QUEEN OF TEARS ep9. Let me put my thoughts here before I go into ep 10.
1. I adore Hae-in, but I am tired of her at this point. She needs to learn how to talk to Hyun-woo PROPERLY, and express her desires properly (no, what she has been doing in the past few episodes isn’t communication). Say: “yes I’d like you to spend the night in my room”, “I’d like you to take the day of if you can” instead of whatever she’s been saying lately. What’s the point of loving someone if you can’t be vulnerable? Free yourself if your walls can’t come down 🙄

2. I like the Hongs too, all of them, much to my surprise, but I am also tired of them. They should have made Mummy Hong face her grief over her dead son and her relationship with Hae-in long before now.

3. Eun-sung and his obsessive delusions irk me to no end. You can’t destroy someone’s family – a family that she’s attached to! – and expect them to fall happily into your arms! Another one that shoulda spent some money in therapy to get rid of his abandonment issues. Returning Hae-in’s mall that you STOLE from her in the first place isn’t something to be proud of, doofus! Surely, even delusional people understand that?! Also, people who don’t understand that “love” must be requited, or else it’s just an obsession, annoy me.

4. I’m tired of Hyun-woo too. If you and Hae-in can’t communicate at your big ages and at this critical juncture, stop crying, cut your losses, and go collect the number of the principal’s daughter from your sis, since the Hongs are very unserious people. Maybe you’ll communicate better with Se-young or whatever her name is.

5. Soo-cheol is another. I’m tired of his pathetic ass too. Get a damn spine and grow up! (he’s a much stupider version of his daddy)

6. Eun-sung’s mama still bothers me. I don’t think she needs a great revenge plot or some tragic back story – people can be greedy, covetous, and opportunistic by nature, so that’s fine (she could just have been a scheming housekeeper who saw a mark in grandpa) – but I still don’t get this long con for 20 yrs. She coulda gotten grandpa to marry her in half the time. Unless, like someone said elsewhere, it’s just a plot device where they were waiting for Eun-sung to grow up. That’s the only way it makes sense.

6. I’m still seated, I still really, really like the show, but I want to smack everyone this weekend. Come on! We have other things to be doing – finding love again, learning sense, learning communication, learning to get a backbone, taking down Eun-sung and his crazy mama all those things to be doing, and instead we’re doing… This.

7. At this point, the Baeks (all of them) are the best thing about this drama. Throw everyone else in rice.

8.  Surprising myself, I’m also invested in the other plot points, but just our romance. That’s something that has snuck up on me, bc I wasn’t like this in the beginning