Day5: Drama you finished for the bean

The world of the married

I liked the first episodes of this drama, they were fast paced, and the final scene of the pilot was one of the best of 2020.
But then I realized it was too makjang-ish, not my cup of tea.

The plot went on mostly thanks to people tailing other people, or some perplexing choices (like turning Sun-woo into a crazy woman for just one episode), and even if I felt compassion or understanding for all the characters at some points of the story, no one was likeable: they were all vindictive and selfish people.
It was far from the warm stories I look for where watching KDramas.
Even episodes felt too long (and I was really happy when HDL, CLOY or IOTNBO had episodes longer than 1 hour), but I tend to not drop dramas when I have spent too much time on them, so I slowly finished it. My hard-earned bean 😅