Seoul City to remove street preachers, homeless from Seoul Station Square


    Removing the evangelists—fine— because they will find another spot to do their work and will have a warm home to go back to at the end of the day. However, I really hope the city has a plan in place on how to handle the homeless situation that isn’t simply removing—forcing— them out from Seoul Station. From experience witnessing how my city forcibly removed large amounts of the homeless without a plan in place, it has made the city more unsafe and difficult to get around. By forcibly removing a large population of the homeless without a plan in place— i.e. like settling them at another location or giving them resources— it only encourages them to disperse and spread across the entire city and populate parts of the city which should be kept private, safe, and free from any kind of hindrance, i.e. Neighborhoods with a large elderly population or neighborhoods with a large young family population with young children 🥲
