Tell us about a job or two that you’ve had in the past.


    I’ve worked fast food, retail, and tech support. But I’ve actually been with my current employer for almost 11 years. I started at this health insurance company as a customer service rep but over the years have worked my way into what is essentially a fraud think tank. We think of things that doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies would do to defraud the company and see what we can find in the claims data. If something looks odd, we search the web for any information or red flags that support what we think is happening. Then we send the subject to our investigation team. I’ve found crazy things in the role and my work has led to at least one person getting arrested.


    Stocked shelves overnight at a Target. I had the health and beauty section because the men were afraid of feminine products.


      Pfft 😂😅?‍♀️


      LOL! Men are such delicate creatures! *eyeroll* I spent 8 years at Target, though I only did a few overnight planograms. I was mainly cashier, guest service, fitting room, cash office, and the ever dreaded food avenue.
