Watched the trailer for Crazy Rich Asians today, and while I am very happy that it’s a full Asian cast, I cannot help but wonder why anyone thought this was a fairly accurate depiction of Singapore and Singaporeans in general hahaha.


    It’s based on the novel and I believe the author is satirizing the upper crust of Singapore since he grew up “fortunate” and in that world so to speak. I read about it a few years ago, but can’t remember the details. Doesn’t seem like the movie will have that satirical tone though. Still really excited to see it.


      I am so excited to see it too! I think it is a farce on that life so it is supposed to be outlandish, but the author said all that stuff actually happens, it’s just that it is so unbelievable that it looks like a farce. I think it is a series of books, so it might be a series of movies as well.


        I really like the books. I’ve read the first 2, but still need to read the 3rd one. Think I might reread over the summer.


      Oh yeah I’ve read about the satirical aspect too! I just think that people who come to Singapore expecting the same after reading the novel/watching the movie will be quite sorely disappointed because like you said, different worlds in the same tiny bit of land.
