WYWS started out soo good (or maybe I’m just so biased toward kim sohyun?) but the the second half is just meh. Or maybe I got tired of always seeing them in not-so-near death situations? 🤷


    I think this is me too. The stakes were high but they introduced life and death situations ALL THE TIME and early into the run too that I feel like, of course they’re not gonna die.


      TEA! There are many different ways to make the stakes high without costing any of the lead’s life (I espcially like it when they deal with ethics). It also didn’t help that Jaechan ALWAYS won. It takes away from the underdog effect (wherein you would want to cheer for someone who seems like he might lose). I want him to fall down sometimes and learn from it. The only time it ever happened in the show was when the Chicken delivery guy got acquitted and guess what–it was prosecutor Shin who had to go through that.


    Agreed but I dont hold it against them tho. I just think they following the standard kdrama SOP despite their somewhat new and exciting plot. Amazing at the beginning, falter at the middle and pretty bows with unicorns riding double rainbows at the end.
    Yeah….I’m jaded like that.
