Mask (ep 7)
(No spoilers for future eps please!)
I didn’t realize this is the same writer as ‘Secret’!! That explains it. It is addictive. It started off very makjang but I love the leads. Their chemistry is so good!!
I always liked Soo Ae and she is so awesome here. Loving Ju Ji Hoon as Min-woo. From a guy who was on the edge most of the initial episodes, it’s been wonderful to see him grow close to her and warm up. His little smiles and ’not’ love confessions are adorable. I am surprised he fell for her so quick… we have 13 more episodes to go!
The brother is law is super creepy!!! He is watching them in bed.. yikes.. yikes..


    Mask is the only over the top makjamg that I have fully enjoyed in all these years. Secret was extremely addictive, but I can’t say I enjoyed it.


      I hear you about Secret! I still don’t know why i watched it but I couldn’t stop.
      Mask is delicious!!


    You’re watching Mask!! Have fun!!

    And yes, that brother-in-law is something else!
