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Holy... 43 GB in one day! But then seeing the number of comments you're getting on the Coffee Prince posts this doesn't surprise me.

So I guess... congratulations on your success? :)

Thanks so much!


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Yes, I'd considered watching Devil/Mawang at one point. I still may -- even though I know the ending, it keeps getting raves. Plus, Mr. X seemed to really like it and that's always a stamp of approval. I have managed to locate a clubbox with Hello Francesca so I'll see how the first episode goes (if I watch it streaming, no screencaps!). I hear the third season wasn't as great, but the first and second should be better. I'm not a historical/sageuk fan (although I hear the Hong sisters might write one, in which case I'll have to try) but Jumong... eek, anything with that many episodes scares me off. And I hear that the constant extensions only served to degrade the quality, which started out excellent but watered down by the end. And LOL to La Plume, because it seems we have completely opposite tastes -- guess we must've happened to meet in the middle with Coffee Prince :)


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i think Thank You is a great drama...yeah its a bit late since its no longer airing but nevertheless its really great!

Alone in Love is also great....
but im pretty sure anything you pick to take on would be enjoyable


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I've seen Alone in Love last year and it's actually one of my favorites. If the series is a person, I can describe it as a quiet, a bit laid-back yet intense individual. The critics are so-so about it, I think they find the theme too ordinary (they're so wrong). But that didn't dampen my interest of finding out why and how the two leading characters divorced when they obviously still love each other (as what the plot description says).

Their story is poignant yet their bickerings as ex-husband and wife, as well as the supporting characters (the best friend and the sister), were all surprisingly a comic relief albeit this was supposedly a drama. I have to commend the actors for their brilliant performance, it's very natural and engaging.

Though I have to say towards the ending, some episodes became a little bit of a drag. But the last eppy wasn't a disappointment. It's as real as it can get.


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Ahem La Plume = Deedlith

Like Mics said I remember you saying you were planning to watch "Mawang" which seemed like a pretty awesome show... I have only watched 4 episodes didn't get hooked though, but maybe I was simply not in the mood to watch it.

Though you said "Time between Dog and Wolf" was not your style, honestly I feel it's a pity.
It's not my kind of drama either, but I gave it a try because of Lee Jun Ki and I find it extremmelly exciting ^^ The drama was just good until episode 5 but it really picked up at episode 6 and now I feel almost as addicted as Coffee Prince ^^ The suspens is killing me!

As of shows which were already aired... It's unlikely you would do a review about that but Jumong was one of the best drama I've ever seen...
I don't really have any idea 'cuz the shows you've planned not to do a review seem more interesting to me than the one you're thinking of doing one...

Hope you'll get something you like... If it's interesting I'll give a try to these shows, still I would avoid "Thank you", I didn't manage to watch two episodes I was already bored. Reason why I avoided "Flower for my life" ^^ Sorry. Should have given it a chance but well not a lot of space, not my style so that was it.


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both devil and thank you were wonderful...and i'm currently also watching hana kimi ~ikemen paradise~. it's silly as heck, which makes it cute to watch. plus, it stars oguri shun from hanadan as sano izumi. XP i'm also quite enjoying time of dog and wolf and hyena looks really interesting, thank you for you work!


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i agree with Bamidele -- if only Soulmate 2 came out. but i highly recommend Alone in Love. i have to say though, CP has been spoiling me too and idk if i'll start up anything just yet as well... maybe some of the old ones you've recommended. but good luck sorting out all the website admin. problems!! and if i'm not mistaken, i think silentregrets has Hello Francesca. thanks for all your hard work!!!!


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The Devil is an awesome series. I finally finished watching it last night with English subs., ofcourse. I highly recommend for you to consider this show. It's dark, different and quite a thrilling ride.


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Coffee Prince: Fourteenth Cup

Coffee Prince: Fourteenth Cup

by javabeans

remind me again why you're so rad

thanks :D


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On Hello Francesca, I have watched the first part of this sitcon and I say it's pretty hilarious, to think that I have to watch the action and read the sub at the same time. I'm hoping you would give consideration on this, since I am also looking for the second part, and have not found any source so far.

You did a great job on Coffee Prince, and I am really falling in love with all the coffee princes. Keep up the good work.


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