The extra long wait for new episodes of God’s Quiz this week had me thinking about why these two always come to mind when I’m asked about my ultimate drama OTP (continued in comment)…


    …and I think I’ve decided it’s because they are, first and foremost, a team. They balance each other well: she’s more physically capable and street savvy and usually prefers to attack problems with her fists, while he’s more book-smart (being a genius and all) and can talk his way in and out of almost anything, but they’re pretty evenly matched in terms of compassion and determination to protect and save lives.
    And, above all, they communicate openly and honestly with each other. It seems like a lot of times in Dramaland, external conflicts create conflicts within the main relationship as well (often through Noble Idiocy), but for these two, conflicts and problems are puzzles that they sit down and talk about and solve as partners. Sure, there have been a few times when one considered going the Noble Idiot route, but the other always shuts it down immediately because 1) they talk about it and 2) they know they’re better and stronger together. Way back at the beginning of season 1, they were both very guarded individuals, but as they slowly opened up to each other it created this super strong bond of trust between them that I think is so beautiful.
