You know, there is nothing more hilarious than Na PD kidnapping celebrities.
And the latest one: WINNER!


    Where’s my PICTURE?!?!?!?!?!

    This site is always playing tricks on me…


    Can I just comment here because I don’t want to gang up on this asdf person in the WWW recap, but ARGH! Gosh, I think its a troll in disguise? OR at least, someone who likes annoying other people? Or a misogynist. Or all of them Not sure. HAHA I’ve just stopped responding. XD


      Hahaha, sure, you can comment here.

      I’m not gonna respond to that person too, since it’s not like it’s a battle I HAVE to win and I have better things to do with my time.

      That person could be a troll, could be a misogynist, could be someone really wrong in the head or that person could also be an otherwise good person who is a product of society who expects women to be nice which is just sad.

      The first time I challenged that person was to hope to change his/her thoughts, but with the reply, I knew there was no hope.

      Like c’mon, how is Cha Hyun’ s relationship woes being aired to all her colleague’s TaMi’s fault? That’s Pyo JunSoo’s fault for cheating in the first place and he can’t even hide his tracks well!

      I challenge not only to express my opinions but also to challenge those well-meaning souls who might have been reading and might have agreed with asdf thanks to conditioning by their society to rethink their assumptions. Because that’s how we change the world bit by bit. I might not be able to get asdf to agree, and if it’s a battle I was never meant to win, then who cares. But if I did help a young girl reading this be unapologetic in asserting herself and not be scared to be seen as the bad one like TaMi, then I’ll consider that a win.


        I’m completely with you – it’s why I called asdf’s expectations impossible to meet. The “ideal” woman, and a very harmful expectation to impose on women. So yes,especially to what you say in the last para.
