Maybe it’s because I’m a sageuk trash, or that that entire segment of Extraordinary You is just more interesting, better acted and more emotional, but the Flower scenes might have been the only stuff I enjoyed in Extraordinary You today. UGH I WISH THIS ENTIRE SHOW WAS TRUMPET CREEPERRR

Okay maybe not. Self-aware Jooda had me ROLLING. Do-Hwa’s precious face at the end had my heart beating on the floor (God this guy has the best facial expressions)

Something tells me Jooda’s going to be a playa playa and toy with both Namjoo and Dohwa’s hearts for her own benefit (WE STAN A TWO TIMING GOLD-DIGGING CANDY) Ugh what I don’t get is why they’re bringing in this plotline so late into the game, when we could’ve had this gem 4 episodes ago. I can’t fathom how they’re going to wrap up this in 3 episodes with so many strings hanging.

I love DanHaru but for some reason they’re getting way too childish and bouncy for me. All they do is make cheesy moony eyes at each other, and for some reason their chemistry isn’t coming across as genuine as it used to. Hye Yoon can pull off extreme aegyo MOST TIMES, but with Rowoon it’s just cringy maaaan. Give me more heartfelt moments like the ones at the end of Episode 8 and 10. I like them best when they’re heartfelt and calmly enjoying each other’s presence. Or maybe I’m too old for this, LOL.

Less noble idiocy. Less alpha male love triangle nonsense. More genuine DanHaru conversations instead of cutesy fluff. And always, always, MORE DOHWA.

Also, am I crazy for STILL FAILING TO HATE BAEK KYUNG? I just…I just understand his selfish, messed up intentions, and I find them SO fascinating. Everyone expects a self-aware character to WANT to make their own fate and break out of their mould. But Baek Kyung doesn’t. Here’s a guy who doesn’t have the capacity to explore what he is beyond his set-up, unlike everyone else, and refuses to believe that the Stage is fake, because that’s all he’s known his entire life. And why *should* the Stage be fake? After all, those are the events that ACTUALLY take place in their universe, not the measly happenings of the Shadow that no one else remembers. He’s willingly submitted himself to the writer’s whim, and can’t fathom how someone who’s been created by that same writer, has feelings of her own.

I do agree that the show spends way too much time getting us to sympathize with him instead of focusing on other characters (*ahem*DoHwa*ahem*) but I like what his character brings to the show.


    Yoooo… I haven’t even watched today’s episode yet and I’m feeling all of this. I was thinking about it today – how the pacing of the show has slowed to a crawl the past two weeks, focusing on Haru and Dan oh maybe a little too much without any forward momentum anywhere else.

    Don’t even get me started on Kyung. I could talk about him and how he’s the most compelling character for daaayyys.


    Finally, someone who feels the same way as me about Kyung. Now I don’t feel too weird for being able to sympathize and understand him well. I think he is the most fascinating character in that drama, even if I don’t like many of his choices.
