I am loving 18 Again so, so much. Back this week with @Saner on a review of 7-8, here: 18 Again: Episodes 7-8 Review

I’m keeping a running tally of how many screencaps I can stuff into these, like an overflowing emotion sandwich. Such a glutton for these eps which bring squishy joy together with the crunch of regret, wrapped around the burger of all the things we wish we’d done differently 😭


    Thank you so much for this beautiful review. You articulated my exact thoughts as I was watching these episodes. The unfolding of Dae-young’s story, his unseen sacrifices for his family and realization he turned into a version of his father he never wanted to be, is so impeccably done. I am so glad him and his father had the chance to forgive each other. The basketball court scene left me a blubbering mess.

    You picked up on all the little moments I loved in these episodes: the conversation between Da-jung and her mom, Dae-young and Ja-sung. UGH. This show is such a gem!!


      I agreeeee, and so weirdly underrated!! 😭😭😭😭

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts, made it even more ❤️❤️❤️
