I am not gonna talk about how 2521 broke me. It’s not about the ending but delivery…

Anyways, I am so sad that ABP is ending in a couple of hours!

I really loved this hand-holding scene at the start of ep 11!

Not to mention the last 2 mins of ep 11! I totally wasn’t expecting that!

I read the webtoon and saw the scale, but I dismissed that the drama will recreate because, drama. But it was a nice surprise to see THAT scale! The whole scene felt slow and romantic, a discovery between a couple. But at the same time, as a viewer, it felt TOO SLOW

I have more gifs from that scene, but for our sanity here, I guess I will keep them aside for now.

I won’t be pinning that last ep will show us more, I am guessing probably the morning after, but one can have a little hope right?

Bonus, the bromance!