These are the dramas I watched in October:
– Siren (Variety Show) ❤️
– When I Fly Towards You (Cdrama)❤️
– Anna⭐️


    I felt like I really didn’t watch much in October, but it was also a busy month! I watched One Piece and loved it! I also started like 3 dramas which I’ll finish in November. I’m excited to deep dive into the dramas I watched this year in December!

    – While scrolling through Netflix, I found the variety show Siren and decided to give it a chance just because I liked the premise. I used to be a big Survivor and Amazing Race fan, so a capture the flag show is up my alley. But what I really liked was that they were all lady groups. It’s a contest between ladies from different professions (police officers, firefighters, stunt people, athletes, army, and guards) that need to guard their flag in their base. It got a little rough at times, but these are all strong women so it was entertaining to watch. 

    – When in the mood for something cute, I turn to Cdramas because somehow they always have a new high school/college drama that has the cute I’m looking for. When I Fly Towards You is a drama that fit the category of cute enough and had likable characters that I really enjoyed it and was not overwhelmed by the sweetness (because sometimes they are too cute that bleh I can’t take it lol). 

    – Instead of watching Doona (which I guess was a good idea), I opted to watch Anna because I heard it mentioned on DB. It was definitely an interesting story and I thought Suzy did a good job, but I still can’t decide if I liked it or not. I was entertained, so I guessed I enjoyed it, but it’s still hard for me to fully commit to admitting to liking it when I’m not sure if I did. Also, I just found out there was a director’s cut, and I can’t tell if I watched that version or not.
