I wonder if I would’ve liked Run On this much if I binged it instead. I wish I loved the second OTP and that the dad could just go back to being his cringey coffee-bringing husband self. Don’t really care for lil brat bro. But! Overall I’m still enjoying everything. It’s light and breezy and cute and boy am I officially Siwan trash. I just kinda wanna get ahead to see more of sports agent Sungyeom and less politics-ing. (And more kisseshhh. You have 4 episodes to make up for it, Show. Pleaseandthankyou.)


    I have wondered this myself – some dramas are better not watched all at once and some you need to binge so you can get it down before you think to much 😂 , I think Run On is the former. (That said I did watch the first five episodes all in one go 😅 so what do I know)


      Yeah I agree. I also started when all 5 were already out. Personally I think dramas that often end with cliffhangers are better binged, ie Sky Castle, Forest of Secrets etc. For rom coms I’m not really sure 😅


      I felt the latter for It’s okay not to be okay. I live watched for the first 10 episodes and did’nt feel the full impact. But after the show completed I binged the last 6 and I loved it so much even if those episodes were the weakest. And you’re right that run on should’nt be binged. It should be savoured.
