Really impressed with Psychometry.The rooftop scene has an almost accurate distribution of stars in the sky including the Orion constellation. Love that as an astrophysicist!Love it dramas get tiny-


    Love it dramas get tiny details right that most people won’t even notice but they put in the effort for the small portion of people who will notice it!

    p.s. can someone remind me how to post longer posts? I tried the copy paste method and it didn’t workTT


    I was wondering if they would even be able to see stars at all though considering all the light pollution and fine dust. I haven’t seen stars in years 😢


      True. I live in the city and see them after a good rain. But otherwise it’s hard.


      You can usually see Orion even from fairly polluted cities, but it’s not as pretty as you see it in the dramas haha. The main/brightest stars that form the outline of the constellation will be visible but not the fainter ones.
      If you go away from the city though, if you squint, you can even make out the Orion nebula near the belt of the constellation!
