No, thank you. It just sounds like another TOL in the making. Plot is meh and I’m not too keen on this pairing (PSH’s fanbase scares me a bit tbh and I’m not the biggest fan of her acting + if the drama is a flop or not doing well, I’m afraid some of her fans will put the blame on him)
The only positive thing about this drama is that it’s from the same writer of What happened to my family? and Romantic Doctor. That’s about it.
It would be a smart move to just skip this one Se Jong ahhh. Pick a better project, something different, more challenging and on cable if possible.


    I really like Yang Se Jong, or the new/rising actors he is my favorite so far. I like him a lot more than say “Jung Hae In”, who I find very average but with potential. I am neutral to PSH, and think that she is average acting-wise but not bad, so I’m fine with the casting. However everything in this drama will depend on execution.

    I just hope that this one will be more interesting and will not drag like “Temperature of Love”, where the saving grace of the drama was the chemistry between the leads. I also hope that this drama is 16 eps long, because a premise like this, similar to TOL, is not enough to fill a longer ep drama. Basically if he accepts, I will definitely check this out, and hope that they don’t fall into the same pitfalls as TOL. But I wish he had been offered the drama from the writer of “W”, I feel he would be a better fit for her writing than someone like Hyun Bin who yells a lot. Anyways…


    so i was analyzing this.. PSH has brought super stardom to almost all her leading men.. she is a lucky charm ..

    if you want success just work with her..

    don’t know about her acting ..watched heirs only 🙂 and well i liked her better than Lee min ho !
