ok so it has been like two weeks since ive been active but….. im watching another k drama surprise surprise. found a recap on here for ‘the liar and his lover’ by @festerfaster and i am loving it!!


    im only on ep 3 so no spoilers pls!! if anyone has watched this before reply w ur fave ep, fav character, or anything related to the drama <33


      so rimiiii! and han gyuliee! they are so rock solid and i love them!


      “…. if anyone has watched this before….”

      You will soon find out that this drama has QUITE the fanbase here on Dramabeans and the Beanies’ section XD


      So Rim and Han-gyul were AH-DORABLE! But I often thought the best performance was by the actor playing Seo-won. I’m so happy you’re liking the drama and enjoying the recaps! I had the best time writing them because the fandom was so collectively loving the drama that the comments under every episode were full of happy speculations for pages! XD That’s something every recapper wants for the drama they’re toiling over.
      Keep posting your take on the show if you keep watching it. There’s a lot of us who’ll enjoy being reminded of this sweet story from 2017.


        omg hi!! im so glad theirs a big fandom for this drama, i love interacting w ppl <3 ive been flying through the episodes, they r addicting lmao. Im thinking abt j making this a thread where i talk abt the show <33 ur recaps r bomb!! makes me feel like i have a friend next to me watching the show also. can we talk about ep 8+9 tho?? my heart was hurting for han-gyul the whole time 🙁 im almost done w ep 10 (i have a habit of going through shows at lighting speed lol) and i am living for all the romance plots!! i would love to learn more abt han-gyul, his dad and mom, and more abt how pres yoo gets involved. ty for reading my rant lol <333


          andddd im back!!! soooo ep 10….. wowowowow that was a lot lmao. Chan-young is very quickly becoming one of my least liked characters…… pls no hate haha. i loved the fact that he stood up for the group when they faced their first big threat, but that’s about it….. the rest of him i see in this ep is very overprotective in ALL the wrong ways. at first, i really hated him for talking to han-gyul that way in the hospital, he’s her boyfriend and has all the rights to be greedy w her, after reading sailor’s thoughts on him, it made me go a lil soft lol. i get that he just feels like HG replacement and doesnt feel like part of the band, but he needs to start backing off of SR+HG asap, reasons to still like him are going down the drain. not trying to hate, i would love to see a change in him. its 1am where i live so i think thats i sign i should go to sleep lol <333


            No hate. Heh. I thought they could have done so much more with his character arc, but they just… don’t. Which was disappointing since the potential for a redemptive bromance was all there. But overall I was happy with the rest of the show, so I pretty much forgot about that gripe till your comment above. XD

            P.S. If you’re on twitter, hit me up there. @festerfaster.
