2023 Drama Roundup
6 – The character that deserves a kimchi slap

There are so many! I thought about giving this dubious award to the restaurant tattle-tail dad from Castaway Diva, but his was such a minor part so in the end I think my kimchi slap goes to Oh Ha-ra (FL) from Strangers Again. I honestly had a lot of fun watching this drama, due almost entirely to the Beanie conversations. We supported different exes, shook our heads at people not picking up on their own biology, and ranted about people not communicating. Type 2 fun at its finest! But honestly there is very little to redeem this character for me after the fact. She was so pushy, and selfish, and she couldn’t imagine that anyone might have a different perspective from hers. There were times when she was almost sympathetic for me, and then she would steamroll someone else’s opinion/whole life and I would be shocked back to reality. But maybe if I kimchi slapped her *real hard* it would knock her off-kilter just enough to think about someone else for once. And with any luck, it would ruin a pair of those horrifying suit shorts she wears to the office.


    Good candidate to pick. 👍
    I have never understood this suit shorts trend and as officewear. 🤦‍♀️ Didn’t the FL in Destined With You also commit this fashion crime.


      I certainly wouldn’t put it past her.


        How come these fashion terrorists never get called out – the real criminals – the costumers.


          I’ve been trying to think of female candidates for the upcoming “Best Suit Wearer” category of the Round-up, but hallucinatory images of those dreadful shorts suits keep getting in the way. The FL and some of the side characters in Destined were repeat offenders. That’s a trend that should die and be buried in an unmarked grave with the official record reading “No known family survivors.”

          @jls943, 100% on the FL in Strangers Again. That point late in the show when she tries to make a deal with her MIL to give her husband a building in exchange for his agreement to have the baby he *does not want* was when I realized she’s irredeemable. So gross.
