IOTNBO ep 13: Ahhh! The reveal wasn’t shocking to me since I anticipated it. But there’s still something we haven’t found out yet. I’m excited! (More SPOILERY thoughts in the comments!)


    I’m very invested in the story and our characters still, but this episode doesn’t leave me as emotionally drained as before. It’s probably meant I’ve plateaued and no other sads can make me sadder. 😀
    The many things I love in this episode:
    – Sang-tae oppa practices drawing butterflies in his sketchbook! That’s such a huge step toward healing for him and I’m so happy to see that.
    – Moon-young’s streak of jealousy and throwing out threats left and right. She’s changed a lot over the course of the drama, which is great, but she hasn’t lost all of that possessive/unhinged side of her. That makes it more fun to watch and also more believable within her character’s framework.
    – Kang-tae in that suit is DAMN FINE. I mean, I don’t think this needs saying but WOW. Yes, please always just wear suits for the last 3 eps. I’d watch that happily.
    – Also, Kang-tae wanting to go back to school and to focus on other parts of his life and learning to lean on his hyung for help and support!!!! YES BABE! YES!!!
    – And Sang-tae oppa being there, acknowledging that he’s the eldest and trying to protect and care for his two ounger siblings. My heart can barely contain all the love I have for this trio.


    same. I wish I was blown away by the revelation but all I can think was, yes we were right! 😛
    But I cant wait to hear how she managed to be so hidden in plain sight for so long.


      Yea! I’m also not annoyed or disappointed because I think the build-up and supporting evidence is good. It’s not some random “omg what if?” moment that just happens to be right, or worse yet, something straight out of the left field. ;P And from the dad’s pov, it looks like he def tossed her body down the lake – how did she survive? Maybe she didn’t survive and Nurse Park is 1) related to her (her sister?) who took on the job because she wanted to find out what happened or 2) also has some sort of mental illness that caused her to take on this persona. I’m excited to find out more!!!!!


        Oooo I like your sisters theory. And what a coincidence that todays episode was named Tales of Two sisters. Very interesting!


          BAHA I didn’t even make the connection with the tale of two sisters’ reference. LOOOLS. I just thought the resemblance between Nurse Park and the mom is too striking.


          Yes, the elements of the folk story played into this particular episode in many ways: family relationships, the neglect of one parent in the face of abuse, etc. And the sister part also made me and my own sister think that Nurse Park could be related to the mother. I’m not a hundred percent sure. But I still don’t want Nurse Park to actually be the mother.


        My sister and I also thought about a possible sister angle. I’m not sure. For some reason, I can’t see Nurse Park being the mother. I hope was get some other twist, some other reveal.
