Trying to complete this challenge. I skipped those I don’t have a particular book in mind.

Day 20 – Favorite romance book
Maybe Someday
Or any Colleen Hoover book. I’m a sucker for her tragic and angsty love stories. I thought of putting “It Ends With Us” because it’s my favorite book of hers but I tihnk that book is more about self-love and healing.

Day 21 – The first novel you remember reading
Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Day 22 – A book that makes you cry
Finding Chika
I’m a crier so it’s highly likely I always shed tears on sad books. This one is a recent read and I was ugly crying the entire time.

Day 28 – Favorite title of a book
The Princess Saves Herself in This One
This is a poetry book. Not really a remarkable one but the title itself is already catchy and empowering.

Day 30 – Your favorite book of all time
The Alchemist
I lot of people think this one is overrated but I really liked the message this book was trying to convey. It truly touched my heart and soul in a different level.