終わるはずのない 愛が途絶えた 命尽きてゆくように
違う きっと違う こころが叫んでる
ひとりでは生きてゆけなくて また誰かを愛している
こころ哀しくて 言葉にできない
切ない嘘をついては 言い訳を飲みこんで
果たせぬあの頃の夢は もう消えた
誰のせいでもない 自分がちいさすぎるから
それが悔しくて 言葉にできない
あなたに会えて 本当に良かった
うれしくて うれしくて 言葉にできな


    The love that I thought would never end cannot go on. It is as if my life has ended.
    No, this can’t be right. My heart cries out.
    I cannot live alone, so I might fall in love again.
    But my heart is so said, I cannot say anything.
    When I said the sad lies, I swallowed the excuses down.
    The dreams that could not be fulfilled, have now disappeared.
    It’s not anybody’s fault, it’s just that I have been insufficient.
    I regret it so much, I cannot say anything.
    That I was able to meet you, is really really great.
    I am happy, so happy, I cannot say anything.


    Are there really ppl who believe that the person singing this song is truely happy? If so, they are weird.
