betrayals, backstabbing, being overdosed with drugs and yes seeing working hard to stay alive and avoid being caught in the end of the day, but Song Joong Ki did rather well in this movie


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If it were a drama I think I may watch it. I wasn't a fan of his bravado style acting in Descendants of the Sun and Reborn Rich, but there was a glimmer of something very attractive in his portrayal of his first life in the beginning of Reborn Rich (struggling assistant) that made me want to keep watching him. When I saw the trailer for this movie, it reminded me of that character and caught my interest as well.


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I don't think he's fit for playing chaebol/gangster/soldier because he overdoes the toughness and confidence. And he fake smiles.


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Oooh, you should watch A Werewolf Boy!


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note taken, thanks. wow 100% rating on rotten tomatoes!


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For me, this would have worked better as a mini series. There was so much in the opening hour that could have been explored in greater depth: how did Kiwan get out of his camp in NK to China? What issues did he and his mother face as NK illegal immigrants in China and what happened to others like them? What went down in China that he ended up having to hide in his home? These things were covered in minutes and left me wanting more: this could have been a very powerful introduction to the status and situation of NK refugees if we'd had one or two episodes devoted to it.

In Belgium, we faired slightly better in learning how a potential refugee is literally on their own for months until their case comes up in court and I felt this was the strongest part of the film: SJK did a great job of convincing me that he was absolutely starving, out of his depth, but going to keep fighting for one more day. A bit more time here, and we could have had a strong episode on the asylum seekers' world in Belgium.

When Mari turned up, I found it very hard to get invested in her - total immoral brat and I wasn't convinced she changed much - and we did not get enough of her background to understand her or to sympathise with her. More time in a mini series would have paid dividends here so that we had a better idea of her demons and how she'd got herself in her situation. We might have better understood why she attached herself so firmly to Kiwan and saw some sort of salvation in him (was it his "goodness" in contrast to her bleak situation?)

Perhaps due to my disinclination to warm to Mari, I found the fact that the film suddenly became a love story an irritation. On the one hand, I was forced to consider how that might exactly be the case for asylum seekers - due to the interminable waiting for the system, the monotonous and poorly paid work, the horrendous living conditions, finding a romantic partner might be exactly how people deal with it. On the other hand, it felt like Kiwan lost his bearings and the fight he'd been in since birth to become himself - running out of the middle of his court case to achieve refugee status just to save Mari on the off chance that something had happened to her felt so contrived. If we'd had longer to see the relationship develop, and to understand how intense it had become for both of them, I might have bought this more.

In short, I loved the premise and the idea. Loved SJK's acting. Loved the visuals and the sense of place. Wanted this to have a different focus (surviving and thriving, not romantic love), and wanted it to have maybe 4 hour-long episodes so we could be thoroughly invested in our characters. Happy to have watched it; won't be watching again.


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Agree with all of that. I loved the first half of the film, but not the love story. I rolled my eyes in disbelieve when he ran out of his all important court case, because the girl might be in trouble - nobody would do that.

I have also been told that nobody is watching a shooting match, it is just too boring (I have no idea since I have no interest at all in gun spots). Maybe criminal gamblers are different, but it was still not convincing.

The best part for me was that SJK is great (even better I would say) without expensive suits and watches, but grubby clothes, toes wrapped in toilet paper to keep warm and sleeping rough on the floor of a toilet.


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his acting is more interesting when he's playing a down and out character than a successful chaebol type.


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I will watch SJK playing a mafia consigliere coolly lighting people on fire any day.


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Thank you @dramaddictally!
I haven't watched the show yet, but I'm glad there's a review to return to after watching it.


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Ahh this makes me so conflicted but also tracks so well with my experience with Korean movies.. or rather just movies in general. I love the premise and it sounds like the setup of the movie is AMAZING and SJK does a stellar job. However, I feel like movies tend to suffer from third-act deterioration pretty frequently these days, and I've watched a few K-movies lately that start going a bit off the rails towards the end. I'd been really looking forward to this one though and it sounds like it's definitely still worth it though, so I'll probably check it out soon.

Thanks, Dramaddictally!!


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I started watching this just on the strength of a "Must Watch" video. I overlooked the fact that it was a movie. Because I was thinking "K-Drama," I kept looking at the clock, "Wow, episode one sure is long." I may have woken my neighbor when I moved into "Chicago Mother" mode:
"Don't leave your backpack!"
"Don't keep your money in your wallet!"
"Don't trust him!" and "Don't trust her!"

I couldn't watch the heart-breaking scenes of Kiwan being exploited, harassed and cheated. But I forgot the clock.

Then, love happened as two weary souls found one another. More "Chicago Mom" screaming until . . . the beautiful ending with the hope that they will travel to all those poster places together, along with their right to leave a place and return (or not).

OK, so I am a sucker for romance.


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I'M SORRY! I didn't mark my post above as "Spoiler ahead!" Ad I don't know how to fix it . . . .


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After years of watching dramas, movies these days tend to be a conundrum as I’m so used to see the story taking its time to lay out the background and pace out character and plot developments. But movies do not require the time commitment and patience required of dramas.

Having said that, I agree this would work better as a series (perhaps 4 episodes). The initial story is engaging and Song Joong-ki is doing a mighty fine job and he single-handedly earn your tears as this downtrodden and run-out-of-luck guy. The plight of getting refugee status is shown realistically and Loh Kiwan is quite lucky to have met a couple of good people. SJK’s project choice of this is a smart move after Reborn Rich which is a Lee Sung-min show with his grandson role merely a plot movement device (the witness of history). I always think that his best works are mostly pre-DOTS (which I didn’t enjoy). Vincenzo is highly entertaining rather than an acting vehicle and we’ve already seen his best ‘playboy’ portrayal in Sungkyunkwan Scandal - he and Yoo Ah-in are the best things of that drama. Wonder what it’ll be like for his next movie, also about immigrants but in Bogota.

I am Choi Sung-eun biased as having seen her excellent acting in Beyond Evil (a drama full of powerhouse acting and her ability to make her role memorable is a feat). Therefore, I don’t have much issue like some other Beanies with her character that would however clearly benefit if more time is available to explain her internal guilt.

I certainly did not expect this to be a love story. I am in two minds as to whether he should run out of that court - but understand this is a guy falling in love for the first time. It’s a bit teenager like but not improbable. Spoiler ahead…

No objection to the happy ending though.


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You must watch this film. Excellent acting.Wonder how it compares to the novel its based on. 👌 Stark contrast to glossy Kdramas, but still worth a watch. I loved it.🧡


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I watched this and it broke my heart, i felt so deeply sorry for kiwan and how he was treated, i wanted to cuddle him and bring him home. But the ending was just how i wanted it to be .


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Thank you for another brilliant review. Song Joong-ki has really shined. You have described the character's motivation and the actor's performance so well. Like most K-movies this is such a hard watch. Kudos to the production for choosing such a tough subject and handling it so beautifully and with such delicacy of touch and respect. I feel so happy and energized to read your reviews, it gives me the strength and courage to watch what I would ordinarily not choose by myself. Your reviews make me braver. ♥️😍


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❤️ Aww. Fighting!


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Wonderful performance by song joong-ki. Shows his depth as a character actor.


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I liked the movie overall, I could feel his loneliness and his struggles in a new country. And the help and sometimes betrayal that comes from the people from your own background. Their guilt over an almost similar matter is what drew them together and were able to support eachother. I didn't mind him leaving for her and losing what he achieved with his immigration status because probably she could have never come back anyway. I liked their acting, but not the european ones that looked cartoonish to me.


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A total waste of time. What else can I add?


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