I took advantage of the rainy holiday and finished watching HIDDEN LOVE. On the whole I liked it, but a few points bugged me.

For example, I would have liked Duan Jiaxu to have hesitated longer before deciding to woo Sang Zhi and to have been less overconfident. Not because I had a problem with the age difference, but because everything happened a bit too quickly on his part and therefore lacked the emotional effect.
I also found it a bit irritating that they talked about marriage so quickly when they weren’t even a real couple at that point. Especially when you consider that Sang Zhi’s parents still treated their daughter like a child, made daily check calls and there was practically a curfew for her (I wonder if it was the same for her brother at the same age, but doubt it), even though she is already considered an adult in terms of age.

If Sang Yan would get his own drama, I would watch it immediately.


    One of my biggest gripe was that the entire wooing-confession-dating-moving in-marriage proposal happened in such a short time frame. Here is one drama I would have used a time skip.

    Even though she was a mature and thoughtful person and I don’t question their relationship it was kind of rushed.
