ah!..train – acting is annoying.. i am watching it for the killer, to see my theory get validated
FL is driving me nuts. Stupid people should die! Such a blot on detectives


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    OL @alasecond,
    I may not be as tough as you but I know where you are coming from especially after watching episode 6 last night. I would be a little more forgiving by maybe blaming the script writer and not the actors. After all they are just doing what is on paper.
    This episode was particularly bad with inept police work in world (B). Where should I begin? The maknae detective discards a murder suspect’s camera, the murder suspect is given a nail clipper in the holding cell, excuse, me? the FL goes back at night (they did this also in world (A)) to the spooky crime scene to look for evidence. You can’t wait until it is daylight?
    Hopefully the cops are more professional in world (A).


      ha ha.. i agree.. plus it is not helping that this director is playing out scenes and storyline in such a predictable manner.. twists could so easily be cliff hangers in this one, but what a waste..

      and i don’t know why even YS is not able to sell the role to me (specially the druggie one.. he looks more like a zombie murderer.. or human waiting to turn into a werewolf


    Well I guess that answers my question as to if I should start watching it. May have to add it to my Maybe on a Really boring day watch. I was hoping this would be good. I haven’t even gone into the recaps or comments so I would spoil anything.
