It’s here! I splurged and subscribed to WeTV to watch the first 2 eps. So cute!!!!!!!


    I was surprised to see that Episode 1 was so short (only 5 minutes).

    I’m now waiting for Episode 2 to be unlocked. After being spurned by my subscription on Viki, I refuse to join any other subscription just to gain access to content earlier… I can wait, since the content will be available to me later


      yea same! It looks like it’s gonna be snippets of scenes like ep 1, but they’re SO CUTE! This is the weekly dose of cuteness we need right now. :3


      Oh ha agreed with you on that Viki subscription. This morning under the sleepy-excitement, I misunderstood and thought that you’d need a subscription to watch the latter eps, so I was like why not and splurged. LOLS (The entirety of ep 1 was on IG this morning, and I thought it was just a scene since it was short….oops)
