Day7: That OST you’re obsessed with

It’s okay to not be okay

These songs have not only beautiful music, but even more beautiful lyrics. Almost all of them are about diversity and acceptance.
Not even the songs from Cloy OST are so moving.


    I still have many of these songs in my playlist. Yongzoo’s Puzzle is a particular as it reminds me of the ending of Ep 08, when Kangtae was freely running towards Moonyoung. That scene is just perfect.


    I love this OST. Wake Up, In Silence, You’re Cold and Sketchbook (the opening title) are my favorites – beautiful and brilliant. I mean, the opening title actually tells you what the show is about:
    “There was once upon a time,
    And all people have stories.
    They’re wrong.”

    Moon-young, Gang-tae and Sang-tae had all made up stories about their lives – what they could and could have, who they were and weren’t. Over the course of the show, they all learned that they were more in control of their own fairytale than they’d believed, that “all these are parts of you,” and that they could alter their own endings. Phenomenally well done. (/gushing over)
