So, back in October, I got this text from my brother-in-law:

“Amilia, I’m sitting in a rooftop cafe in Seoul right now, and they’re filming one of your Korean soap operas below us in the garden!”

Accompanied by the following photos.

I kept zooming in, trying to tell what show it was, and who the actors were. No luck.

Until this morning, when I was catching up on 2 Cops while brushing my teeth. And hotdog! There it was! The scene my brother-in-law saw filmed, right there on my screen! I went through today a slight bit giddy.

Also a bit ashamed that I hadn’t recognized Jo Jung-suk right off. I am a bad fangirl.


    My cousin saw Park Seojoon and Kim Jiwon filming FMW (the scene where PSJ almost got knocked by KJW’s ex’s
    girlfriend’s car scene) while she was in Korea too, and didn’t know it was them until she watched the drama. I screamed internally so much.


      So cool! And yes, screaming internally is exactly the way to put it.


        I went like “OMG HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW?!” In my head over and over again.


    It seems impossible not to recognize his arms and hands and profile, but it is easy to be wise after the fact! 😂 I know I would have been exactly the same in your place 😁


      hahah Yes now it’s super obvious. He has such a distinctive way he moves his body but back then from a far and out of all the kdrama actors it would have so difficult.
