My inaugural post on the Fan Wall, despite being a member here since the start with occasional log-ins and periods of inactivity, is dedicated to my current obsession, Castaway Diva.


    Seriously, I’m in trouble these days – I’ve become too obsessed with this drama, and it’s becoming unhealthy. I’m elated because I haven’t experienced these intense feelings in almost a decade. My last obsession was during the time of ‘Healer’ in 2014. While I’ve enjoyed and been addicted to a few other dramas since then, none have reached the level of obsession that I’m currently experiencing. You know, that raw emotion you feel when you discover a show that becomes your crack, much like the time of ‘Coffee Prince’, ‘You’re Beautiful’ or ‘Healer’. Any veteran beanies on this site remember how crazy we were back then.

    I’m happy to have rediscovered those feelings, but it’s also frightening because it’s consuming too much of my time. After watching the Sunday episode, I find myself on Reddit until 2-3 am, and then it’s already Monday! Throughout the week, I endlessly scroll through almost all social media for updates. I wait anxiously until Tuesday or Wednesday for Dramabeans’ weecap discussion, living in a state of unsettled feelings until Saturday. I still have loads of work waiting for me. Phew, but it truly is a once-in-a-decade emotional wreck. No regrets, though.


      OMG! Did I accidentally delete all photos while editing the post? Cannot recover? This is crazy!


    Nice picture of young Mok-ha (Lee Re)


      Thank you for the first comment :). Those still cuts were downloaded from the tvN website. It’s my first time posting on the fan wall, and I wasn’t aware of the limit of 5 photos per post. I missed out some photos of the young cast. Absolutely adore them.
